2. No Other Gods | 5 Minute Video
There Are More Idols than Ever
Today, the idea of idol worship feels ancient and remote to many people. Thus, the Second Commandment, “You shall have no other gods,” doesn’t seem applicable in modern society. But the opposite is true. We have more false gods than ever — art, education, fame, money, to name just a few. Over the past century the worship of false gods has led to massive evil; Communism and Nazism are just two examples. On a personal level, the worship of false gods leads to unhappiness.
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Let’s discuss the Second Commandment according to the oldest, that is the Jewish, enumeration of the Ten Commandments. In Christian tradition it is the First Commandment. The most common translation begins: “You shall have no other gods before me.” The commandment then goes on to prohibit both making idols and worshiping idols.
Most people, when they think of this commandment understandably think that it only prohibits the worship of idols and the worship of gods such as the ancient pagan gods of rain, of fertility, all the other nature gods and chief gods such as the Roman Jupiter, and the Greek Zeus. However, there is a major problem with this understanding of the commandment. Since no one today worships these gods, let alone worships idols made of stone, most people think that this commandment is irrelevant to modern life. The irony, however, is that this commandment is not only relevant to modern life, it is in many ways the mother of all the other commandments.
Why is it so relevant today? Because today we have as many false gods as the ancients did. And why it is the mother of all the other commandments? Because if we identify false gods and avoid worshipping them, we will eliminate one of the greatest barriers to a good world — false gods. So, let’s begin by defining a false god. The point of biblical monotheism is that there is only one God and that only this God, the Creator of the universe who demands that we keep these Ten Commandments, is to be worshipped. Why? First, because one God means one human race. Only if we all have the same Creator, or Father, as it were, are we are all brothers and sisters. Second, having the same parent also means that no person or group is intrinsically more valuable than any other. And third, one God means one moral standard for all people. If God declares murder wrong, it is wrong for everyone, and you can’t go to another god for another moral standard.
When anything else is worshipped, bad things result. Not only things that can obviously lead to evil such as the worship of power, or race, or money, or flag. But also things that are almost always seen as quite beautiful — such as art, or education or even love. Yes, any of these often wonderful things, when worshipped, can lead to terrible results.
Take art. Many of the cruelest humans in history loved beautiful music and art. But, as a music lover, I learned early in life the sad fact that great music can be used to inspire people to follow evil just as much as it can be used to inspire people to do good. The great Hollywood director Stanley Kubrick vividly made this point in his classic 1971 film, A Clockwork Orange. In it, men rape and murder while classical music plays in the background.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/no-other-gods

many thousands of people worship those gods
I was surprised that the bible even mentions other gods… I wonder… if there is only one god, why isn’t he saying “I’m the only god, you can’t worship another god because there arnt any…” but he says… “I’m gonna be so angry if I find out you have been worshipping those other gods!” 📖🤔
So like I have caused Jezebel to fall so did two Queen of Sheba cause King Solomon a man of God the wisest man ever to live fall and what caused the wisest man in all of God's creation King Solomon to fall Queen Sheba and her idol
Idols King Solomon his Black mirror idol that he got from who clean Sheba AKA The witch of endor
Thou Shalt Not Warship Walls ?
Donald Trump is trying to lead ALL of America into making ONLY money their God!! Even though the poorest of the poor always do a much better job at keeping their faith, by example!!! HUMANITY DOESN'T DESERVE ANY MATERIAL WEALTH AT ALL!!! OUR DEBT TO OUR LORD IS THROUGH ALL OF OUR SIN!!!
Non believers spend their existence worshipping PERISHABLE people, places and things.
Celebrity-Entertainer-Sports-Political Idoltary
This is very deep ❤
This just proves again Holy Trinity "YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME" said before ME not US because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are 1 being in 3 person
In Greek mythology for example hades’s say is final because it’s his job, in any poly theistic world view there’s either a more powerful god that decides or a god who’s role is to judge. If you need to believe in the Christian god to justify being a good person you’re just a bad person in denial of being a bad person.
