The Plantation: Then and Now
It’s the 21st century. Blacks are no longer put behind bars on plantations …? Actually, many are– simply not in the way they used to be.
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In the first half of the 19th century 4 million blacks worked as slaves, sent to prison on plantations in the American South.
They were prevented from discovering how to check out, their families were by force separated, and if they tried to get away, they were severely and completely penalized.
The owners of these plantations were, practically without exception, Democrats.
Before the Civil War, slave-owning Democrats utilized black bodies to enormously increase the number of votes they got in Congress and the Electoral College. Because of the Three-Fifths Compromise, a single Democrat in Georgia who owned 5 servants got 4 times the representation as a single white abolitionist in Pennsylvania– who didn’t own any..
So for the Democrats, it has actually always had to do with using black bodies for political power. How they are used may vary, but the plantation design remains a constant– even today.
In spite of the reality that blacks are no longer enslaved, many black children hardly discover to check out in improperly performing schools, our families are often shattered by misguided well-being policies, and if we try to get away, we still face penalty.
Obviously, the plantations of the 21st century are, not physical, they are virtual.
The owners of these plantations are once again, practically without exception, Democrats.
Consider it– what today are specific locations of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia– all run for years by Democrats– however virtual plantations? Many who live in these areas are mostly, if not totally, based on their masters, the politicians, for their food, real estate, and health care..
It’s barely a fair exchange. The political leaders become wealthy. The locals become vote slaves– sustained (simply hardly) by federal government transfer payments..
And similar to the plantations of yesteryear, which required a constant breakdown of the black family to enhance its system of buying and selling slaves, Democrats today incentivize comparable household deterioration through their policies, fostering reliance– not on mother and father– but on the federal government. To provide just one example, practically every inner-city school provides totally free breakfast and lunch. Sounds generous, however, what it really does is eliminate the traditional responsibility from moms and dads by handing it over to the state.
Lots of do break complimentary from this overbearing system. Like the fugitive servant, Frederick Douglass as soon as did, they run towards a better life..
But leaving the plantation still entails excellent danger. Of course today it’s not the whip or the lash, it’s libel and slander. The function is to bring black conservatives within an inch of their expert and often personal lives– a caution that disobedience will not be endured.
Don’t think it? Simply ask Dr. Ben Carson, Hoover Institution economic expert Thomas Sowell, or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, to point out three prominent examples.
Carson, one of the most popular brain surgeons of the modern age, has been called “silly” by the tradition media since he has conservative political views.
Thomas Sowell, who went to Harvard and taught at Cornell, Amherst, and UCLA, and might be the nation’s most dazzling economist, has mainly been ignored while numerous lesser lights have actually been commemorated..
Clarence Thomas, among the luminescent legal minds of our time, was the victim of an enormous negative campaign throughout his election to the Supreme Court. His track record was dragged through the media mud since of his conservative views.
This is how he explained the experience.
” It is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to believe for themselves, to do on their own, to have various concepts, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will occur to you. You will be lynched, damaged, caricatured … rather than hung from a tree.”.
Today’s plantation owners will do anything to hold onto what they see as their residential or commercial property.
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It’s the 21st century. Blacks are no longer put behind bars on plantations …? And just like the plantations of the past, which demanded a constant breakdown of the black family to strengthen its system of buying and offering servants, Democrats today incentivize comparable family rust through their policies, cultivating dependence– not on mother and father– but on the government. Leaving the plantation still entails excellent risk. The purpose is to bring black conservatives within an inch of their professional and often individual lives– a caution that rebellion will not be endured.