What if Christianity is False?
I would admit I’m wrong about Christianity if someone were to present a worldview that better explains reality than the Bible. For me, the Bible provides the most comprehensive understanding of life and truth and is the best explanation for the world around us.
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If a person can disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then I will leave Christianity. Otherwise, I will continue to believe.
It doesn't sound like you are a Christian. You sound LUKE WARM through all your many words.
There is NOTHING that can convince me He doean't exist.
When you meet Him face to face, you KNOW others have it wrong.
Lol not me!
I’m wayyyy too far down that rabbit hole boys
Potential alternate explanations that are more probable than a resurrection: Grave robbers, mourning disciples seeing hallucinations of Jesus in their time of grieving, Jesus being buried in a mass grave instead of a tomb, in order to keep the movement alive…the disciples embellished and reframed the narrative of Jesus' death to harmonize failed prophecy… etc.
If the resurrection were not a miracle, I don't think many people would doubt that it happened. The evidence for the resurrection is just as solid as the evidence for the crucifixion. It really just comes down to whether it's reasonable to believe in a miracle and what kind of evidence would be sufficient to warrant believing in a miracle.
I honestly respect that answer. However, the beautiful thing about supernatural claims from thousands of years ago is, there's really no way to prove or disprove them. The body of Jesus has probably rotted away by now. Even if we found his DNA, how would we know it was him? And if the Christian version of events is true, how could you prove all of that? You can't.
Of course, God could just appear instantly and explain everything to the entire world. But that would be wrong, according to Christianity. Or, it wouldn't do any good. Or God would somehow be breaking the rules. Etc etc.
The evidence is the key thing. And, the historical evidence alone is overwhelming in support of the resurrection.
You set up many false Dichotomies
A- Even if Jesus had indeed resurrected that would not make him the "Son of God"/Messiah nor God part of a "Trinity"
B- Better explanation for Reality?
That's Subjective. What about Reality itself needs an explanation to you, exactly?
C- A better explanation of what happened to Jesus' body is that his body was indeed stolen and hidden by someone or perhaps one of his disciples, which is far more likely than Jesus' resurrection
D- There are Better explanations, the Real Question is,…
What explanation is a Christian religious fanatic in reality willing to accept?
Wouldn't make any difference to me? You could show me whatever proof you wanted. I'd still call you a liar.Jesus christ is the king of kings and lord of lords, and that is that
How could I speak to you.. I’ve had this question for years.. based on church history and biblical revisions..
Well Jesus is the Way and the Truth
You are on the right path🎉