American Media, Soviet Tactics|5 Minute Video
The task of a journalist is to report realities, include context where required, and leave it to the consumer to decide what he thinks. In this video, James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, discusses why less and fewer people trust modern-day “journalism.”.
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The communist government of the previous Soviet Union believed that by managing access to information, they might keep their people in line.
Consistent with the Orwellian nature of the Soviet Union, the country’s essential paper was Pravda. “Pravda” is the Russian word for “fact.” But Pravda was not reality. It had plenty of lies.
Here’s the thing: Almost no one in the Soviet Union was fooled. Paradoxically, unlike many citizens in the Soviet Union, residents in 21st-century America are tricked by their news media. We believe we’re getting the genuine story from our significant media, however we’re not.
This need to deeply concern individuals on both sides of the political divide. To make educated decisions, a totally free society requires a press it can rely on– not one that is hopelessly prejudiced.
In 2017, Project Veritas sent undercover press reporters to see how dedicated the significant media was to unbiased news gathering, particularly as it concerned the newly-elected president, Donald Trump.
Our very first report concentrated on CNN. A manufacturer there, John Bonifield, acknowledged the absence of proof for his network’s efforts to connect the Trump campaign and the Russian federal government in a plot to rig the 2016 election. Bonifield told us, “I believe the president is probably right to state, like, ‘Look, you are witch-hunting me. You have no cigarette smoking gun; you have no real evidence.'”.
Why was CNN so unrelenting in hammering the Russia collusion story? Ideology–” the election wasn’t genuine”– and rankings. As Bonifield noted, the Trump/Russia collusion story was “great for service.”.
Next, we launched another series of reports, these on the New York Times. We heard from Nick Dudich, the paper’s “audience strategy editor.” Dudich told our undercover press reporter he was accountable for selecting which New York Times videos go on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Dudich boasted, “My imprint is on every video we do.”.
And what was that imprint about? As Dudich, who dealt with both the Obama and Hillary Clinton projects, told our reporter, he intended to use his position to make the president’s life as challenging as possible.
” I will be objective,” he informed our reporter with undisguised sarcasm before revealing his true intentions: “No, I’m not. That’s why I’m here.” Dudich told us he went back to journalism specifically in order to remain politically active.
Next, we fulfilled Des Shoe, an editor for the paper., about how remarkably insane he is and how ludicrous his policies are, then maybe individuals will read it and be, like, oh, wow– we should not vote for him.”.
According to the Times’s own handbook on journalistic ethics, journalists “might not do anything that damages The Times’s track record for stringent neutrality in reporting on politics and government.”.
So, offered such a breach of the Times’s own requirements, we anticipated the newspaper to come down hard on Dudich and Shoe. Rather, they came down hard on us!
For the total script, go to
In this video, James O’Keefe, creator and president of Project Veritas, describes why less and fewer people trust modern-day “journalism.”.
Consistent with the Orwellian nature of the Soviet Union, the country’s most crucial newspaper was Pravda. Ironically, unlike the majority of people in the Soviet Union, residents in 21st-century America are deceived by their news media. Dudich told our undercover reporter he was responsible for choosing which New York Times videos go on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Dudich boasted, “My imprint is on every video we do.”.