Franklin Pierce: A Torn President in a Torn Country Franklin…
Franklin Pierce: A Torn President in a Torn Country
Franklin Pierce, America’s 14th
President, had two 2 easy: keep his party together and keep his country nation through the storm of the slavery debateDispute By all accounts, Franklin Pierce, the
14th President of the United States was a fine personGreat individual, captivating, deeply empathetic. Franklin Pierce was born November 23, 1804, in Hillsborough, New
To understand Pierce, we need to comprehend his position on this issue. While not a servant owner himself, Pierce thought that the Constitution committed the federal government to securing slavery. Not surprisingly, Pierce’s position endeared him to his Southern associates. This support was key to his political profession. By 1842, Pierce was all set to leave Washington. He needed to make more money and care
for his chronically ill partner. He did both without ever really leaving politics. He ended up being more influential throughout this period by becoming the Democratic Party manager of his home state of New Hampshire. He may have happily stayed there were it not for the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846. The Americans won that war decisively, acquiring huge brand-new areas in the west, consisting of California.
What would occur to these brand-new areas? California would be admitted into the union as a free state while the status of the new areas of New Mexico and Utah would be figured out at a later, unspecified time. And that’s where things stood when Franklin Pierce, through an improbable series of scenarios, became America’s 14th President.
Franklin Pierce, America’s 14th
President, had two simple basic: keep his party celebration and keep his country calm through the storm of the slavery debate. Joseph Fornieri, Professor of Political Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, discusses how Pierce’s management( or lack thereof )pressed America towards civil war. By all accounts, Franklin Pierce, the
14th President of the United States was a fine personGreat individual, caring, deeply empathetic. Franklin Pierce was born November 23, 1804, in Hillsborough, New
Hampshire. And that’s where things stood when Franklin Pierce, through an unlikely series of circumstances, ended up being America’s 14th President.