I know that archeologists still look for remnants of the Garden. But, according to Myles Munroe it’s completely removed. It was literally heaven on earth and since man sinned heaven was removed from earth.
Questions for Christians to ponder: 1. Why is the Trinity, the Son of God and man, the act of the descent of the son of God into Hell, the incarnation of God and man-godhood, Deification and Humanization, the union in God present in Pagan beliefs, in particular in Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, Hinduism, Buddhism and in Ancient Greek myths, but all this is not in the Old Testament?
2. To whom is God's sacrifice directed? What is this Power or Phenomenon, more powerful than God, without the sacrifice of which there is no salvation!? Why cannot the one who is declared God (Jesus peace be upon him) remove the curse of original sin, but the one to whom Jesus peace be upon him brings a sacrifice, can remove this curse?
If God sacrificed Himself to himself, then ask yourself the question, how is God alone the Sacrificer, the Sacrifice and the receiver of the Sacrifice?
Then what is the Sacrifice and what did God lose, what did He receive, why is an act of sacrifice needed that gives nothing and gives nothing?
3. Matthew 4 verse 8, 9 "Again the devil taketh him up to a very high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, and saith unto him and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
Why does not Satan know that God is before him? The former close to God, the fallen Angel in Christianity, who worshipped and communicated with God, does not know that God is before him? How can God be tempted?
4. How can the Gospel be verified for authenticity if there are no original texts in Aramaic, the language in which Jesus spoke peace be upon him, but only translations, interpretation and transmission by 3rd persons of these translations in the ancient Greek language of philosophy? Some of which are historical essays or private correspondence like the Gospel of Luke, as written in verse 1!?
5. In the First Commandment God says "I", who of the Trinity said this? If there are 3 Names and 3 Persons who are in different places at the same time and give instructions to each other? How did the One Person in the Old Testament become 3 Persons in the Church's interpretation of the New Testament?
6. The Second Commandment forbids Images and the worship of these Images! How did the Church justify the veneration of Icons and the acts of supplication by standing before Icons and addressing those depicted in the Icons? Is asking for salvation, eg to the "Mother of God", worship of the "Mother of God"? Why do we need Scripture to live in direct opposition to these commandments? (Deuteronomy 18:11)
7. Does the Church claim to speak for God? Is every decision of the Church an ordinance of God? Why then has God been making mistakes for centuries, committing genocides all over the world and killing dissenters and scientists by organizing inquisitions? Why have the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils been cancelled if God speaks through the Church?
8. What is Holiness and why does the Church decide who is Saint and who is not? Is it in the power of God to forgive sins, to forgive, to approach and distance from His Mercy whomever He wishes or is it in the power of a group of people who call themselves the Church? Who is the link between God and the Church, how do they know that the deceased is a Saint or a saint of God? Why does the Church replace God and undertake to forgive people's sins, trampling on the Judgment of God? Who is the Judge, God or the Church?
9. Why is the "Son of God" called by the name that people and Prophets were called before him? Does the "Son of God" not have his own Divine, Eternal name? Having come into this world, why did God take a human name and not his own name, from whom is he hiding and whom is he trying to deceive? To call yourself by a name that does not belong to you, to call yourself a Prophet without being one, to call yourself a man without being one is this a Deception or not?
This is a remarkable point, since given that the ideas of deification, union with God, the trinity of God, the son of God have always been in traditional societies, the only thing that the Prophets could bring was something new or distinctive that would indicate a mistake or omission and here a new name for God appears among Christians Jesus!!! But this name, regardless of the transcription and original pronunciation of Yeshua, is the name that people were called before the Messiah, peace be upon him, this is the name of a man and not of God!
10. Ezekiel chapter 18, Matthew 19:16-19 and Luke 10:25-29 refute the Church teaching on original sin! Also Jesus peace be upon him did not speak about original sin, but the Church speaks about it in the words of Paul. Who is the Messenger from the Father? Jesus peace be upon him or Paul, why do you not follow the Messiah peace be upon him, but follow the man who is falsely called an Apostle, follow and take revelation from someone who is not a Prophet, was not a disciple of the Messiah peace be upon him and did not follow him!? Why was the prophecy not transmitted by a prophet?
Contradictions : No one can see GOD & live. Eye witnesses of GOD.
GOD knows All. GOD doesn't know The Hour.
GOD is Immortal. GOD can't die. GOD can die for 3 days & 2 Nights. [ ( Friday + Saturday + Sunday = 3 Days ). ( Friday Night + Saturday Night = 2 Nights ) ].
Im thankful for your work. It seems to me there's an excess of bite size information in today's world, and your work is more a refreshing hearty morsel.
As a pastor, I deeply appreciate all the quality work y'all do and the beautiful resources y'all provide that are available for our congregation to gain a greater appreciation for and understanding of scripture! Thank y'all!!!
I know that archeologists still look for remnants of the Garden. But, according to Myles Munroe it’s completely removed. It was literally heaven on earth and since man sinned heaven was removed from earth.
I recognize his voice! He narrated the Elijah short video! Such a great narrator voice! 😄
You guys are absolutely incredible. Keep it up! God bless the whole team ❤
Questions for Christians to ponder:
1. Why is the Trinity, the Son of God and man, the act of the descent of the son of God into Hell, the incarnation of God and man-godhood, Deification and Humanization, the union in God present in Pagan beliefs, in particular in Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, Hinduism, Buddhism and in Ancient Greek myths, but all this is not in the Old Testament?
