Plots To Change America What Americans Must Know About Socialism The Heritage FoundationAugust 5, 2020 Socialism is not what it purports to be. It doesn’t mean common ownership and shared responsibility. It means that the government ma... 319000
Gender IdentitySex Education What Establishes a Marriage According to the Bible? Stand to ReasonOctober 22, 2018 Even though marriage ceremonies today look a lot different from those in biblical times, the nature of what makes a marriage hasn’t... 297900
Prager 5 Minute Videos Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican? | 5 Minute Video PragerUJuly 24, 2017 The south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to app... 361700
Entitlements Wisconsin Union Protest: Myth vs. Fact The Heritage FoundationFebruary 20, 2011 The Heritage F... 472500
Education The Truth Behind The Employee Free Choice Act The Heritage FoundationJuly 14, 2009 Brett McMahon, vice president of Miller & Long Construction, details the expected detrimental effects of the Employee Free Choi... 212700
Education Heritage In Focus: Voting Down the Union Bosses The Heritage FoundationFebruary 28, 2007 House Action is imminent on Big Labor’s power grab with a bill banning secret ballots for union elections. Here are a few reas... 21700