2022 End Times Dominoes | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, it’s a special episode since it is the last one of the year. Because of this I’m reviewing the 2022 events that helped set the stage for what I call the “End Times dominoes” to all fall into place.
In the subscriber-only segment, I answer some of your really great questions including one about ghosts and talking to the dead, one about pestilence and plagues in the last days, and one about Iran and Israel.
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We live in a lawless land, people just don't care,it's all about mayhem, distraction,and terror,the United States I think will fall within a couple of decades

US is d worst provication of d world
I can’t find one single online Christian that can place their right palm on the KJV and say these words once only-> I refuse to secretly worship the devil.
If the four horsemen and the gloom they bring is not mentioned in last day prophesies then there is a deceiver among us.
The pre trib rapture is a false teaching there is not one verse that says there is a pre trib rapture but there are verses that say clearly that Jesus will return after the tribulation.
Yes we've had a few signs lately but we've been having signs since the war at least. I've got a feeling he will return in 2033
I believe God's judgment on America began with Biden and his ilk being voted into office. This is my opinion.
Mark 13:32, KJV: But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
All this left wing / Progressive agenda is really pushing the falling away from the church. In fact, China is rewriting the Bible to take out everything that they think points to them. Soon, there will be a homosexual "Bible" and transgender Bible and and the true Bible will be laughed at and portrayed as a fairy tale and make anyone who believes in Jesus as terrorists to humanity. The end times are at the door and the Rapture can occur at any second.
Dr. Mark, I'm wondering, which time Jesus was preaching, did He tell the people, if you want to hear the rest of the message, you only have to pay 7 shekels a month and you can stay to hear the rest of what I have to say. How many people would have never been saved. How many messages wouldn't even made it to the BIBLE. Shame on you, thinking that GOD gave you the gift, so you could make money on selling your words. Do you have any idea how many pastors are doing this now? Way too many, but I've listened and read you books over the years, and shame on you!! I know the 1st one i heard explain i have to pay to hear the rest of a message was jimmy evans. I had my doubts about his salvation, but when i heard that, i knew not to listen to him again. There is something very insincere about Evans. And now you?! If it's such a small amount, why charge it at all. I really hope you prayed about this, but only people who have that money get to hear the ending. It's not your words, it's the Lord's word. You are so wrong on this issue!
Thank you Mark. I really appreciate this message.
A few years ago I asked the Lord how to know the difference between His judgment of the final days, from its warnings scattered through the years.
He gave me one word "dominos." We've always had calamities. A calamity doesn't mean we're nearing the tribulation of the final day.
But when there's no space between them, it does. Jesus compared the end times to a woman giving birth.
Birth pangs grow increasingly painful, and closer together until the baby is born. So will be the calamities of the end of days.
"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time."
Romans 8:22
According to Gods Word
we are under His judgment now – and it will get much worse.
The Beginning:
"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places."
"All these are the BEGINNING of birth pains.
Matthew 24:7-8
We past "the beginning" a LONG time ago. This is not just "the beginning."
What exactly are the end times as defined by the modern church? We are certainly in the last days of the present age, the church age, which is now over 2,000 years and counting. And the last days in scripture are always the last days of the age at hand or the present age. If one believes that it is ALL coming to an end shortly….what are you going to do with 1 Cor. 15 : 24 which defines the END as the time when Jesus has destroyed all of the enemies of God with the last one being death? And what are you going to do with Ephesians 2 : 7….as in…"IN THE AGES TO COME"? This was written in a letter to the church at Ephesus by the great Apostle Paul in the present age, the church age? God has always worked with mankind in ages, indefinite periods of time with a beginning and an ending…and will continue to. These end time predictions and prophecies, which are many, have all failed to come to pass because these experts fail to take the whole Book and harmonize all of the Scriptures. Any doctrine, teaching, or belief which is not in harmony with all scripture cannot be marked as the truth of God!!!
Please come quick o' Lord.
The persecution of the faithful throughout the entire history of ancient Israel
had been at the hands of the majority, the apostates of Israel that had murdered the prophets that God had sent to her.