2. To whom is God's sacrifice directed? What is this Power or Phenomenon, more powerful than God, without the sacrifice of which there is no salvation!? Why cannot the one who is declared God (Jesus peace be upon him) remove the curse of original sin, but the one to whom Jesus peace be upon him brings a sacrifice, can remove this curse?
If God sacrificed Himself to himself, then ask yourself the question, how is God alone the Sacrificer, the Sacrifice and the receiver of the Sacrifice?
Then what is the Sacrifice and what did God lose, what did He receive, why is an act of sacrifice needed that gives nothing and gives nothing?
3. Matthew 4 verse 8, 9 "Again the devil taketh him up to a very high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them, and saith unto him
and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
Why does not Satan know that God is before him? The former close to God, the fallen Angel in Christianity, who worshipped and communicated with God, does not know that God is before him? How can God be tempted?
4. How can the Gospel be verified for authenticity if there are no original texts in Aramaic, the language in which Jesus spoke peace be upon him, but only translations, interpretation and transmission by 3rd persons of these translations in the ancient Greek language of philosophy? Some of which are historical essays or private correspondence like the Gospel of Luke, as written in verse 1!?
5. In the First Commandment God says "I", who of the Trinity said this? If there are 3 Names and 3 Persons who are in different places at the same time and give instructions to each other? How did the One Person in the Old Testament become 3 Persons in the Church's interpretation of the New Testament?
6. The Second Commandment forbids Images and the worship of these Images! How did the Church justify the veneration of Icons and the acts of supplication by standing before Icons and addressing those depicted in the Icons? Is asking for salvation, eg to the "Mother of God", worship of the "Mother of God"? Why do we need Scripture to live in direct opposition to these commandments? (Deuteronomy 18:11)
7. Does the Church claim to speak for God? Is every decision of the Church an ordinance of God? Why then has God been making mistakes for centuries, committing genocides all over the world and killing dissenters and scientists by organizing inquisitions? Why have the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils been cancelled if God speaks through the Church?
8. What is Holiness and why does the Church decide who is Saint and who is not? Is it in the power of God to forgive sins, to forgive, to approach and distance from His Mercy whomever He wishes or is it in the power of a group of people who call themselves the Church? Who is the link between God and the Church, how do they know that the deceased is a Saint or a saint of God? Why does the Church replace God and undertake to forgive people's sins, trampling on the Judgment of God? Who is the Judge, God or the Church?
9. Why is the "Son of God" called by the name that people and Prophets were called before him? Does the "Son of God" not have his own Divine, Eternal name? Having come into this world, why did God take a human name and not his own name, from whom is he hiding and whom is he trying to deceive?
To call yourself by a name that does not belong to you, to call yourself a Prophet without being one, to call yourself a man without being one is this a Deception or not?
This is a remarkable point, since given that the ideas of deification, union with God, the trinity of God, the son of God have always been in traditional societies, the only thing that the Prophets could bring was something new or distinctive that would indicate a mistake or omission and here a new name for God appears among Christians Jesus!!! But this name, regardless of the transcription and original pronunciation of Yeshua, is the name that people were called before the Messiah, peace be upon him, this is the name of a man and not of God!
10. Ezekiel chapter 18, Matthew 19:16-19 and Luke 10:25-29 refute the Church teaching on original sin! Also Jesus peace be upon him did not speak about original sin, but the Church speaks about it in the words of Paul. Who is the Messenger from the Father? Jesus peace be upon him or Paul, why do you not follow the Messiah peace be upon him, but follow the man who is falsely called an Apostle, follow and take revelation from someone who is not a Prophet, was not a disciple of the Messiah peace be upon him and did not follow him!? Why was the prophecy not transmitted by a prophet?
I love you BibleProject!! 🤗 You guys are a blessing 💌
It is not. Ezekiel 28 is utilizing prophetic language. The author of Genesis gives us descriptive geology of the Garden and of his day
For all those wondering this guy was the narrator for the short Bible project posted about Elijah.
We need more videos like the Elijah one Ben narrates, that vid gives me the fizz. 💪
Go, bible project!
Ty for all your work. But, be vareful with your figurines, it's like a golden idol, and idolatry.
We, Christians, must be spotless before God and show exemple to others by our way of living, speaking and acting.
It's a discipline for all of us.
Most biblical ideas need unpacking
Contradictions :
No one can see GOD & live.
Eye witnesses of GOD.
GOD knows All.
GOD doesn't know The Hour.
GOD is Immortal. GOD can't die.
GOD can die for 3 days & 2 Nights.
[ ( Friday + Saturday + Sunday = 3 Days ).
( Friday Night + Saturday Night = 2 Nights ) ].
Faith can move mountains.
Im thankful for your work. It seems to me there's an excess of bite size information in today's world, and your work is more a refreshing hearty morsel.
You are awesome, guys at @bibleproject Keep doing the good job you do 🎉 Thank you
Thank You for this Bible project Amen.
I love 🩵 Bible Project!
So good! Keep it coming!
Thank you for educating us. It is very much appreciated.
Coolest job ever
As a pastor, I deeply appreciate all the quality work y'all do and the beautiful resources y'all provide that are available for our congregation to gain a greater appreciation for and understanding of scripture!
Thank y'all!!!
Finding the truth, Amen ❤️🙏🏿❤️
This is great, BibleProject!! Keep up the scholarly work that your team creates for the kingdom of the skies!