Education The Real Economic Consequences of Bad Government Policy | Joel Griffith on EWTN The Heritage FoundationOctober 28, 2021 Heritage Fellow Joel Griffith joined EWTN to discuss the consequences Americans are seeing reflected in the economy from irresponsib... 42500
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Great Texas Freeze of 2021 PragerUSeptember 20, 2021 In February 2021, the temperature in Texas dropped below zero. Not a big deal, right? Texas is the energy state. Just go home, turn... 294500
Immigration Amnesty Is Not Infrastructure. The Heritage FoundationAugust 2, 2021 The bipartisan infrastructure bill is a Trojan Horse for the left’s desired takeover of federal elections via the biggest amnesty fo... 275000
Education Busting the Big City Blues | Road Trip on a Budget | Episode 4 The Heritage FoundationJuly 26, 2021 Washington spends with absolutely no return on American taxpayer dollars—it’s not sustainable and it’s dangerous. Senator Rick Scott... 84200
Education Panic at the Mechanic | Road Trip on a Budget | Episode 3 The Heritage FoundationJuly 22, 2021 We’re cruising along on our “road trip on a budget.” But unfortunately, something is wrong with our van. Senator Rick Scott lo... 134500
Plots To Change America Build Back Better Plan is a Trojan Horse for Socialist Agenda | Joel Griffith on Lars Larson The Heritage FoundationApril 3, 2021 Joel Griffith joins Lars Larson to discuss the “Build Back Better” plan, a trillion dollar trojan horse for radical lawmakers’... 1211800
Plots To Change America Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Is Largest Federal Power Grab in Decades | Joel Griffith on Newsmax The Heritage FoundationMarch 31, 2021 Joel Griffith joins Newsmax to discuss the “Build Back Better” plan which includes the greatest tax increase and the biggest federal... 1815600
Prager 5 Minute Videos Why Can’t America Fill a Pothole? | 5 Minute Video PragerUJuly 22, 2019 Why can’t America build or repair infrastructure on a par with countries in Europe or Asia? Why are our bridges, roads, and airports... 383100