How Free is America’s Economy? The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom Is the American Dream dead? How free is America’s economy? Check out the 2011 Index of Economic Freedom for all the answers.
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There is no such thing as an American Dream.
It only a dream for a liberal sheepie drinking kool-aid.
I chuckle when conservative groups such as this copy the 'look and feel' of progressive groups. The happy plinky music, the young yet educated, authorative-sounding female narrator, the nebulous rhetoric, the spiffy graphics and zingers all bundled together in a vague feel-good sugar coated wrapper but at it's core is cianide. We see through your bullshit.
@HeritageFoundation And don't forget vaginal secretion.
@luizcadu NO simpleton we are in crisis because of financial unfair advantage!~
@HeritageFoundation its people like the koch brothers that are killing the american dream
3 words "deport the illegals"
@HeritageFoundation This is absolutely correct. Policies such as massive corporate subsidies, and reckless tax breaks for the wealthiest (and least productive) members of our society have led to a continued drop in U.S. economic freedom. As far as growing government however, one must remember that the U.S. is a democracy. The people are the government, and they have a right to defend themselves from the war on the middle class.
Stop blaming Obama,blame Bush and his war on imaginations.The American dream,spend money like there is no tomorrow.
they want eveybody dumb, broke, and under controll.
FREE enough for the RICH to scam us in '08 with a false economic meltdown…
Heritage foundation= a GOP suck-fest.
obama has raised our national debt more in two yrs than any president in history… thay might be why we are complaining.
@luizcadu yes, reckless growing military spending must change. Cut it by half at least. I'm sure $400 Billion a year will still be enough to protect us from donkey carts.
Right wing extremists didn't care at all about the deficit while they launched two trillion-dollar wars, handed out no-bid contracts to their military friends, a sweet prescription deal to the drug companies, and huge tax breaks for the rich. Now they are crying about the debt they ran up as an excuse to attach Medicare and Soc Security. Looks like a good reason to slash the Pentagon budget to me.
yes it is dead. this was a gay video.
@luizcadu while it's true that scores dipped last year as a result of the financial crisis, the global average increased this year. america's continued drop is a result of its policies (reckless spending, growing government) which must change.
Govt loves to spend our tax money on food stamps. Wic, medicaid. Watch my video "Govt Nutritionist exposes d truth". It will b eye opening.Watch m
The US has lost economic freedom because it is in crisis. Funny how the Heritage Foundation makes you believe it's the other way around.
You want to know how to get our freedom back?? Abolish your current government and start from scratch….
@3martijns and they've been very efficient in doing so i might add.