Jesus had warned His disciples about this and that they would face the same thing:
Matthew 10:16-17
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues.
It was the Jews who had synagogues.
The primary persecution of the early followers of Jesus, the first fruit followers of Jesus, would come from the Jews and it would build and build to near intolerable levels before the end came and Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and the righteous were vindicated.
Jesus continued to describe it in verses 21-23 of Matthew 10:
“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."
This is one of the major time statements of Scripture regarding the end.
It was going to be in the lifetime of these first century followers of Jesus.
This is the suffering being faced by the followers of Jesus in the church at Smyrna, exactly as Jesus had warned His disciples would take place!
But what was it about Jesus that caused the first century Jews to hate Him so much that they had to kill Him and many of His early followers?
He exposed their apostasy and, He claimed to be God.
Look at Revelation 2:8-11
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write,
These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life:
I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not but are a synagogue of Satan.
Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death."
Central to this letter to the church at Smyrna is that Jesus recognizes the suffering that they were encountering at the hands of the Jews that were among them, or the “false Jews”, those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
The persecution of Jesus, the Apostles and the early first century followers of Jesus was at the hands of the apostate Jews.
God’s chosen people had become His enemy.
Deuteronomy 32 describes their end in latter days.
That transition from the Old Covenant to New would culminate in a cataclysmic end of Jerusalem and the Temple, thus fulfilling Matthew 24:21 concerning the great tribulation.
Speaking of the dead bodies of the two witnesses lying in the street of Revelation 11:8
“the great city, which is mystically called Sodom and Egypt, the city where our Lord was crucified.”…
Well, clearly, the Lord was crucified in Jerusalem.
We know that. That’s not a controversial view.
But here, Jerusalem is called Sodom and Egypt!
Apostate, first century Judaism had become the embodiment of God’s enemies throughout their history.
In the rest of the book of Revelation, there are other examples of this including calling Jerusalem a harlot and calling her Babylon.
So, if God assigned the names of His and Israel’s enemies to Israel, as we see here in the book of Revelation, who would you say is the greatest enemy of them all?
Well, in Revelation, He (God) even calls the apostate, first century Jews, the synagogue of Satan.
In two of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 & 3, Jesus refers to those who say they are Jews and are not but lie.
He then calls them "the sanctuary of Satan."
One of the principles I have learned from Scripture is that throughout the Old Testament and into the New Testament, God called Israel, because of their apostasy, His enemy. As such, He labeled them with the name of His and their greatest enemies, such as Sodom, Gomorrah, Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria. But in Revelation, He calls them the Synagogue of Satan.
How can that be true?
Revelation 2:9
"I know your affliction and your poverty— though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 3:9
"Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.…"
This builds the case that apostate, first-century Judaism was the enemy of God, the enemy of the Gospel, and the enemy of His true people.
Matthew 24:27
“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so, shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Evidently most translators, being influenced by a concept that Christ’s second coming would be sudden or brief, give the meaning of lightning to the word ‘astrape’.
But lightning is against the meaning of the text for two reasons. First, it seldom comes out of the East, second, it’s brief flash only penetrates the darkness for a moment only.
However, if the sun is made the source of the bright shining, the meaning of the Matthew 24:27 text is clear. First, the sun comes out of the East and shines unto the West, and second, the rising of the sun is the dawning of a new day that dispels the darkness of the night period. Romans 13:11
The coming (or Parousia) of Christ was the dawning of a new day, 2 Peter 1:19, in which all things were to be made plain, 1 Corinthians 13:12.
The object of Christ was to warn against false concepts of His coming. Some, having a fleshly concept of His coming or presence, would say He is in the desert or in the secret chambers. But Christ warned His disciples not to believe them. Even today a literal interpretation of Zechariah 14:4 has led multitudes to look for a fleshly return of Christ to Jerusalem, “And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of olives.”
But the bright shining that came out of the East, revealing the hidden divinity of Christ, had its fulfillment in the dawning of the new day or New Covenant age wherein the wisdom, power and true nature of Christ were fully revealed, even until this day.
