No, Tim Walz. Illegal Aliens Aren’t “The Least of These.” | Guest: Josh Hammer | Ep 1077
Today, we sit down with Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer to discuss the latest details on Iran’s latest missile attack on Israel. And does America bear any responsibility to intervene? We also recap last night’s vice presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance and Gov. Tim Walz. Spoiler alert: Our predictions were right! Vance, of course, was the most well-spoken person in the room. Knucklehead Walz tried (and failed) to support his arguments with the Bible and apparently lied about being in Tiananmen Square?
Pre-order Allie’s new book, “Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion”: https://a.co/d/4COtBxy
#vicepresident #jdvance #timwalz #election #israelhamaswar #alliebethstuckey #relatable #religion #news #politics #christianity #christian #bible #conservative #theology
00:00 Introduction
00:40 VP Debate Recap
07:17 Nervous Tim Walz
11:51 Vance opening answer
16:35 Hurricane Helene and Climate Change
18:44 Immigration
42:09 Walz lied about being in China
44:20 Abortion lies
52:50 Intro to Israel/Iran issue & Josh Hammer
54:15 Hezbollah & Iran proxies
01:06:00 What has Biden/Harris gotten wrong?
01:10:40 The Left’s Hamas support
01:13:11 America’s responsibility
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Relevant Episodes:
Ep 1076 | Hurricane Aftermath: Christians Step Up While Biden Vacations | Guest: Ron Simmons
Ep 905 | What’s Really Going On in Israel? | Guest: Josh Hammer
Ep 1067 | This New European Law Is About to Change the World | Guest: Justin Haskins
Ep 1074 | OBGYN Busts Myths on Miscarriages & Late-Term Abortions | Guest: Dr. Christina Francis
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It is not a biblical truth that countries should take care of their own citizens first and anyone else is undeserving of help. Christ made no distinction about citizenship or territorial boundaries. It is depraved heresy to say that we aren’t called to help the stranger in need, and that most definitely includes the illegal migrant.
Remember The Pulse Shooting. That is what Trump and his followers and right wing evangelicals and The Republican Party condone. There are good Christians out there and good churches out there that do not preach hatred and intolerance in The Name Of God. They and I will be voting for Harris. If you have a problem with Men competing in women's sports then how come you don't complain about women competing in Men's sports? You hate equality so much you cannot even hate equally?
The term “homosexual” didn’t exist until 1892. Some modern Bible translations say that “homosexuals” will not inherit the kingdom of God, but neither the concept nor the word for people with exclusive same-sex attraction existed before the late 19th century. While the Bible rejects lustful same-sex behavior, that’s very different from a condemnation of all gay people and relationships
Sodom and Gomorrah involved an attempted gang rape, not a loving relationship. It’s commonly assumed that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah out of his wrath against same-sex relations, but the only form of same-sex behavior described in the story is an attempted gang rape — nothing like a loving, committed relationship. The Bible explicitly condemns Sodom for its arrogance, inhospitality and apathy toward the poor — not for same-sex behavior.
I am going to Heaven because I got saved and baptized and meant it.
God is not going to send me to Hell for voting for Kamala.
He is not going to send me to Hell for listening to Heavy Metal Bands.
He is not going to send me to Hell for reading Stephen King Books.
He is not going to send me to Hell because I enjoy playing Dungeons And Dragons and MTG Card Games.
He is nor going to send me to Hell because I have the same haircut as my uncle and wear men's clothing. No. I am not Trans.
Christian nationalists seem to conveniently ignore the very clear commandments in the Torah/Old Testament to welcome the immigrant, not persecute him, and let him live among you in peace without informing authorities who might seek to return him.
Good episode, other than the bit with Josh Hammer.
Whatever. You're a well paid shill for the most evil, corrupt man to ever hold office, Donald Trump. You can make video after one sided video. Bottom line Allie? You are a mouthpiece for evil.
The origin camp David in Maryland…vatican controller…links Israel 🇮🇱 state to united states 🇺🇸 preparations ww2 migrants haulacaust survivors…we closed our doors 🚪 so did Great Britain 🇬🇧 to force them into a " state" while we opened smuggling nazi from Germany 🇩🇪…see LAURA EISENHOWER GRAND DAUGHTER OF 34TH PRESIDENT…STARGATE ISRAEL 🇮🇱 UNDER DOME OF ROCK AND WAILING WALL 🧱 RECONSTRUCTION…TRUE IRAN /ISRAEL connection the real issue is the Stargates…also prophesy HEBREW YEAR 5784 EQUALS VERSE TORAH 5784 = BATTLE AT THE THRESHOLD…OCT 2 2024 NEW YEAR NEW PROPHESY ALIGNMENTS..FOLLOW THRU ALL 📚 FIRST 5 BOOKS BIBLE BELIEVE IS UNDER PROPHESY CHRISTIANITY ISLAM ☪️ ✡️ ✝️ JEWISH EFFECTED
Will the dear prayer warriors of this channel? Please pray for me… I'm currently being attacked on Facebook for standing up for my beliefs. I need the protection of the Lord over me. I have a small business, which is on another page, but these people are so wicked that they will hunt me down and find my small business. a lot of small business owners. Tell me I need to keep my mouth shut. But I can't keep my mouth shut, I'm fighting for the Lord, and I know that he would not give me the desire to fight if he were not going to back me up! Please pray for me please pray for my protection and please pray for my strength, please pray for my belief!
