Is the Left Weaponizing Hydroxychloroquine?|Dr. Kevin Pham o…
Dr. Kevin Pham signed up with the Lars Larson Show on May 22, 2020, to discuss the science behind hydroxychloroquine and whether it can be made use of as a preventative drug for COVID-19. Following this interview, the WHO announced they were stopping its clinical trials that utilize hydroxychloroquine to deal with COVID-19 patients over launched concerns that the drug might do more damage than outstanding.
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Pham is a medical doctor, aspect to The Daily Signal, and a previous graduate fellow in health policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Have a look at his work here:
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Illustration: The Heritage Foundation/Getty Images
Dr. Kevin Pham on Lars Larson
Dr. Kevin Pham registered with the Lars Larson Show on May 22, 2020, to talk about the science behind hydroxychloroquine and whether it can be used as a preventative drug for COVID-19. Following this interview, the WHO revealed they were halting its scientific trials that utilize hydroxychloroquine to deal with COVID-19 clients over published concerns that the drug may do more damage than good.
Dr. Kevin Pham o.
Dr. Kevin Pham signed up with the Lars Larson Show on May 22, 2020, to go over the science behind hydroxychloroquine and whether it can be used as a preventative drug for COVID-19. Following this interview, the WHO announced they were halting its scientific trials that utilize hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients over released concerns that the drug might do more damage than excellent.