“But to you who fear My name, the Sun or righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings”. Malachi 4:2
Wonderful information to have, thank you Pastor Mark!
Revelation 5:10
“You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”
….and didst make them to be unto our God a kingdom and priests. Of those whom thou didst redeem from every nation, thou didst make a kingdom and priests.""""
These honor's conferred upon the redeemed imply duties as well as privileges.
What if the dominoes fall
And there is no rapture?
All that's left for Christians is to serve each other in love, aka faith working through love and truth,
and then biological death, which is but a transition to be embraced, no longer to be feared.
The heavenly pearly gates are open, even into the holiest of holies and will never shut post 70 A.D.
He who joins Himself (Now) to the Lord is one Spirit with Him. There's the continuity.
C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest defenders of the Christian faith, once stated:
""""Say what you like, we shall be told, ‘the apocalyptic beliefs of the first Christians have been proved to be false. It is clear from the New Testament that they all expected the Second Coming in their own lifetime. And, worse still, they had a reason, and one which you will find very embarrassing. Their Master had told them so. He shared, and indeed created their delusion. He said in so many words, ‘this generation shall not pass till all these things be done.’ And He was wrong. He clearly knew no more about the end of the world than anyone else.’ It is certainly the most embarrassing verse in the Bible"""
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Though C.S. Lewis was a great Christian apologist, his words are more suitably applied to himself:
“And he was wrong. He clearly knew no more about the end of the world than anyone else.”
In fact, the historical fulfillment of the predictions concerning the second coming and the end of the age are, arguably, the strongest evidence in favor of the divine inspiration of the Bible.
Jesus’ prediction about the time of His return referred to by C.S. Lewis above is found in Matthew 24
Jesus warned of impending disaster (v.21) that would result in the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple and the loss of the lives of His disciples. Amid these catastrophes, Jesus promised to return to herald the kingdom of God on earth. Biblical scholars see the persecution of Acts 8:1-3, the Neroni persecution, and subsequent fall of Jerusalem during the Jewish War as the intended fulfillment of these prophecies.
The dilemma that C.S. Lewis refers to is the fact that amidst the subsequent fulfillment of all these events throughout the course of that generation, Jesus never returned—
or did He?
The true meaning doesn't contradict Jesus. Both the first and second coming were in the first century. You can bank on that because He said so. Don't try to "spiritualize" that truth to contradicting Him, away.
Build your eschatology based on what He said. If you do that, your eschatology will not be misplaced any longer. That would bring you into agreement with Him and the NT writers.
AND, you don't have to pretend any longer as a Christian, understanding that soon meant soon, not two thousand years and pending fulfillment in our future, as is erroneously taught.
The error is comprehensive and unhealthy.
Fulfilled eschatology is more glorious than unfulfilled, only because it is true. It makes sense.
A great episode, thank you Pastor Mark.
I appreciate your insights, "Jesus is the Domino Master"…indeed He is!
That statement gave me happy tingles.
Sadly I believe the pre-trib rapture view will trigger the great Apostasy/Falling Away. Once they realize they weren't raptured BEFORE the Antichrist was revealed many will doubt everything they were told about eschatology and therefore depart from their Faith
Personally as much as I would like the Rapture to be pre-trib, I believe the Bible is more clear that the Rapture will take place Pre-Wrath, which is after the son of perdition is revealed. So wouldn't it be better not to be so dogmatic about the timing of it and hope for the best but prepare for the worst!?
You said dominoes. Now I’m craving pizza. Thanks a lot.
As much as I want to believe I have been hearing about the end times for so long when’s it gonna happen ? I just feel like it’s not really gonna happen.
I have a question. After the Rapture of the Christian people, what do you believe will happen to the woke mega preachers that are left behind? Do you think they will suddenly start preaching the word of GOD or say the aliens came and removed the ungodly?
Beware of the demoDEMONS here in the last days! They're on a mission given to them by Satan to murder your babies, and destroy your souls! They hate the Lord and his word!
