13 Obama Tax Hikes on the Middle Class in 2013
President Obama is crisscrossing the country to scare Americans about sequestration. But what’s really frightening are the 13 Obama tax hikes that took effect in 2013. Learn more: http://herit.ag/ZAEDUu
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Obama this halfbreed all he thinks about is giving our money away to foreign countries or funding illegal immigration, how long will Americans tolerate his bullshit…..
Government was smart they tax the 100 million guns and rifles in the US that wipe out half our debt but dont mess with my rainwater
More Lies
Barack Obama hates America.
Ah , Give him a break , he's just a puppet by the same people that controlled W .
He has voted on the same exact lines as W and Idiots Call him a Liberal , he is the original meaning of Neo-Con , for those idiots that do not know what Neo-Con is , they were to young to remember the Dixie Crat's when hard right Southerners voted Democrat . He is more Fascist then Communist , just look at his benefactor George Soros who destroyed Hillary with lies and had people believing it was a fair election .
GAS TAX have doubled and are about to be increased.
@coltor9 a leer jet for $100 mill? Okay. Some things that are deemed as necessary for a business can be used as a tax write off. And billionaires do pay taxes. Those things u call loopholes are there because the govt puts too many rules,regulations, and taxes on these businesses making it hard to make money. If they don't make money they r out of business and jobs r lost
Obama = EPIC FAIL but all he has to do is Scare his clueless sheep into the voting booth and pay them to stay ignorant on the bottom tier for generations to come.
Barack Obama is a Liar
You bet I'll be doing that…along with my Gov-Cuomo. In fact, I live in the area that Remington Arms is in. If it goes it will directly affect my friends and family. We'll be just like Detriot!
You need to call your local member of congress and tell them you will be voting them out of office in 2014.
…tell that to my paycheck.
Your Social Security Tax was reduced for 2 years (2011 and 2012) from 6.2 to 4.2%. The house did not want to extend this reduction. The quotes from Obama are from 2009. Based on 2009 and 2010 your paycheck would be the same.
Obama lies, what else is new
I make only 18 k a year andu taxes went up! I am making less now then a few years ago when I was making 17,500!!!
You Lie!
I truly pity anyone who is surprised by this.
To be honest I think reality demands MAX taxes and MIN spending to control the debt which threatens to sink the USD.
Cool music. Does it have a name?
fyi on earned income and the ANYTHING Obama has given (These don't look like Bush years):
"The Tax Relief and Job Creation Act signed into law December of 2010 provides a temporary increase in (Earned Income) EITC and expands the credit for workers with three or more qualifying children. These changes are temporary and apply to 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 tax years."
~IRS Publications
Earned income tax break: how it works is, if you paid no taxes, they give you a "tax break" on taxes you might, maybe, pay one day…so here's a refund now (in other words, they give you money). Let's not forget cash for klunkers, 8k to buy a house (with nothing down)…just to name a few.
Grow some balls and call Barry Obama an idiot liar
Not one single dime… thousands and thousands of dimes.
When are Americans to awake?
He is not giving ANYTHING to the have nots; he froze social security benefits for the first two years in office… that obama phone was around for years before obama, where are the have nots getting anything more than before Bush was President ?
Aren't you drones glad you voted for him ?