While he was up on the mountain, God gave him the 10 commandments etched into 2 tablets of stone. When he came back down and saw what was going on, he got very upset and smashed the stones on the ground, destroyed the idol, ground it to powder and made them drink it. Check out the book of Exodus 32-34
Wise Man said..All you other Slim Shadies are just imitators…won't the real Slim Shady plaese stand up?
Not true they still do it
Anything can become a "god"; in our world today. Pearents, education; recognition, and anything else. It can lead to imense evil.
It also infers that we not make an idol even if we don't intend it for worship, as well as people who believe in the One and Only Creator but has a desire to to remind himself of His existence with a symbol such as a picture or a sculpture. Some people may feel more comfortable offering up prayer if they can concentrate on a visual image. Most idol worshipers fall victim to this error.
God is love,religion is evil.
No other god
Oh god's there are plenty of god's people worship other than God so what do you think about that
Oh dear! I don’t support this!! Sorry if I’ve offended you!!
The only God is God!!
To me that means anyone else posing as God is not God!!
This includes Jesus.
Now, Jesus was an incredible human but no more a child of God than I!!
There is only one God!!!
Amen, so be it, to the words of God.
There is only one God who is Allah. But he doesn't have family and everything he created to benefit human beings.
The second commandment is "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
Hey Dennis both Zeus and Yahweh(your Hebraic desert Tribal God) are both white bearded sky dudes! The Goddess is NOT Jehovah in drag and an Abrahamic God in a skirt. Btw, your depictions of them are artistically inaccurate as they were not originally depicted realistically, but nonrealistically in being elongated and flat like those ancient vases or sculptures. Many were not white, but olive skinned as well.
It's always the Germans with Prager. Nothing about the obvious bankers, media, and Hollywood demons destroying society
"god" said "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the Lord your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments." For those who don't know. Israelites were part of Canaanite tribe. They were polytheistic and Il was the main one. Sky father, that's how was known. Dius meant sky and we can see the same name in different mythologies, such as Greek (Zeus), Romans (Dius Patter or Jupiter) in spanish god is Dios.
Also, this commandment states that you can't have any image, or drawing. So, many are going to hell for that lol
Exactly! These days you have Muslims in this country that worship a God that doesn't exist named Allah.
I think the idol worshipping today in the West is worshipping Ideology especially Leftist Marxist Feminist Ideology
Why just mention Hitler and Mao… what abt Jorge bush and Roosevelt ???
Yet CPAC goes and builds a big golden idol of Trump who calls himself the chosen one.
Your wrong about 1 thing Dennis because catholics worship Mary statues Muslims worship a rock in mecca and jews worship the wall in Jerusalem so yes people still worship physical statues but yes worship of and idol can be anything that takes the place of God in your heart,let us read the Bible and hold to it always 🙏❤ great video 🙏❤
so much truth – thank you and may God shine his incredible grace in the continuation of your great works. In Gods holy name I pray.
This legitimately is the biggest piece of propaganda I have ever seen. Indoctrination at its finest. "Worship none but me", this is horse shit. The Christian God is a relentless tyrant, so almighty and powerful, yet refuses to do away with the evils of the world. Give me a break, your God loves to watch you live in torment. All you Christians worship a picture of a Borgia bastard or some other white depiction of a geographically and historically dark skinned man, who would have been of pagan or Jewish decent. Wake up, you are being lied to. And for what? Mass control over the populous, manipulation of your very being. Put down the man made story, do some research, go live your life, and quit hiding behind a cross
This is not how you define the 2nd commandment, the "graven images" in their "likeness" is as follows
lion male and lion female have a lion cub
tiger male and tiger female have a tiger
man comes and puts a lion male and a female tiger into a CONTROLLED cage and the man FORCES both to mate to FORCE the tiger and the lion to have a "LIGER"
this action is called "graven image." Graven means SORROWFUL or PAINFUL to the PARENTS because its NOT ORGANIC and does not look like the ORIGINAL SPIECES
Exo 20:4
Thou shalt NOT MAKE unto YOU any GRAVEN IMAGE (the original seed giver DNA just got changed to ANOTHER seed giver that's NOT the original seed giver from the beginning), or ANY LIKENESS (anyone elses likeness thats not your child, e.g W + B make WB half cast and not the original B + B or W + W children) of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Exo 20:5
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them (your children are the idols of another maker that's not the same, e.g Maori + European and not Maori + Maori), nor serve them: for I (the original seed giver or ancestors) the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers (NEW fathers seed which is the NEW God for his new half cast children) upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me (the original seed giver which is your ancestors BEFORE colonizing in the 1600s and 1800s;
Exo 20:6
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
The Hindus would disagree
what about hinduism?
