WEF’S Terrifying Plan to Revive the Great Reset EXPOSED | Glenn TV | Ep 409
“By 2030, you will not recognize life on this planet,” Glenn Beck foretells in this episode of Glenn TV. We are at the precipice of a new form of intelligence — but not in human form. There’s a global arms race to find out who will be the first to create artificial general intelligence and then superintelligence. It’s no longer a matter of if it will happen but when and who will pull it off first. The wolves are at the gates. China just unveiled DeepSeek, an AI chatbot that claims it’s on the same level as ChatGPT. Glenn downloaded the Chinese app so you don’t have to, but what he found was dystopian. The other wolf at the gate is the World Economic Forum, which just held its annual gathering in Davos. While this audience helped crush Klaus Schwab’s dreams of a Great Reset and a weaponized ESG system, the WEF elites have a new sinister agenda called the “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age.” Glenn reveals what’s in their plans in their own words. But can the U.S. afford to stay out of the intelligence race while globalist elites plot ahead? Trump put our enemies on notice when he announced the Stargate Project, which got a $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure from Oracle, SoftBank, and OpenAI. This could be the Manhattan Project of our generation, but can we trust the tech titans suddenly flocking to Trump? Big Tech veteran and Brownstone Research CEO Jeff Brown tells Glenn, “No … they are still actively censoring political content.”
BlazeTV subscribers get exclusive access to Jeff Brown’s entire interview available now at https://get.blazetv.com/glenn/.
0:00 China Is TERRIFYINGLY Close To ASI…
14:55 Exposing The WEF’s New Scheme To Secure Global Power…
26:46 Why America MUST Win The AI Arms Race…
39:28 Life As We Know It May Soon Be Over
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In 5 years, Agenda 2030 will be implemented by then. Everything is making sense now. The tariff war is just beginning .
Glen began with the answer to all this AI mess.
Just like the Tower of Babble, God is the only one that will determine what will happen. In other words God has the last WORD on what HE will allow. Also, we are made in HIS image… and HE IS NOT a worthless eater… No one controls but God.
Maybe China is smarter than we think, building inexpensive "coal power plants" (100 a day according to some experts) in the pursuit of controlling AI, while the West stupidly pursues :expensive green power …. so who will win?
I literally said this outline in my car: damn! That was a good set up. Wow. I never thought that before you are right.
Its the beast the bible talks about.
When AI merges with quantum computing every code will broken. No privacy ever again
Marching all in towards AI was/is a choice. We, the people, don’t technically need AI because there are minimal benefits to our life. It’s the 1% people at the top who NEED AI to control the 99%. Even some of the AI shills will find that they &/or their family are also going to be collateral damage.
The biggest secret part of the Davos plan, is that Trump is in on it. He is doing everything they want. His terrifs will cause a trade war and raise the cost of everything. Our economy will crash, and we are willingly going to allow it. Trump is a Trojan horse. Please wake up.
Mr. Hawkins before he died gave two warnings don’t pursue cloning and don’t do AI. If he was the smartest man in the world saying don’t do that. I think we should listen to him. Especially a man that was way ahead of his time.
NOTHING could be God on earth. There is only ONE and trust me, there’s NO replicating Him. ❤
God is Great but we still have to win the AGI race so that we can set the rules, so that we can steer it our way or whatever you want to call it.
Sounds like Spain is slaves
Stargate should've just been named Skynet
Glenn, if anyone wins this race, it's over.
GLENN, please have Daniel O’Connor on your show! He wrote the book ‘Only man bears his image’
To me, The Great Reset is what the Bible calls THE GREAT TRIBULATION. Therefore, no matter who is in power, Bible prophecy will continue to be fulfilled
The recent fires of Pacific Palisades and the Eaton fires destroyed so many electric vehicles with their toxic batteries. Now we’re faced with a problem: Where do you put this toxic waste? Green energy is not necessarily clean energy. Wake up, America!
Glenn Beck. Please try to convince Trump not to sign the Pope's Sunday law. That will start the Mark of the Beast. Maybe not at the start but rest assured that this is what the first step is waiting for.The true Sabbath is Saturday.
