Happening Now with Cheryl Chumley (July 2022)
Join us for an important and informative Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Cheryl Chumley from The Washington Times.
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God will provide. Why are you worried about illegal immigration! They need Jesus just like you do. Donald hated Mexicans.
The Republican Party seems to be falling apart. I absolutely love President Biden. I pray for my President. Talking about the leader of the free world and calling him names to your congregation hurts my soul.
Amen, Jesus paid the price for us from the cross to hell, so we don't have to pay it, an eternity in hell in God's wrath ,..
Focus on God! Do not fear!
I never voted until 1980.i worked with and Ethiopian gal who came to America..at this was voting time..She came to work this particular day. She was so excited to talk to me about how I voted..when I told I didn't vote wow her face just dropped and looked at me and ssid shame on you for not voting..She I come from a country where she couldn't vote. And here you have a God given right too. And you didn't vote..well the more she kept talking to me the smaller I got..I wanted to crawl into a hole…We were still good friends..But she just couldn't believe that an American wouldn't vote.. needless to say I never missed voting time again.thats sad when someone from another country had to wake me up to how Blessed to be able to freely vote..
What America needs is preachers who preach the Gospel, not politics; who preach that sin offends God, that there is judgment coming and that hell is a real place of torment where the unrepentant will spend eternity. America needs preachers who aren’t afraid to preach hell fire and brimstone! Pray for the Holy Spirit to rain down conviction of sin upon America. That’s what we need.
I disagree with you Jack. I live in Chicago where the voting process is too far gone, all the candidates are terrible and I don't have the means to leave Illinois. The very few Republicans who've won office (most recently former governor Bruce Rauner) — were backstabbing RINOs indistinguishable from Democrats on the issues. The bigger cities are just too far gone I'm sad to say. There are no good choices here.
It was a wonderful conversation, up until the HUGE lies at the 53 minute mark 😢
If only more Americans were aware of how much their armies are costing them , and the Holy Military Hell they inflict on the innocent civilians of foreign nations 👎🏽
I live in Wichita, Kansas, far away from you, but I’m excited about the idea of you having a school for the children in your wonderful church. It’s a wonderful, blessed idea and I pray it comes to fruition. I hate what the schools are doing to the children in our country. You have a vision/idea that I really believe is of the Lord. Why wouldn’t it be!?! 😃 🌻
We are all screwed if America falls. Keep that in mind when you vote please.
I would love to hear from a healthcare provider in Happening Now that holds the same conservative and Biblical views and beliefs. I am a nursing student that will be graduating this year and it has been a difficult journey when all my peers are liberal leftists that are blinded and HATE Trump. I don't have favors but with so much education and also being a legal immigrant from Malaysia, I have been in school my entire 10 years in America so I maintain my legality to be able to live in this free country, to watch America slowly go downhill. We were pretty much forced to get the vaccine or we will be held back while the school continues to take our money.
Thank you very much pastor Jack for having this wonderful wonderful woman speak from the heart the truth about this nation and the virus and the horrible things that are happening in our country I thank you may God anoint you and continue to help with all things that you are doing that you are bringing to life because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Wow..this was awesome! I will fight for my grandchildren also..I will stand on Gods truth!
If you need help with a religious exemption, go to the Healthy American on YouTube. Peggy Hall is an expert and a Christian. Businesses not honoring religious exemptions is ILLEGAL. It is ILLEGAL for them to question your faith.
This had no substance. What actual issue was addressed? Christian Nationalism at its finest.
Look at Atlanta.
I am completely debt free but I owe god everything.
I'd like to know how you can examine a person's teeth if they have a mask on????
Has anyone ever heard of Florence Creighton Homes for unwed mothers? It is a blessed alternative to abortion.
Our church never closed' we were "there" they just could not see us. Thanks to modern technology. We never missed a Sunday service.