Sen. Pat Toomey on Drones, Rand Paul’s Filibuster and Government Spending
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) visited Heritage on March 7 to talk about out-of-control government spending and why he decided to join Sen. Rand Paul’s filibuster on drones.
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ah the shill for BIG money – pat forgets what taxes pay for – public schools, museums, libraries, police, fire dept, postal service, landfills, farm subsidies, jails, VA health care, inter-state highways, public parks, food stamps, GI bill, FEMA and the military
The question of DHS monitoring/supervising/managing America is worrisome. Is it a precursor to Gestapo in America – As serious worry.
Hats off to Senators Paul and Toomey for awakening us.
The problem is not the CIA. It's the DHS "civilian security force, larger and better armed than the military." Now, who was it that said that… let me think really hard…oh yeah, it was Barack Hussein Obama. Oh, but he and Big Sis would never turn those 2 billion bullets, 2700 light tanks, or drones on Americans…would they? But why do they have them deployed all across America?