He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know
Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker who formerly identified as transgender. He is the author of several books and through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result. He shared his story and warned against implementing radical hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoric children.
Watch the full event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnP_WoeNuwA
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I can’t believe that this was four years ago
And look at the insanity now….
Thank you thank you thank YOU. I was abused . My earliest memories was at 3 I started saying what was happening at 5 when my sister caught me and my younger brother who was also abused in the act because that was taught to us by our older siblings. My sister bashed us . We couldn't sit for weeks. She broke my tail bone. All my older siblings who knew what was happening said it was my fault and I was the evil child. Born that way. It still happened and even the neighbours boys, my brother's friends joined in. At 62 I have many medical problems resulting from that abuse. It didn't stop. I do not have anything to do with any of my 8 siblings. Well apart from my youngest sister. I see all these things going on and am appalled by it all. People are groomering their children for the sake of being popular. Just stop it. Just STOP.
Thanks to Walt Heyer. Stop the transsexual Propaganda, the Woke peopaganda. It is not about freedom for children, but an Agenda.
Loud applause for this speaker.
This is not only issue. Promiscuity issue is the problem for most women because of men allowing it because they think it is sexist to say promiscuity is bad. Also Gender dysphoria is contagious for both teen and adults.
Where is the scientific research that supports these statements that sexual abuse leads to wanting to change your sex? He is citing his opinions. I am not in disagreement with his statements, but it would make his reports credible, in my opinion. I guess I have to do the research myself.
I did not know his story is incredible God has the power if we get close to him. I was a teacher in Newton MA. And in the Elementary school they allow the boys to have a basket with girl's clothes and toys, everything is mixed up and they allow the boys to put on the girls' dresses and bags and paint their nails. How is this possible if there is a story like yours and it is supported by doctors, that this causes confusion for a child. This is inexcusable.
God bless you Walt. You are an amazing man and in so grateful for your vouce!!
See, no such thing as trans people
In 2018 and until some point in 2019 I thought I was genderfluid or a boy
But in 2019 I used some time reading the bible and getting closer to God
God gave me peace and reassurance that he did no mistake when he made me
I am meant to be a tomboy
I was always a tomboy
And a tomboy I am
And I am very very thankful that God pulled me out of that black hole
God reached me before I could destroy my beautiful body
Is not this whole transgender movement an attack on the true identities of men ,women and children? It seems that there certain individuals who are bent on perverting societies norms and have the power and influence to implement their sick agenda .Tyranny disguised as inclusivity.
What an Articulate, well expressed discussion that needs to be promoted to prevent these butchers & liars from destroying young lives!
It's not "insanity" ~ it's Evil, profit driven MEDICAL MALPRACTICE !
Facts that’s real asf
Thank you for this powerful message. I totally agree with you
This was 4 years ago. There have been thousands transitioned and thousands detransitioning. Their stories are almost identical. The schools are attempting to push this ideology from the age of toddlers. It is sick and demonic. Thank you for doing this, Walt.
This needs to be shared now more than ever, broadcast on all major networks and streaming platforms…but of course it never will be because that's who's pushing it
God save our children…the Media lies.
I just want to send out love to any people struggling with this issue. I’m praying that God can draw you to himself and fill you with His Holy Spirit and his peace that passes understanding so that your flesh is no longer governing who you are.
Why isn't this being spreading across America,? Hold up I know why, it's a business and keeps us divided
Thank you for your truth telling!
Thank you for this amazing video. God doesn’t make mistakes of locking people in the wrong gender bodies. Christ loves them
As they were born. If trauma occurred yes we best support them through that trauma and as you say not abuse them
Further. ❤
Satan is the head of Transgendering it’s been happening since the beginning! Satan knows his time is short. The Bible says, As in the days of Noah will be in the end. IT IS HAPPENING.🙏🏼👑✝️🙏🏼
I know of a doctor who supports trans individuals. Even moreso, she's an OBGYN who is an EXPERT on female anatomy.
Another friend of mine was a biology major, yet supports transgenderism. She says, "If it makes them happy, they should be allowed to do it."
Thank you, Walt. You are a courageous man, and I have the utmost respect for you.
He still looks like a woman.
Wow!!EVERYBODY needs to see this!!!Im sick of all trans communities pushin their crap on people!!!
how is saying that you look cute in a purple dress child abuse?? look up actual stories on child abuse, this is not something you can even slightly compare to abuse.
They corrupted the kids I’ve talked to 50 3rd grade students and over 20 of them said they were trans and they were bi and they were lesbians it hurts me a lot because it feels wrong it’s feels very wrong since to most people a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl and you can’t change that god gave you that you can’t change something a god gave you and I think at this point they failed half of the earths society tbh at this time it would be better if god was to explode this earth and restart earth again
Bless you!
The children are being indoctrinated at an extremely early age. Why? All the people involved should be investigated and convicted.
I am so glad he is speaking out!!!
This trans movement for children is absolute evil. These children are virtually being destroyed. Any chance of living a happy, fulfilling life is being denied them and there is no real recovery from such horror.
This video is just a bunch a BS! It’s one persons point of view on the topic
Confirmed that’s child abuse starts from the parents mentally, then physically, they are the problem, who perpetuate the the indoctrination of Satan who runs this world!! However they will have to face the judgement of God!! You look at the Royal family and you can see it with Katie Middleton, Meghan, Harry, Diana list goes on all trans!!
Doctors gave her daughter hormone treatments (and she couldn’t stop them): https://youtu.be/Z9j4gAeWqoY