Behind the Scenes with Lee Strobel (The People, Events, and Books that Shaped His Life)
Everybody loves a good story! Lee Strobel is a New York Times best-selling author, and the author of THE CASE FOR CHRIST, but in this interview, he shares some personal experiences and wisdom from his life. Here’s some stories you probably haven’t heard about the people, books, and experiences that shaped his life.
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such wisdom Lee!! you nailed it on the problem of evil question question. More listening than talking.. wow! new skill get
Lee is fantastic and 😂 😂 hilarious
èvery one need to think about death: it is the wages of sin.
I have so much appreciation for Lee Strobel. And thank you Dr Sean for a great interview that got the discussion going by asking very good questions and not interrupting when Lee was answering. 🙂 I turned to Lee's books when I first became a "re-born again" Christian, and his Cases helped strengthen my faith. To see him now so joyful and humble and enthusiastic, I could sense the Lord very much alive in him. Thank you for such a great interview!
I really wish the good apologists would call people like lee strobal out on his garbage arguments.
Hi Sean and Lee. I am enjoying this. I am only at the 28 min mark so will have to watch the rest later.I love Lee's books and have something in common with Lee. I am married to a Lesley and she is a nurse also. It was because of her I became a Christian.Thanks heaps. That a unique South Australian saying. Blessings Geoff
Since you guys talk about death and hell in this video, I want to say why I post counter-apologetics comments on channels like yous. It's because I think there are a lot of people out there that have their brains scrambled up by whatever religious nonsense that they've been indoctrinated with, they have doubts and questions, and they have a fear of hell, and to those people it can be very upsetting. For that reason I think it's very important to have counter-apologetics content to reach people like that to show people the other side of the arguments here, to get them to think about it and to help them embrace rational thinking so that they can escape the religious hijacking of their minds and rid themselves once and for all of the fear of hell. Of course you have the opposite perspective, so we are at a philosophical log jam. For me I have no fear of hell as I find it an irrational fear, but I do entertain the thought of hell as a thought experiment and as a metaphor. As a metaphor I think Christianity itself, with it's illogical rationalizations and flawed analyses, is a type of hell. As a thought experiment, I'd be willing to stand before God on judgement day and defend my atheistic worldview, and if need be, walk verse by verse through the entire Bible to illuminate every problem I see with it. As another thought experiment, I think, you know what would really tick me off more than going to the Christian version of hell because I didn't believe in it, it would be going to some other hell because I DID believe in Christianity. Imagine I'm a Christian and I stand before my creator on judgement day, but it's not the Yahweh/Jesus person that we think it's gonna be, it's The Flying Spaghetti Monster or some other unknown deity. And now I have to defend myself to that deity why I believed in Jesus. I can't do it, and so I have no intellectually honest choice other than an atheistic/naturalistic worldview. Luckily there are some great counter-apologetics channels out there like Paulogia, Rationality Rules, and a bunch of other ones that are doing a lot more than I can with a few scattered comments here and there. All I can do is get behind those efforts and help push.
Does anyone have the link to Evil’s testimony?
Enjoyed every moment. Thank you
Dr Sean.. what are your thoughts about Rick Warren.. I know you were very respectful to your guest when he brought him up; however, I have come to believe that Rick teaches a different Gospel and his book Purpose Driven Life has a lot of referrals to new age culture.. it is not based on your identity being in Christ.. saddens my heart and he and others are in my prayers.. what are your thoughts about his teachings? I believe he started well and is now far from the biblical truth? jo
Thank you both for another great interview!
Two truly amazing people!
Lee is proof of GODS Election
an atheist turn Christian
Thank you so much for the lives and legacies you are both leading and will for our children and grandchildren.
I really appreciate this Sean (and Biola team, I'm assuming there's a team). The audio/video issues are minor compared to your earlier interviews. The quality is getting better. I'm looking forward to your future interviews. Many thanks.
Great video! It made me think — is there a future for seeker churches?
Interviews like these are amazing! Blessings to you two brothers!
The video is so quiet even with an additional speaker added
A blessing to watch as always! 🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️
Audio mistakes ruin the whole thing.
I can’t wait for The Case for Heaven! I just finished The Case for Grace and it was SO good!!!! I recommend it for everyone, Christian or not. Lots of tears and God really worked in me through that book. Thank you both for sharing Christ through your lives ❤️
I can't wait for your new book, Lee. I pre-ordered it on Audible. I may be your biggest fan,, except I absolutely love Leslie! Many blessings!
Hi, Sean. Thanks for having Lee on. Lee absolutely puts me to shame. He's so friendly and peacable. I could never be like that. I always feel like I have an ax to grind with people – at least online. I'm also a recluse and don't really go out much. Anyways, I wish Lee all the best and hope he can see how being positive has such a good impact on people. Like I said, he puts me to shame with how warm and friendly he is. I wish I could be like that, but that's just not me.