How can you be pro life and advocate for the slaughering of thousands of Palestinian children?
Remove the plank out of your own eye before you criticize others of their sin you hypocrite. Jesus commanded his followers to REPENT of their sins first before you start focusing on other peoples sins. If you are focused on other peoples sins and not yours jesus says you are a HYPOCRITE. To the reader of this, are you repenting of YOUR SINS or are you a busy body focusing on the sins of others??? Look in the mirror FIRST before you point fingers at others. You pharisee hypocrite. Many will be called FEW will be chosen. Not my words, jesus words. Amen.
The leaste of these…in the new name brand kicks, the Janspots, and, track suits? Ive never owned a pair of Nike shoes in my life.
Signed, an immigrant
Asco dan
44:04 Yep—and they’re trying to sell us on Doug Emhoff as the “non-toxic” male too—although b-slapping your girlfriend and knocking up your kids’ nanny doesn’t exactly enamor you with too many suburban moms/wives. 😕
43:36 (Or Curly or Shemp of The Three Stooges for that matter?) 🤔
39:38 I don’t doubt Tim Miller would answer that we should care about all people equally—because we’re all creatures made in the image of God. There is a sense in which that is true. But in terms of what the U.S., state and local governments’ obligations are under law, Vance is correct in putting citizens’ concerns first. Again, it’s not that we don’t care or want to protect the rights of non-citizens; it’s just that a different approach is required when they do not possess citizens’ right within our borders. These individuals must go through proper channels to obtain or procure those rights and privileges.
The Biden administration has attempted to leap-frog these procedures by passing out presumptive asylum documents like candy to those who have not been and are not being vetted for same. This is what Vance aptly called out as “asylum fraud,” and it was a salient point that should be well taken from the debate.
37:42 You say that we’re under no obligation to have equal empathy for every individual human being; I would disagree—slightly—with that declaration; but would say that while it might be a commendable ideal, it cannot be a practical goal precisely because we are finite—and thus it falls under the aegis and domain of our Infinite God.
36:24 Allie, consider if you will what the etymology of the word “violence” is: it is by definition the crossing (violation) of moral boundaries or an offense against the personhood of an individual and/or their rights. Well argued—you’re on exactly the right track. 💯
35:52 Right. Has Tim Walz ever read the book of Nehemiah?
35:37 Allie, inasmuch as I agree with you that America should prioritize its own citizenry in its policies, it does not follow that we should be in the business of denying the rights of, or care less about, the citizens of other countries who want to interact with our country. But unless and until they become U.S. citizens, their rights fall under different jurisdictions. And as such, their native countries, just as we do, have an obligation to provide for the general welfare of their citizenries. In other words, if we’re correct in adopting the motto “America First,” other countries also have the moral imperative to put their countries’ needs and obligations first, with respect to their own citizens, whether or not they interact with our country—under the very same biblical framework you commend.
I realize this may sound like I’m in agreement with Kamala Harris’s hapless “root causes” mission to Central America, but only insofar as any real policy change and/or breakthroughs in public policy are actually made. For any number of immigrants who come from countries like Honduras, Ecuador, Venezuela, Belize or Panama, their consulates should be taking the lead in ensuring legal procedures for emigration to the United States. For true asylees and refugees escaping violence or political or religious persecution, they should, under international law, be seeking asylum in the nearest country that is available to handle their asylum claim. In many cases, that country would be Mexico, not the U.S. (Unfortunately, Mexico is an abjectly corrupt country, with its leadership under the throes and thralls of the criminal cartels.)
Of course, over the course of these past four years of open-border policy from the Biden administration, none of this has actually been either promulgated or achieved. Practically all of the administration’s actions have been photo-opps and window dressing in this regard, practically none of it substantive, with the possible exception of President Biden’s June executive order, which did slow illegal immigration to some degree—mostly for the sake of campaign fodder.
You are a fool. You have to be sub literate to reach the conclusion that Christ is only talking about caring for other Christian’s. Ridiculous, how could you possibly get that reading? During Christs ministry there wasn’t a group called the Christians. Throughout the gospels he shows his concern not only for the Jews but for the gentiles. Christ tells us his gospel is a gospel of liberation for who are cast out and suffering, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” Luke 4:18. The holy family fled with Christ into a foreign land to escape persecution, Christ wants us to care for those who are forgotten and alone. Repent and believe in the gospel!!!
