Cultural Issues Public Schools EXPOSED by Alex Newman on Frances and Friends Liberty SentinelApril 1, 2019 Public school dumbing down and indoctrination exposed by Alex Newman, an educator, author and consultant. In this episode of Frances... 10900
Religious Liberty Emerging Threats to Religious Liberty from Progressive Policies The Heritage FoundationJuly 26, 2021 The right to freedom of religion is enshrined in international law, and conscience and speech protections are similarly protected. Y... 714400
Biblical Worldview UN Summit Pushes “New World Order” to “Transform Way We Live” Liberty SentinelMarch 24, 2019 Liberty Sentinel chief Alex Newman talks to The Rebel’s Sheila Gunn Reid about a UN conference demanding a “New World Or... 4300
Cultural Issues Is Trump a True Patriot or a Globalist Stooge? (VIDEO) Liberty SentinelMarch 21, 2019 APPLETON, Wisconsin — In this wildly popular talk at the John Birch Society’s 60th Anniversary celebration, Liberty Sent... 4400
Biblical Worldview America Under SIEGE: Agenda 2030, Globalism & Socialism Liberty SentinelMarch 5, 2019 America is under siege by globalists, socialists, and Islamists united in a quest to destroy Western Christian civilization, argues... 3700
Cultural Issues UN Warmists LOVE Communist Chinese Barbarism, Says Alex Newman Liberty SentinelJanuary 10, 2019 In this interview on Canada’s The Rebel TV, international journalist Alex Newman talks about the real agenda of the United Nat... 2200
Cultural Issues Rep. Massie: Shut Down Fed Ed, Get US Out of UN, Drain the Deep Swamp, Obey Constitution Liberty SentinelNovember 9, 2018 In this exclusive interview with The New American’s Alex Newman, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) exposes what he describes a... 0500