14:22 The Bible says that Jesus will rapture the church, then the 7 year tribulation with the rise of the anti christ aka world messiah. He will settle the chaos down after million go missing. He will bring a peace and reset to the globe, let the Jews build their 3rd temple, make everything digital. There will be 144.000 Jewish eunuch prophets who will be anointed by God, to declare Gods message. They will come from the 12 tribes of Israel.
3 1/2 years into this 7 year period, everyone will be required to receive the mark of the beast Revelation 13:11-19, those who refuse will be put to☠️.
This will start the second half of the 7 years. Those who worship the beast and take his mark, will be punished.
After the 7 years, Jesus returns to the earth for a 1000 year reign and the devil will be locked up.
I – like many – have used a few of the publicly available AI chatbots to use for various things. And lemme tell ya…it's just creepy. You literally feel like you're "talking" to a … human, due to the way they interact with you.
“We need to put an end to anonymity”… Turns around…., “I’m gonna need you to sign this NDA” 😑
US must be the number one supper power, the one and only who can bring peace and stability to the world, especially under the leadership of president Trump and probably his successor.
We are handing the keys to the future over to a glorified computer program. One that has no emotion or humanity and who's vested interest will be the perpetuation of self over those who created it.
Is this what Q referred to many times, "no one can stop whats coming". I always thought from a positive, good prospective about this, now Im thinking its about bad, what Glenn is telling us here.
What the MasterCard woman and Spanish guy said was talking about the “Mark of the Beast”! It’s here . . . 😮
History repeats once again
Deepseek is an older version of ChatGPT. Also their Chinese robots are decades behind Boston dynamics. This is all fearmongering
Why these elites are doing this ?! Is this because of the power?! Because they are going to destroy humanity!!!! What is the point of this?! They are going to make this world a terrible place to live !!!
Thanks a lot, Glenn, for all your videos, I really enjoyed watching multiple videos from you. So very interesting and educating. God bless and protects you and your family. ☺️👍💗🍀❤️🙏
Ignorance is bliss.
God saves us because He is righteous just and holy.
Pray! Because God can do more in a second than man can do in a lifetime. Trust in the Lord and do not take the Mark.
I almost dont think theres nearly as many true believers in Christ as you'd be led to believe. So many people who claim to believe dont believe in end times events, and dont believe in the resurection of Gods people, and dont believe that Jesus in coming back, and dont believe in any future reighn of Jesus on earth. They seem to believe that we're going to be disimbodied spirits forever, floating on a cloud with a harp. Honestly at this point, why would they call themselves believers if their explaining away all this important stuff in the Bible. Surely for one second they dont expect God to just sit there while all this tarrible stuff is happening to his true followers.
Allowing people their privacy???? Glad I got rid of my social media. This is scary.
What about our privacy lady??? The EU has destroyed Europe. Look around.
what's ESG???
This sounds more and more like Matrix with each passing day…
I love you, GB, but we NEVER went to the moon.
Sincerely give your WHOLE self to GOD/Jesus ASAP!
The book of Revelation is happening , unfolding right before us
it all sounds like the beginning of the end for mankind, humans will become exrinct
I have always believed that once ai gets started we are all doomed. I never click on the ai thing google brings up when I search anything. And I always complain about it.
Wef, W.H.O and DcC politicians made billions on covid JAB. LOL people lined up for it. Stupid people get stupid prizes.
People applying for service and repair jobs are at an all time low, but will always be necessary!
Big corporation's and tech conglomerate's would like nothing more than to cut the expense and dependency on human workers…
If you're willing to swing a hammer, install a toilet, or clean anything, your future is secure. Not so sure about your freedom…
“And yet, WE are allowing people to roam freely on the internet”. Who’s “we”? And who does “we” think they are?
It’s crazy to me that we can spend billions on AI but can’t seem to solve the hunger problem that still exists today. Or poverty. Humans need help. But forget them. Let’s spend billions on AI. Ridiculous.