10 Key Steps to Defeat China: James Carafano Talks With Seb Gorka
James Carafano joined “America First With Seb Gorka,” Friday, May 1, to talk about the latest from China, the need for the U.S. to hold China accountable for lying to the world about the coronavirus outbreak, and 10 steps America must take to do so.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg4esBDBN3c
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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The best solutions here is this by HACKINGS their systems d words is HUCKING HACKING FUCKING
By buyings their product meaning you are helping n supporting d chineses as simples as that's periods
American company get lost to chinna if u wanted freedom n democracy
No dependence whatsoever from
Asians or the Asian world is the safest and probably the betlat decisions in name of a good life, democracy and freedom. The world shall never hold back to those who are not balanced too right?
Indeed all measures here at to start now if the world feels this way about the issue . Is a bad issue yes lol I can tell, trust me! No one wants it and it would be the worst to happen to everyone.
China is the enemy.
We need to get together on this one… We know who's become the biggest asshole on the playground
United we can win this.
I am a Chinese guy and I can't stand this Chinese politician Zhao Li Jian. He is just an emotional bitch and a disgrace
We have extreme sanctions against Russia despite it being russia, but not china. Exactly how is this fair? We should have heavy sanctions on both.
Lmfao we already switching to India and Taiwan and south korea and Vietnam. China fr are fucked tho. Moment we improve relations with europe we can just easily body china.
CHINA DOES NOT HELP NORTH KOREEANS WOMEN !! They send them back to be tortured and killed in North KOREEA!!! China DOES NOT RESPECT GENEVA CONVENTION
every guy in this comment is broke. I want to hear bill gates and league to talk. but barking dogs like these guys won't change any thing
James, good enough for dog pooh. Phuiiii
Build a Naval Port in/with Taiwan. Build a Joint F-23 with Japan. Move ALL Chinese manufacturing to Vietnam, South Korea, India, European Friendlies. Work on a Joint Navy with Austrailia and start selling ALL foodstuffs to United States Citizens at subsidized discount pricing so they can eat what they want! No more China Trade… No more Chinese Students or workers.
So you are going to destroy all the American companies and put their workers out of work just to win an election? Apple, Boeing, Yum Brands and other American companies have billions invested in China. China buys General Motors Buicks. Japan doesn't buy American cars. China buys Apple iPhones by hundreds of thousands. India refuses to buy them. I think China is evil and I'm glad I don't live there. But I can't see starting a Depression and putting millions of Americans out of work just to feel good about hurting China. Tell me, If Australia asked Americans to lose their jobs just to help them hurt China, are you so upset with evil China you are willing to lose your job, and maybe your house?
We need to outwork China and make products the rest of the world wants to buy from us. We can't continue to lose exports and live off tax cuts and deficit spending forever. We need to get up and start performing to win.
You shall reap what you sow.
Everything on the shelves are made in China.Dont let them in.
Boycott china
What about the South China Sea.? Thought about that in your recommendations? We have got to stop them dead in their tracks. Sanctions will not stop them from their claims
The fire of coronavirus is getting bigger and bigger. Even the top guys in white house do not know how to deal with it or even how to protect who are hiding behind the doors and caused troubles around the world.
We talked to much, just cut ties with this inbred regime.
China go home please
Oprah book of the month club.
These guys must be low iq democrats, sounds like a political strategy from a high school student
Watch this then decide
viet nam is mini china, cant be trusted
Here we go
Pretty sound advices. It seems the world is safer when China is isolated.
I hate to say this as I love gorka, but this guest is an idiot. He doesnt know China. Cutting off all student visa's will cause massive issues within China as the rich and upper middle class know their kids could never survive going to Chinese colleges. First they are spoiled and not tough enough to do well enough on the gaokao. Second its a way they launder money. More importantly you cut off all educational spying and transfer of know how. They steal far more IP per year than we receive in tuition.
Tell China to pack their bag and leave.
10 keys or step to take down china, 100 keys or step should be applied to this menacing the globe robbers, rapists and killers that loots rob and kills in the name of the shit democracy that is filled with capitalism.. may god curse this nation of evil.
Convince the American Elites to co operate with the US government.
Good to hear someone who has good sense.
Yep…. we will unite as one and leave China as a “No Go Zone” in the world.
The Red Flag explains it. 🧐
Need to expel CCP disguised spy networks within North America. That includes Canada!
Transfer companies to other country
Ban, boycott, sanction kick them back to stone age. Everyone in the world stop making China rich buy everywhere except China. Without wealth they don’t have power. Do your part of your power is don’t buy made in China.
Why not 10 steps to make the world a better fairer more equal place
On increasing military investment. I think we spend more than enough, we're just misspending. We should tackle waste, fraud, abuse, and shift resources from the middle east and Europe and to the Pacific. Our European and middle eastern allies can and should carry more of their weight in their own backyard.
If you have a look at the dominance of China in the South Pacific it can only be seen as an act of aggression and now with China is now neck-deep and surrounded in sinister circumstances into hiding a truly crime against humanity involving all of the world. I am greatly troubled of just what china was thing of doing if it was indeed made in a lab that's why not only Australia one of the lucky country with around 100 deaths and less than 10 cases a day ATM But you the rest of the world that has been so badly devastated in so many ways must stand up to China. Look at the way the Chinese people are treated and you should know that China does not give a rat ass about the rest of the world,
We need to all stand-up and turn are back on fuse propaganda and betrayal to all that is good.