The truth about Race and IQ never taught in school | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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Why has Dr.Thomas Sowell not given a Nobel prize?😊
Wonderful episode on Race and IQ!Race is not an indication of High IQ:God given abilities and work ethnic is.I am more concern about lack of Common Sense (LBQT,Socialism, Black Culture)than A person's IQ,thanks again Mr Sowell !
Survival of the smartest has been a factor in the evolution of man for a long time. But as of the last century or so, the idiots have been cared for by modern society, allowing them to out-breed the brightest.
We are fast approaching a society dominated by large numbers of idiots. One man=one vote may well be our downfall…. especially if we allow the mentally challenged to breed.
""…moreover, the PRACTICAL relevance of concerns about the limits of mental potential seem questionable when it is by no means clear that either black or white Americans students are operating ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THOSE LIMITS…""
I do wonder if getting to the maximum GENETIC limit of your IQ can be "forced out" by hard to read, dense, information packed, books?? and similarly tackling constantly the next level up in math and science, even if you don't get it, you keep tackling it, THE EFFORT required to do that seems to me to be what is needed to squeeze all the intellectual capacity you might have, IN MY EXPERIENCE and my observations of other people's children, and THEN SOME?? Similar to strength training, always looking to be ABLE to do that next level up of five or ten pounds MORE.
Thus any new situations or needs that might arise in life later, will be tackled similarly by that intellectual exercised capacity?? If you always read the same LEVEL of love stories or other books you stay at that level and feel comfortable because you have ADAPTED to it a long time ago, again, similar to the amount of weight you lift in any specific exercise. I have always asked myself HOW do I know I am at that mental intellectual limit?? It seems to me easier to see how OTHERS are NOT at their limits, by testing them a bit harder each time, and they can do it or understand the concepts or material. And of course it seems to have a compounding effect, though not exponential; and THAT is my question.
3:16 Look at the civilized civil rights march and compare that with what goes on today. Their ability to achieve their goals without violence even on the face of violence on the other side is a lesson groups like BLM and ANTIFA need to learn. In fact, this kind of march is more likely to garner widespread support than burning, vandalizing and looting vast areas of cities. One other big difference is that these people were protesting against ver real racism as opposed to the ginned-up racism fomented by race baiters looking to make a profit.
Not in my family.
There is something called ancestry. We inherit DNA. Something that apparently can be changed by environmental circumstances. If our ancestors live a certain lifestyle, this is what their children inherit. It is like saying that if you are born in the same family we all have the same strengths when we can inherit any set of DNA depending on how diverse or homogeneous our ancestry is.
3rd wave "anti-racism" is actually racism. Maybe racism a gain white people by trying to vilify people on base of their skin colour alone.
However, this is not all.
By promoting cracker behaviour as a sacrosanct part of "black" culture and at the same time accusing white people of cultural appropriation, some "anti-racists" kind of have found much cleverer ways to both segregate "black" and "white" people from each other and keep the former down.
This is going to work much more effectively than outright banning "black" people from any "white" domains.
Lots of research coming out about early intervention education like Head Start that is not really cited here. It has been disappointing for those of us who believed in the nurture rather than nature concept, but still worth doing.
I love this videos , and the visuals are great!
We are different and ther is no reason as to why it is clearly not so. If we look at this using cold hard logic there is no reason not to believe that some races are overall superior to others .
So, what's the conclusion?
You should perhaps do an entire video on The Bell Curve.
A culture of pride in lack of education and bullying or even outright beating those who do well at school ruins everything.
Black people love to find any other possible reason, besides genetics. Talk about being in denial.
Fear of the truth. Meet the historical left — a cult of death.
I honestly do not need an hour, or any time at all, to understand a simple fact. There is a clear difference in intelligence between races. It is literally that simple. Call it what wish.
Add in whatever factors, result will still be the same. Because it's true.
"If life was easy, anyone could do it."
This is the only person courageous enough to take this on.
Sowell has disregarded the FACT that societies create an evironment where specific actions create the
neccessity, or even the possibility for particular cultures, religions, races to become expert at mental or physical tasks .
Thus: black people became extraordinary basketball, and sport participants , Jews became sharp bankers, and scientists.
This work has a smattering of brilliance interspersed with generous sophistry. It is highly speculative and full of generalizations in some parts while adhering to scholarly orthodoxy in others. It's a mixed bag.
The insidious nature of this piece will fool many people into believing that it is thoroughly scholarly and highly objective when, in fact, it is a sly hatchet job on Black people. One thing I have learned over the years is that a man can kill you with a scowl on his face or he can kill you while smiling.
