Ezekiel What's new for Classroom in 2024? BibleProjectDecember 27, 2023 Make this the year you complete a class in BibleProject Classroom. Four new classes are heading your way next year! #shorts #BiblePr... 457000
Ezekiel Where does the rebellious creature in Genesis 3 go after the garden? BibleProjectOctober 26, 2023 The Bible offers subtle clues that this creature continues working behind the scenes to drag creation back into darkness and disorde... 502600
Ezekiel Our podcasts just got their own YouTube channel! Subscribe @BibleProjectPodcast BibleProjectOctober 23, 2023 source 4011800
Ezekiel Christ is a title, not a name. BibleProjectOctober 9, 2023 “Christ” means “anointed one.” And Christians are people marked by God’s Spirit—anointed ones who follow the anoin... 3712800
Ezekiel Discover a new way to study the Bible. BibleProjectSeptember 7, 2023 BibleProject Classroom helps you gain skills to study the Bible through free, self-paced classes taught by experts. Start class toda... 3411300
Ezekiel The Lesson Elijah Teaches You BibleProjectAugust 7, 2023 Elijah was a prophet whose name means “My God is Yahweh.” God partnered with Elijah to share his life-giving power with... 2616500
Ezekiel Here’s the surprising twist in the Bible’s story… BibleProjectJune 29, 2023 Instead of letting humanity destroy itself, God took responsibility for our betrayal. By taking our pesha on himself, God opened up... 4618000
Ezekiel How do our choices shape us over time? BibleProjectMarch 27, 2023 Explore Psalm 1 in the Bible and reflect on three destructive ways of being human. #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible source 3610100
Ezekiel Do some Old Testament narratives make you uncomfortable? BibleProjectMarch 22, 2023 Biblical narratives have been misused to promote violent conquests throughout history. But when we read the Bible through the lens o... 3514500