You mention the rapture is the trigger of the end times. Have you read Luke 12:35-37? It tells us that Jesus returns to His faithful servants FROM the wedding not before.
This Inflation is being done on purpose!
Beware, JD Farag teaches the false doctrine of OSAS.
A lot of great information in this video.. Thanks for breaking it all down where it’s clearly understood

Daniel 2 and 7 are passages that predicted the establishment of the Messianic kingdom. This is almost universally acknowledged.
Daniel 7 and chapter 2 are virtually parallel in their predictions of the establishment of the kingdom in the days of the Roman empire, the fourth beast.
Now, since Paul said he preached nothing, but the hope of Israel found in the Old Covenant prophecies
(Romans 16:25-26; Acts 24:14f),
this means that we should be able to find the doctrine of
2 Thessalonians 1 in the Old Testament.
And what we find is that 2 Thessalonians 1 fits Daniel 7 to a “T”!
The bottom line is that Daniel posited the persecution of the saints– not total deliverance from persecution, but relief from it– for the saints, immediately prior to the second coming of the Lord.
Paul said that it was the church – specifically the Thessalonian church! – would be undergoing persecution at the time of Christ’s Parousia and the Thessalonian church would be given relief from its persecution, at Christ’s second coming.
It cannot be said that Daniel 7 applies exclusively to OT Israel and has nothing to do with the church, for Thessalonians posits the church as under persecution at the second coming,
just as Daniel posits the persecution of the saints at that time.
At the very least, if one took the view that Daniel speaks of Israel, and Thessalonians speaks of the church, this is still fatal to futurist!
It still means that the church is on earth, under persecution, at the time of Christ’s second coming!
The irrefutable words of 2 Thessalonians 1 coupled with Daniel 7 proves the modern rapture doctrine is wrong on several counts.
A.) It proves that the OT did predict the church.
B.) It proves that the church would endure the Tribulation.
C.) It proves that the second coming of Christ was in the first century, in the lifetime of the Thessalonians.
Christ could not give the Thessalonians relief from persecution, at his Parousia, if the Thessalonians
(Not some vague, timeless “church”) were not actually being persecuted at the time of his coming!
– Fulfilled in the first century
Jesus also said elsewhere in the bible when His second coming Parousia would be.
Matthew 10:23; 16:28; 26:64.
That settles it. He said they would see it. Did they?
That being accepted as TRUE establishes the fact that His second coming Parousia as well as His first coming, were in the first century. It's not in our future.
This alone helps to understand that the descriptive terms of the new heavens and earth in Revelation 21 are fulfilled already, and that they are spiritual realities in the NC age / Aeon, which has no end.
Having established this timeframe for Revelations' eschatological fulfillment is the first step in attempting to understand what those symbolically, descriptive terms therein mean, because whatever it means, it had to have been fulfilled with His Parousia that was in the first century in which Jesus and His disciples lived.
In the book of Revelation, chapters 21-22, we have a very symbolic picture of the New Jerusalem, the city of God.
Revelation 21:22-27, we have beautiful language describing the condition of this city
(The Church).
What does this passage tell us about the city of God in the New Covenant?
Well, in the OC, there was a literal temple, a literal city of Jerusalem, and literal symbols in the sky (sun, moon, stars, etc.) which were required to keep all the festival days and ordinances under the OC Law.
John uses the language here in Revelation 21:22-27 to describe life in the NC of God. In this city (the New Jerusalem, aka the Church) there is no need for the physical sun or moon to guide it or maintain the festival days and keeping the Law. The only thing required now is that God's glory will guide and shine through the city.
By the light of God John says that nations and kings will be led, and night will not be found.
The physical creation of sun, moon, stars and other items used in OC Temple imagery were guiding pictures or a metaphor of the reality of God and the ultimate truth of salvation in and through Christ Jesus.
Those things were always just a symbol of what was true about our existence, and about what truly guides and directs our lives.
As the sun provides light and life through heat and by its rays, so too does the son of God provide light and life to us as He shines through us.
The same motif could be used for the other elements of creation and the OT ordinances and symbols.