This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
26:38 I haven’t really heard too many Republicans or conservative pundits use the term, including Vance in his debate answers, but the phrase that most aptly describes the kind of legislative monstrosity that the GOP rejected (and of course it was not Donald Trump directly doing this, because he currently holds no public office) is “poison pill.” That is what the bill was laden with, and Republicans need to articulate this much better than simply calling it a “bad bill.” When a bill like this contains some good elements in it, Dems give themselves license to fault Republicans for being against those good things. But we should not let them get away with this, and the particular “poison pills” should then be clearly called out—such as the one that would have permitted up to 5,000 illegals coming in unquestioned or unvetted until provisions or limitations on numbers kick in. The problem is that everyday Americans don’t believe or understand that Democrats in Congress are this devious or deceitful—but of course they are.
23:51 Well said, Allie—exactly. Perhaps one thing that might be possible is for coyotes or mules who traffic children (whether they’re actually a child’s parent or not) to be charged criminally for trafficking under U.S. federal law—immediately. It is a federal crime in itself to enter the U.S. unlawfully, and it compounds that crime to subject children to it. If the adult accompanying a minor (again, whether parent or not) has an additional criminal record, that adult should be immediately expelled to the jurisdiction from whence they came, and the child should be reunited, forthwith, with his or her parents, wherever they reside.
19:40 Allie, I think I can understand a visceral bristling toward “mass deportation” that Trump has espoused publicly that would tend to register among “soccer moms” in suburbia, and I do not think this is the best tack to take for either Trump or Vance. Vance seemed to take a more defensible approach by saying we should start by cutting off the flow of illegal immigration (“stop the bleeding” was a great choice of words) and starting with criminal illegals, against whom we really do need to take decisive action. A good start.
With that in mind, though, I would like to see even more specificity coming out of the Trump campaign, in which they spell out expressly what kinds of actions to take with respect to criminal aliens. What occurs to me is that they should work with countries that have viable extradition agreements with the U.S. to either charge or try such malefactors in the U.S. or extradite them to their home countries for prosecution. Beyond that, those that don’t fit those categories should still be expelled and any official authorizations or privileges here revoked, effective immediately.
Further, a prospective Trump administration should promise and raise to the fore qualified, deserving law enforcement leaders who will take on the cartels, not only beyond our borders but especially here in the U.S. where they’ve established footholds and through which they traffic fentanyl and other dangerous drugs, child prostitution and labor and/or illegal, under-the-table labor through identity theft.
The American people of every stripe would accept and stand behind these kinds of initiatives, if Trump—and perhaps especially Vance—could articulate this in an effective way.
15:07 Allie, I had the same twinge of a response when JD started into his background, which sounded like either a rehash or a parody of Kamala Harris’s “one size fits all” answer to every question—but not quite the same guttural, “leave the room” revulsion you evidently did. As he proceeded with his quick bio sketch, I thought, “Well, come to think of it, not everybody has read ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ but it’s good he’s tying himself to that earlier version or iteration of himself.” And he did the right thing by prefacing it with “I’m going to answer your question,” which he did.
I understand your alternate idea, but I doubt that the moderators would have indulged Vance in an excursus into his background after answering the question, and he would have been ill-advised to pick a fight with the moderators at that point. So I think JD’s strategy turned out to be the right one, and I agree, overall his debate performance was outstanding.
Ends time in God's word
🇺🇸 JD Vance was fantastic and he showed he can take this election all the way into 2028 and run for president himself. ❤️🤍💙
I could not disagree with you more about Walz, I know what he believes and what he's fighting for and I've heard him tell blatant lies. He bombed as I thought he would. I think the American people see right through him if they're doing there homework and paying attention. Trump/Vance 24!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸
As usual the moderators were horrible and did not allow the candidates to debate. Republicans need to stop allowing Dems to decide what, when, where to debate. We don't need to always give in to what the Dems want. I'm fact we shouldn't. That's a disservice for American citizens.
Anyone is better on stage than djt
God, family, neighborhood, community, county, state, region, country…. Let’s help people in that order. I don’t think you’d even get to helping people across your entire region before you died so we definitely don’t need to be helping those so far away.
The USA needs to stop funding foreign war. I really don’t care about Israel or Palestine. I care about what is best for my family and my community.
Pre-ordered "Toxic Empathy" on audible. I appreciate when an author narrates their own book. It's really weird when I know an author's voice but hear some rando saying their words, very skinwalker vibes 😬
I threw up in my mouth when that man had the gall to quote that scripture. A pro-abort talking about the least of these, pffft.
Because of you Allie I’ve been buying from Good Ranchers!!! It’s awesome!! My family loves it!!
Thanks for all your diligent work, Allie 👍; I also very much appreciate how you attach time codes to all (*or nearly all?) of your videos.