How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion WILL Create a Public Health CRISIS | Glenn TV | Ep 348
Everything is a “public health crisis” these days. Racism. Climate change. The lack of access to “gender-affirming care.” But there’s one ACTUAL public health crisis the far Left has created: diversity, equity, and inclusion. The future of YOUR health care is at stake as this dangerous reform movement is being forced upon American medical schools, all of the professional medical organizations, and hospitals, with total endorsement from Biden’s White House. Glenn Beck exposes how this academic cancer is changing medical school admissions and graduates, what caused this movement to accelerate, the real-world life-and-death consequences of this insanity for patients, and how any resistance to this movement brings swift crackdown from the Thought Police. Glenn is joined by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, the founder of “Do No Harm,” a network of doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients working to get identity politics out of medicine. Dr. Goldfarb taught medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and published more than a hundred articles in the New England Journal of Medicine and other top medical journals. He debunks the racist claim that “black patients need black doctors” and sounds the alarm on deadly efforts to push unqualified doctors on patients.
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This nation is going down the toilet very quickly. DEI and this black loving culture that the left has created is not something that I want to be a part of.
It’s already in place big time
I took a person to the Emergency, i was told there were not enough students to become doctors? Now I know IF WHO EVER WWNTS TO BE A DOCTOR AND THEY ARE RAISED IN A CHRISTIAN GOOD HOME WITH MORALS ARE TO CHANGE THEIR BELIEFS THIS IS COMMUNISM and if you don't you failed!
Yes they are WOKE, THEY NEED TO WAKE UP! Ideology, philosophy, god said it is vain deceitful ..Colossians 2:18-19 they will spoil you, when it is spoiled it is no good!
Hippocrates oath to do no harm was eliminated over 30 years ago! Now, the graduating class makes up their own oath…you know, more meaningful to them😢
Late 1990s, Venezuela, young "feeble-minded" girl in a juvenil home was sterilized to avoid pregnancy, IF she should become promiscuous
Shall I go to Musafa? 🥴
We will be sick and go to the doctor in the future and be diagnosed with racism. At which point they give you a copy of white fragility and send you on your way
This comment was deleted, so I added more for clarity: "This unquestioning adherence to D.E.I." Indeed. (Dei, latin for "God" like "Bor" is Russian for God – it's about God-level authority over human kind.) As GB hums a tune reminiscent of 1990's Star Trek cliffhanger where the Captain gets transformed by the Ai-Borg Zombies. Indeed. It is That Hideous Strength – where it all breaks down to nothing, in pursuit of anti- Original Created Order (natural health). Technocracy isn't as much about decentralized honest science – as it is about social alchemy of STEALING from God's Original Respectful Decentralized Order.
Dr. Richard Bosshardt
😂 Yes, what a name!
Joking aside, this was an informative episode.
These are crimes of Malum En Se, not Malum prohibitum they are overtly evil crimes.
She is racist calling earth mama. The earth is Mother Earth not mama. God is Father. There's no denial if a hand isn't raised. There's denial by him by not accepting what others feel. He's in denial!!! They try to bring us down over nothing. The left are so jealous that they didn't think of many things or have the guts and heart that the people had years ago to keep America going.
The killing nurses of WWII
"We're living off of taken ancestral lands… for THOUSANDS of years…" So, how does that work & compute when "WE'VE" been here MUCH less than thousands of years? Wait, does this mean the progressives are finally acknowledging that First Nations people were warring & conquering one another loooong before The White Man ever set foot here?! So does that mean they're willing to trace back over that amount of time & attempt to figure out who the original people are, who's owed something, & whether any purebred descendants still exist, who & where they are and pay them… outta THEIR (progressives) own pockets??! If so, I'd gladly support that just to watch them squirm, stutter, & attempt to sputter their way outta that one!!! 😂😂😂
Thank you for doing this video and exposing this!
biden/obama/harris +people wake up to what they are doing to our america
I was taught in college that diversity equity balanced the playing field due to tax payer supported primary school districts…… I know, how about raising the standards for ghetto school teachers, buildings and Student conduct, and how about instead of continually lowering the bar within our Public Schools. Also the woke indoctrination of our youth while failing to focus reading writing sciences and math. This backwards Crisis governing and zero accountability of our leaders from the local level to the White Crack House in DC is responsible for the Decline of an Empire.
In my masters program we had to work in groups. The man I was assugned to work with was officially diagnosable. He couldn't put a sentence together without conflaburating (non-sensible, made up words that replaced actual words) a symptom of schizophrenia. I went to my professor to complain I would be unduly burdened trying to do papers with this man and keep my grades up. He dissed me off saying the university didn't discriminate and certainly wasn't going to gurn down the VA financial benefits that student brought with him nor would they want to be sued by that student with the VA backing him.
When I graduated Magna Cum Laud I felt suck knowing my educational institution had
I have been seeing this spread throughout the nurses.
I have to dig through the sarcasm for the truth, but I do get there.
Was the Covid shot corrupted to make people more opened to DEI wokeism?
Wokieism is hatred
Respectfully, It’s not “The One Step Exam;” the exam to which you refer is “Step I of the USMLE” (United States Medical Licensing Exam) also called USMLE Step I.
Med students traditionally take USMLE Step I at the end of their second year, before they start clinical rotations.
Many schools won’t let their students start clinical rotations unless they pass USMLE Step I
The students then traditionally take USMLE Step 2 in their fourth year of medical school, prior to graduation ; Step 3 is usually taken during the first or second year of postgraduate training (residency).
Residency programs traditionally depended on high Step I scores to help figure out which med students are most likely to do well in residency, pass tests during residency, (shelf exams) pass USMLE step II CK and pass board certification in their chosen high USMLE Step I scores helped determine which residency program would accept a student.
Now that Step I is pass/fail, Step II is far more important than it used to be. It’s about all the residency programs now have to determine which students to choose
Why doesn't America return to racial segregation? It will work, as long as public accommodations are separate but equal.
Glenn this is sad to be a part of our time. Little children do not look at color, race, or religion. Children can teach us by watching them and how they play, how they share, how they help one another. I reject all this diversity, equity, and inclusion ideas being taught in the medical schools. This is creating division within our society, not unity. It is about character, skills, and abilities not color, race, gender, they are.
Good conversation! I was fired for DEI in a nonprofit setting because I stood up and said "no" to taking their workshop due to religion because DEI is Marxist in idealogy and antireligion. Keep talking Glenn. Get Dr. Carol Swain on show. She talks against DEI too.
DEI= Didn't Earn It
America is destroyed from within! Very sad. The politician bystanders are fanning this fire by their guilty silence! Woke is destroying the elite Universities putting the next "corrupted" generations to key institutions of the country! Islam is transforming the liberal democracies! Qatar money corrupts in all directions.
Sounds like there teaching what needs to flushed in the toilet.😊