but do we worship god
THE LORD God is, himself, an idol.
Religion is FAITH based, dictionary definition meaning: belief in religious dogma without evidence!!
There’s zero evidence of ANY god !!
There zero evidence of any mythical Bible fairytale stories!! Bible is 90% disproven by science & logic, historically inaccurate, exaggerated or just false
There’s no eyewitness or archaeological evidence of Jesus, as a historical and magical figure!! Nobody knows exactly when he was born or when he died, the earliest non secular being Tacitus or Josephus….which are highly debatable, many of Christians go to apologetics arguments never mention name Jesus or are just Christian forgeries
It’s sad that these dumb foolish people are easily ignorant to facts and easily manipulated & indoctrinated to believe in such utter nonsense
We've had Christianity, Judaism and Islam for many centuries now and the world still full of cruelty!
Maybe we should try Pagan Gods instead.
There we have it, another silly video by a man who pretends to have a university.
0:46 "Since no one today worships these Gods"
Oh really? No one today worships these Gods? Has Dennis never heard of the Greek Hellenists who even today still worship Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite and Neptune and are therefore into conflict with the Greek Orthodox Church? But anyway, arrogant monotheism is roaring its ugly head once again by proclaiming only their God is worthy of worship.
1:40 "Why? Because first one God means one human race."
What kind of nonsense is this?
4:31 "Imagine that a pet you love and a stranger you don't know and therefore cannot possibly love are drowning. Do you save your pet or the stranger? Well, if love is an end in itself you save your pet but if you hold human life as a higher value than love you won't follow love."
It always puzzles me how people claim that human life is of "higher value". Why and for what reason? Yes, I would save my pet first which doesn't mean that I won't save the human after. How can love ever be bad or evi? Love of art or music is a misrepresentation of love altogheter in my opinion.
The other “gods” are fallen angels. Fallen angels always want to be like God, and that why they were cast out of Heaven and became fallen angels. Yet they never fail to try to deceive mankind and make men worship them, so comes the Genesis of all kinds of religions which worship demons and fallen angels. There is only One God, and lots of fallen angels who never fail wanting to be like God and be worshiped. Check out the images of these pagan gods with many hands, many feet, many heads, bulging eyes and fangs, like the ones in shrines and temples in Buddhist temples and shrines. They look like demons to me, not gods. I am a Chinese American myself, so there is no hate against any Asians, but those statues in Buddhist shrines in Thailand, Taiwan, China, Cambodia, etc., are demons.
Such wisdom is rare. Thank you.
There only one god yah I don't believe that
This God is overrated im happy hes not real now
This commandment is polytheistic, as it acknowledges "other God(s)". It does not say, "Thou shall worship me and no other, for anything other than me that is worshipped is a false-god." It makes clear in many places throughout the Bible, especially the OT, that there are other Gods that YHVH cannot do away with, but who he does not want his people worshipping.
Yep, hope everyone is GOOD, Doesn't. Are someone someone weird dances qt "big" places: foesnt matter to me that much: 70's80's:100's all The Same To Me Just Like "Big" Places: Weird Dances 😒😪
Sorry, this makes no sense at all. If god is allmighty and all powerful, why fear other gods?