Where Do Moral Laws Come From?
We can be good without God, but would goodness even exist without God? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains the argument for God from morality.
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If you could prevent a rape, murder, or child abduction would it be immoral to not prevent it? Yes or no?
Searching the word "Morality/Moral" in the Bible….. nothing there!!! Just good and evil, righteous and wicked, light and dark, clean and unclean, holy and profane, no morality/moral.
You can demonstrate a writer. No one doubts the existence of writers or that writers wrote the Bible. The claim, if there is no God, then there is no object morality to even be considered you first must demonstrate God. Drop God and ask, is there objective morality, not morals, morality? How do you demonstrate morality is objective?
Morals can come from a variety of sources, including cultural and social norms, personal experience and reason, philosophical and ethical theories, and human empathy and compassion. The existence of a god is not a necessary condition for the development of a moral code.
There's no objective morality. Morality varies from culture to culture. Morality has no meaning but it does have a purpose. Moral laws exist because human beings want wellbeing, security and jusctice. However, this doesn't undermine the existence of God. The problem is religion and you are just defending your religion. First try proving that yours is the true religion and other are false.
Morality comes from laws and ethics we come up with. But humans have evolved to tell right and wrong to help us survive. So morality does play a part of our evolution.
But think of it this way, God wanted intelligent life to exist, wouldn't it make sense for God to program them with the ability to tell right and wrong?
I challenge the idea that objective morality exists because God dictated it. If X is moral because God said so then it’s subjective by definition. If you claim “No, because God said so it is therefore objective.” Then that is just an argument from authority and is fallacious so we’re back to it being a subjective opinion of God. Nothing would make God’s opinion objective besides authority. However, might does not mean right. You would have to demonstrate X is objectively moral outside of God and if you could, then an atheist could as well.
The existence of a God doesn’t make morality objective.