An example of the many shortcomings of this piece is the stated example of Black students at Gergetown university who, as the piece states, were qualified to attend the school but were 'mismatched' with the school. It failed to state or examine there was a mismatch. In disingenuous fashion it failed to mention the oppressively hostile environment that Black students endure from whites who believe that they should not be at these institutions in the first place.
In the last 40 years there have been many examples of Blacks being attacked by mobs (especially in the 80s) or have the police sicced on them for the audacity of being in "white spaces." How can they be expected to thrive under such circumstances?
This is an absolute joke.
At 4 minute and 55 seconds he talks about French people being short because of wars and whatnot well I'm 6ft2 today and 200 lb.
I'm going to cry and be heartbroken when mr. Sowell leaves this Earth.
Yanks made us speak American ac cents to get a part in a film. To this day.
Did you know your cousins the Brits with jap Pows stopped communism in Vietnam, but bankrupt. Let the frogs back in and they were nasty. And then 55,000 Yanks died trying cure a thing that was necessary. Just stop it America. I personally will show how the USA was a pathetic as the new police force. Alienated entire countries through the industrial military complex.
But up to Yanks who pay for it. Eisenhower warned.
The greatest black American (I think) is Nat King Cole, then Michael Jackson and then George Benson. Beautiful people. Probably Malcolm X after that. Then every American worker. From outside in Scotland.
The most comprehensive treatment of the subject I've yet seen.
If you say the truth about this topic, prepare to get cancelled and called names.
Bless Thomas Sowell for his work. I learn so much watching these videos.
In other words, people in general are 'smarter' about things they're interested in…
I remember reading an article, about 35 years ago that described a research study. What it found was that Sherpas, a group that has lived for thousands of years at elevations averaging nearly 15,000 feet, are genetically better suited to life at those elevations.
The article also mentioned that they were criticized for their finding being "problematic."
The problem is single motherhood. That's the major change that took place since the 1960s that's damaging the outcome of the children. We need black marriage and at home black fathers.
True intense realism and assessment of the situation 😊
We must see that this is the plan put in place by the early democrats who were racists . At the heart of racism is fear that other races are superior to yours. We should really focus on uplifting each other.
The only "controversial" issue is to call any race below white's intelligence. Any race beyond white's level is ok, especially jews.
The government needs to stop grouping people together. It's one of the reasons we have such toxic work environments that are failing. Let the natural order of things take place. The government is messing with nature. We can see the results of government interference. People thrive when they are in the right environments.
the overbreeding of the hippies is why we have so many stupid people now.
Brilliantly stated. Unfortunately, it is of limited value to me in a one-way presentation. I cannot find any reasonable explanation of how an outlier such as myself can manifest in an intensely negative social environment. Statistically I should not even exist.
It seems like academia is a plague on human society. They have undue influence and are so amazingly biased, short sighted, and truly ignorant about the world
IQ appears to be tied much closer to culture then race. Granted IQ tests are usually created by a culture, it is more of a test for assimilation then intelligence.
Teach every child how raise the bar of achievement for themselves, how to ignore their peers when it's in their own best interest, and to practice The Golden Rule.
Then sit back and relax while they grow into adulthood and make this a better world to live in.
High black IQ 's only occur in "white" countries
I'll give an example how to measure intelligence, do you understand the theory of relatively? I sure as hell don't, if i asked Einstein to explain it in a nutshell and he could then he's probably a genius, if he couldn't then i wouldn't even consider him smart , mearly gifted. How well you can explain things is how to measure intelligence .
When most of the world is running to 11% of the global populations countries I think that says a lot. How whole giant countries and continents are underdeveloped while little countries with lesser people are so far ahead does speak volumes.
That is the most profound presentation on culture and intelligence I've ever heard. I cannot understate what a relief it is to hear a real expert validate things I've suspected for years. This makes sense. This is so much closer to the truth than any of these modern identitarian dogmatists could ever hope to aspire. Thank you so much for this information!
I think even a child ,that would just look around and see what's going on would conclude that one race is different from any other mostly due to their family and how they are raised. Same as the amount of money one family has over another even in the same race. There are always exceptions. Cultures and religions play a huge part. I don't believe that one race is smarter or has a higher IQ. over another. I fully believe it all has to do with the upbringing. And that is a big problem with a huge number of children of color. Generations of living on the system and the wrong side of the law ,just keeps producing more and more low effort ,low IQ children.
To fully understand this presentation, watch our previous presentation: The history of the progressive movement: https://youtu.be/Tx6TkC45y-A. You can download the Thomas Sowell quotes app from PlayStore:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thomas.thomas_sowell_quote