Do You Understand the Electoral College?|5 Minute Video Or w…
Do You Understand the Electoral College?|5 Minute Video
Or why America uses it to choose its presidents rather of just utilizing a straight popular vote? Author, attorney and Electoral College expert Tara Ross does, and she discusses that to comprehend the Electoral College is to comprehend American democracy.
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I wish to talk you about the Electoral College and why it matters.
Alright, I know this doesn’t sound the like most sensational subject of the day, however, stick with me because, I assure you, it’s one of the most essential.
To explain why needs a really brief civics review.
The President and Vice President of the United States are not chosen by a nationwide, popular vote of the American individuals; rather, they are picked by 538 electors. This procedure is defined in the United States Constitution.
Why didn’t the Founders simply make it simple, and let the Presidential candidate with the most votes claim triumph? Why did they develop, and why do we continue to require, this Electoral College?
The answer is important to comprehending not only the Electoral College, however likewise America.
The Founders had no objective of producing a pure majority-rule democracy. They knew from mindful study of history what most have actually forgotten today, or never ever discovered: pure democracies do not work.
They implode.
Democracy has actually been colorfully described as two wolves and a lamb ballot on what’s for dinner. In a pure democracy, bare majorities can easily tyrannize the rest of a nation. The Founders wanted to prevent this at all costs.
This is why we have three branches of federal government– Executive, Legislative and Judicial. It’s why each state has 2 Senators no matter what its population, however likewise different varieties of Representatives based totally on population. It’s why it takes a supermajority in Congress and three-quarters of the states to alter the Constitution.
And, it’s why we have the Electoral College.
Here’s how the Electoral College works.
We hold 51 popular elections every presidential election year: one in each state and one in D.C.
On Election Day in 2012, you may have might you believed voting for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, but you however really voting for a slate of presidential electors. In Rhode Island, for example, if you voted for Barack Obama, you voted for the state’s 4 Democratic electors; if you voted for Mitt Romney you were truly voting for the state’s 4 Republican electors.
Sequel of the election is held in December. And it is this December election amongst the states’ 538 electors, not the November election, which formally determines the identity of the next President. A minimum of 270 votes are required to win.
Why is this so essential?
Since the system motivates coalition-building and national marketing. In order to win, a prospect should have the support of several kinds of citizens, from numerous parts of the nation.
Winning just the South or the Midwest is unsatisfactory. If just one part of the nation is supporting you, you can not win 270 electoral votes.
But if winning were just about getting the most votes, a candidate may focus all of his efforts in the greatest cities or the biggest states. Why would that candidate appreciate what people in West Virginia or Iowa or Montana think?
You might ask, isn’t the election actually only about the so-called swing states?
In fact, no. If nothing else, safe and swing states are continuously altering.
California voted safely Republican as recently as 1988. Texas used to vote Democrat. Neither New Hampshire nor Virginia used to be swing states.
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Or why America utilizes it to elect its presidents instead of simply utilizing a straight popular vote? We hold 51 popular elections every governmental election year: one in each state and one in D.C.
On Election Day in 2012, you may have thought you were voting for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, but you were really voting for a slate of presidential electorsGovernmental In Rhode Island, for example, if you voted for Barack Obama, you voted for the state’s 4 Democratic electors; if you voted for Mitt Romney you were actually voting for the state’s four Republican electors.
At least 270 votes are required to win.
Texas utilized to vote Democrat.