How Obamas Financial Regulation Plan Will Hurt Main Street
Learn how the Obama-Frank Financial Regulation plan will hurt the small businesses on Main Street and help the big businesses on Wall Street.
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Sounds like the same lies that Mitch Mcconnell was trying to slip by us.
The "bailout" fund, set aside to control the damage caused by a failed institution, would be paid into in advance by the banks themselves – NOT the taxpayers.
Get rid of money all together. With the abundance of resources there actually is (and not the scarcity which many people realize,) there is no need to keep hoarding all the necessities to ourselves. Without the need of money we could cure cancer, feed the starving children, and put an end to wars. How can we call this a "civilized society" if many of us are still fighting to survive in this modern era? Learn to think outside the box.
you mean…Hurt Wall Street????
AmericanPowerBase Oh wow you sure got me there, I misspelled abortions OH MY. The fall of this economy has NOTHING to do with abortions. There are plenty of economists who clearly have predicted this downfall, look up Peter Schiff, and Dr. Paul and many others. And punishments from G'd doesnt fit in, as it is clearly explained with supporting facts.
OH FYI I AM AGAINST ABORTIONS so quit jumping down my throat, or Connecting them to economy
well i think both points may have validity. Remember all those under all religious teachings , have allowed all together the 40+million murders in this country, some of which might have been great leaders, scientist, educators most important for governments sake, tax payers. I
trust with much confidence it has everything to do with it. All those who turn from God become slaves {old testament} , as i said we are now one and all more so the indentured slave, than a slave from colonial days.
altops Ok let speak on your terms, assuming you are correct punishment wise. Now why would religious people in USA who follow all the teachings and dont carry out abortions would be punished all in one? It would make more sense if there was some other punishment for those who go against the teachings, instead of including those who are not guilty at all. that is why I think that abortion had nothing to do with it
Oh no you don't think a creator God has something against it? And at he won't stop it , even if it means destroying this great nation? Well proof is in the pudding. Well for me it is. Permitting abortions is a huge cause.
altops Abortrions have nothing to do with anything
what will free people do when they find out they're' not free? Revolt? wage another civil war? stop paying taxes? leave the country? I think it will obviously be a combination of all of the above! With only government jobs left in America! While they allow the Chinese to come and seize gross amounts of our birthright/resources!