Lt. Col. Dakota Wood on Coronavirus: Authoritarian Regimes Like Iran Don’t Want to Lose Face
Dakota Wood joined Fox Business, Tuesday, February 25, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the outbreak of the virus in Iran, and the Iranian regime’s response and the unique problem authoritarian regimes like Iran face in responding to the outbreak.
Learn more about this issue: https://bit.ly/37ZMUtM
Dakota L. Wood, who served America for two decades in the U.S. Marine Corps, is the Senior Research Fellow for Defense Programs at The Heritage Foundation. Wood’s research and writing at The Heritage Foundation focus on programs, capabilities, operational concepts, and strategies of the U.S. Department of Defense and military services to assess their utility in ensuring the United States has the ability to protect and promote its critical national security interests.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dakota-wood
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Maximum pressure campain this time by coronaviruse its a shame for US government
Deep state regimes love losing face. That's why they fvck up all the time.
Unfortunately it's already to late for Iran. Even if they came clean and
tried to quarantine people now, it would fail. There already are 10s to
100s of thousands of people infected all over the country. Ironically,
as they are a Theocracy, their best hope is evolution. Namely that
viruses tend to become less deadly over time as killing to many hosts is
not in their interest.
Unfortunately it's already to late for Iran. Even if they came clean and
tried to quarantine people now, it would fail. There already are 10s to
100s of thousands of people infected all over the country. Ironically,
as they are a Theocracy, their best hope is evolution. Namely that
viruses tend to become less deadly over time as killing to many hosts is
not in their interest.
I'm irani and I'm living in iran and this man is healthy boss unfortunately
Fix is shameless by attacking Iran while humans are suffering from this virus. These Fox news casters are nothing short of bunch of paid thugs pretending to be reporters. I wonder what they report when same virus reaches our shores. Shame on you.
Fox news , unfair and unbalanced and full of hate and lies,
America are running out of options against Iran so when something like a plane crash and now there are reports of Coronavirus in Iran and China the Countries they don't like try to make them look bad. America will get Coronavirus from their Chinese citizens. Wouldn't be surprized they have it already and hiding it. Think about it how many Chinese have visited America before they knew of the Virus.
Sir, it is all bull" World health org. Useing this to get a foot in to are Country.
Is the Fox news expert so dumb to not understand fatality rate in Iran is the same like others but number of infected is much higher than those detected ? Wow stupidity at its highest level lol . He could even compare Italy and south Korea rates. Italy has 350 cases with 12 Dead . South Korea has 1250 cases with 12 Dead. See people? What a stupid expert lol haha . Love from Tehran to American people. Let's make peace ASAP. Both our nations are great, warm and with great sense of humor. Peace
Actually knowing what IS the TRUTH is difficult in the best of situations. Our organization, the CDC, is NOT what WE think it is. The CDC holds the patent on the strain of Ebola that caused an outbreak of the disease a couple of outbreaks ago. That means their labs, the CDC's, actually created that strain of Ebola! How did it get to Africa from the CDC labs? Hmmm.
The ZEKA virus was supposedly created in an Army lab and is actually rather mild and did NOT cause the birth defects that have been attributed to it; that was probably a glyphosate sprayed for mosquitoes. Spraying Florida was someone's agenda but FL refused to allow it to happen!
Ground ZERO for Lyme's disease was evidently the military bio-weapons facility located on Plum Island just offshore of Connecticut, not far from ….. Lyme's Disease is a tertiary disease as is Syphilis but is transmitted by tick-bite rather than sexually. It is rather difficult to diagnose and treat properly and is probably responsible for many ailments which have no apparent cause. Proper testing for it is difficult.
To quote George Orwell, from his novel, 1984, "In a time of universal deceit to tell the truth is a revolutionary act!" George Orwell lived only about a year after the publication of 1984. It appears that telling the.truth has a price.
The CDC doesn't work for the American people and is not their friend.
The establishments of BOTH the DEMOCRATIC and REPUBLICAN parties do not answer to the people as they are both PRIVATE CORPORATIONS and answer only to their board of directors and NOT to the American people! They engineer their choice of candidates that are chosen by them by their masters and let the people think they actually had a choice. In most cases the corrupt international globalist CABALS, the POWERS THAT BE, the PTB, PREVAIL except for a very, very few like: JFK (he was their choice but then went his own way until …); Ronald Reagan (unwanted, survived many attempted assassinations) and Donald Trump (definitely unwanted survived many AAs but like JFK actually seems to be working to the betterment of the American people and the American Dream and is to free them their unrecognized slavery)
Bane: And we give it back to you – the people.
Coran virus, put them all in Quran tine
Same as China- the real numbers are being covered up. And WHO is basing their calculations on what China reports. Watch transparent countries that are reporting to see what the outcomes reveal.
With any luck the Corona Virus will wipe out the mulhas and the Chinese Communist Party. FOREVER TRUMP
Colonel!!! You are the United States!! We The People
If that Health Official was sick & he knew it, why walk around without a mask to protect others knowing it's transmitted through the air?
He is a damn LIAR!
It's a scam to hurt our economy to effect our elections, question is how low will you assholes go?
Like US regime