Night represented darkness, and life under the OC system brought death and bondage, and a veil that covered the eyes of the people.
Now, in the NC city we are told that nothing unclean will enter into it because only God's true people may be a part of it.
Then in the next chapter John gives more beautiful language to describe the condition of the church after the coming of Jesus.
The river of the water of life is none other than the Word of God, and that which brings life and healing by God through His Spirit.
The tree of life is Jesus, with diverse branches growing off of it from all nations and doing good works (bearing fruit) each month.
In the OC Jewish system, bringing a sacrifice of fruit of your flock was done during certain festival holidays or times of the year.
In the NC Age the works that are done and the fruit that's produced comes from love and good deeds which happens all the time, without any need for a calendar or the regulation of feast days, Jewish rituals, or special recognition of one day over another.
The passage says that His servants (Christians) will worship Him, and that they will see Him face to face, and that night will be no more. This means that no longer will God's people be blinded by works of the Law, and no longer will they be restricted from coming to God directly, having a close, personal relationship with Him.
Having no need of a lamp or the sun is a reference to the need of both under the OC system. But now, in the NC Age, the Church age, there is no need for the Law written on stone, or the festival days, or the ordinances, or the Old Temple, or a physical city of God to be needed to follow the one true God. Now God Himself is their light, and He reveals truth and guides His people as they need it.
The true beauty of everything that John describes in these two chapters is that he draws from the OC language to describe the conditions of the NC in Christ. But the most important aspect we should not miss about this passage is that these are the conditions AFTER the millennial period.
The sea became a metaphor for the forces of evil and disorder that stood in opposition to God. Satan was destroyed at the end of the millennial period, which was 70 A.D. Revelation 20:10.
Paul wrote that it would be soon. Romans 13:11; 16:20, which agrees with Jesus's timing of His second coming.
Since 70 A.D., we have been living in the fully consummated new heavens and earth, known as the New Covenant order, it does not ever end. Isaiah 9:6-7; Ephesians 3:20-21. The no more crying and no more tears is brought about by the NC in Christ, His person and works bring us into fellowship with God now and forever.
The OC system perfected nothing and was passing away. I hope you can understand.
Peace be to you
Romans 14:17
1 Corinthians 6:17
2 Timothy 1:10
"And now He has revealed this grace through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus,
who has abolished death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the gospel,"
(It's not an issue of our human tissue. Have you heard the Word? It's a soul salvation.
1 Peter 1:9)
To literalize eschatological terminology that is used to communicate the spiritual truths of the heavenly state (the NC mode of existence) is to miss the fulfillment of the old dispensation of earthly types, shadows and patterns (Hebrews 8:5; 10:37)
Thank you Dr, Hitchock for these warnings.
We will be here until the last trumpet on the last day.
The global “elites,” they want their agenda in place by 2030… their 2030 agenda… bearing that in mind, America has clearly begun to come under the judgment of God. As God is giving wicked hearts what they want, legalizing the killing of children even up to BIRTH, legalizing the abomination of gay marriage and children being “legally” mutilated by sexual “reassignment”, and so much more – God has turned America over to its debased way of thinking…. So What IF… JESUS sets up HIS MILLENNIAL REIGN in 2030? That means (would mean) this is the year of the rapture. I think about this and as I see what’s going on in the world especially in the Mid East… just what if??? ……. I truly can’t see us here much longer.
The Antioch fist is here his name is Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda! On December28, He was spotted by the Wailing Wall along with the Cohen. The Cohen Hegadol of Israel has their sites on him for the role of Messiah Yahusha. He has has several miracles confirmed by the Cohen of Israel. I have fasted and prayed for all the confirmation and I have heard the Holy Spirit loud say YES!
He rightly states that all of the events are lined up and ready to go
And that is correct.
However he states that the Rapture will cause these events to start to happen.
I of course don't agree with that assumption. I don't see that at all in scripture.
There are numerous scriptures that state birth pains before resurrection/Rapture and I truly believe he knows that.
Prepare your minds and hearts for the coming persecution
God bless
Merci beaucoup! Listening from Canada, province of Québec.