3 Early Lessons From the Chinese Coronavirus Outbreak
The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a global health emergency. Here are three early lessons that can be drawn from the Chinese outbreak…
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Confected. It was the Lab not the wet market. This virus is man made. It contains DNA that could not possibly have occurred in nature. This type of Lab research should not ever be carried out. The lab and all similar labs should be closed down and the contents destroyed.
What about the stage four labs located in the same city, not far away. The animals? Maybe. The lab? Just as possible! Heritage, protect your great reputation.
Public wet markets are common in every third world country. Not everyone has a Walmart up the street. Items in public markets are often less then half what they cost in a fancy grocery store. Poor people would not be able to afford to eat if they were forced to purchase in expensive grocery stores. I have been to the Philippines and this is how it is there. I am sure its similar in every third world country.
One more reason to go vegan