J. Warner Wallace: Communicating the Case for Christianity | Stand to Reason Podcast
J. Warner Wallace from @ColdCaseChristianity talks about the power of the cumulative case and how the overall weight of the evidence for Christianity convinced him it’s true, then he discusses how to respond to the charge that Christian hypocrites disprove Christianity, how to answer your questions about Christian doctrine, and more.
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A worm can choose to borrow into the ground or not and instead wiggle around on the surface. There is no magic involved, but a lot of physics is. A Hypothetical God that has ability to control the world does not take away free agency from an Atheist. You are trying to force in a hypothetical to explain how Atheism does not have free agency, which is an assumption on top of a hypothetical. And yes, I am going to rub it in, no matter how much you pray the Jealous Sky God who is also, Zombie Son Jesus, and somehow a Holy Spirit will not materialize, do some wraths, or bring out a choir of cherubs.
So your skeptical and you pay close attention to detail, and yet you find the New Testament reliable. Something does not add up.
"He will never force someone into His presence against their will" Ask Paul some time about that.
Six D's
Devoted Deliberate
Disciplined Dedicated
Dubious Detailed
Thanks for all the work generating content for us. As culture is closing in on us with the papercut storms we need to regenerate in many ways and more often.
Read First Corinthians, chapter 2.
you don’t need this from us , however , good presentation . per-sa’
we would like to thank you for your suggestions on the how to and/or goal must haves , where as we choose life style over suggestion . per-sa’
question ; what is the rule of law of consecration ? from your best response of your opinion . per-sa’