5. Honor Your Father and Mother | 5 Minute Video
Even if You donโt Feel Like It
Children owe their parents one thing. And no, it’s not love. The Fifth Commandment understands that sometimes it’s difficult or even impossible to love your parents. But it’s almost always possible to honor them. Dennis Prager explains what that means and why it’s so important. And consider this: if your children see you honoring your parents they are much more likely to honor you.
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The Fifth of the Ten Commandments reads: “Honor your father and your mother.”
This commandment is so important that it is one of the only commandments in the entire Bible that gives a reason for observing it: “That your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”
Many people read that part of the Fifth Commandment as a reward. But while it may be regarded as a reward, the fact remains that it is a reason: If you build a society in which children honor their parents, your society will long survive. And the corollary is: A society in which children do not honor their parents is doomed to self-destruction.
In our time, this connection between honoring parents and maintaining civilization is not widely recognized. On the contrary, many of the best-educated parents do not believe that their children need to show them honor, since “honoring” implies an authority figure, and that is a status many modern parents reject. In addition, many parents seek to be loved, not honored, by their children. Yet, neither the Ten Commandments nor the Bible elsewhere commands us to love our parents. This is particularly striking given that the Bible commands us to love our neighbor, to love God, and to love the stranger.
The Bible understands that there will always be individuals who, for whatever reason, do not love a parent. Therefore, it does not demand what may be psychologically or emotionally impossible. But it does demand that we show honor to our parents. And it makes this demand only with regard to parents. There is no one else who the Bible commands us to honor.
So, then, why is honoring parents so important? Why does the Ten Commandments believe that society could not survive if this commandment were widely violated? One reason is that we, as children, need it. Parents may want to be honored — and they should want to be — but children need to honor parents. A father and a mother who are not honored are essentially adult peers of their children. They are not parents. No generation knows better than ours the terrible consequences of growing up without a father. Fatherless boys are far more likely to grow up and commit violent crime, mistreat women, and act out against society in every other way. Girls who do not have a father to honor — and, hopefully, to love as well — are more likely to seek the wrong men and to be promiscuous at an early age.
Second, honoring parents is how nearly all of us come to recognize that there is a moral authority above us to whom we are morally accountable. And without this, we cannot create or maintain a moral society. Of course, for the Ten Commandments, the ultimate moral authority is God, who is therefore higher than even our parents. But it is very difficult to come to honor God without having had a parent, especially a father, to honor. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry and an atheist, theorized that one’s attitude toward one’s father largely shaped one’s attitude toward God.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/honor-your-father-and-mother

I talk to my parents. I don't like them at all, but I talk to them every now and then via. Text message. The reason I don't like them is if they don't do what they want, they become mischievous, lie, and argue with me, and as an adult, I can't deal with that anymore. My parents are divorced, my father married his mistress. I rarely, talk to her at all.
You missed the mark with this video because it appears that you do not understand what honor means. To honor means to up-hold your obligations, whereas dishonor means to not do what you are obligated to do. So what obligations do people have towards their parents? And what obligations does someone have if they are not in the land God gave to the Israelites? It's similar to tithing…it may be nice to do, but you have no obligation to do it if you are not an Israelite in the Promised Land.
Romans 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Came to this video for the last few sentences. My dad was pretty bad. Beat my mother, wouldnโt provide placing all the financial responsibility on her, she no she died he abandoned us and we were raised with our grandmother, he then asked us back just to send me to a boarding school away from everyone, then he asked us back again and finally had me kicked out and in handcuffs. I donโt think the Bible requires me to honor him. Iโve had many fathers in my life, uncles, church goers, older men wanting to teach. Been blessed in that way.
This video was used for my CLE subject, and I loved it.
3:45 Totally the opposite. China has a long history of using filial piety, the Chinese version of honoring parents, to stabilize totalitarianism. Plus forcing someone to keep connections with a particular group of people unwillingly is violating the right of association and is collectivism.
5:02 By honoring dishonorable parents, you are showing your kids that it's OK to be a difficult parent.
The rain falls on us all. Will you let them get wet and suffer in the cold? Or would you give them warmth and compassion?
I know that this is at the bottom of 1,597 comments. What about narcissistic abuse by both parents? Scapegoating to the extreme? I do not dishonor them in any way, other than to speak with truth about them and their behavior as an important part of my healing. I have been grieving them my whole life. I feel like I raised myself. There is simply nothing there to honor. The best I can do is stay in neutrality. If I am missing anything, Please God, show me how to do this differently.
Itโs more that just children honoring their parents but also everyone honoring anyone who is a Father or Mother.
Proverbs 25:13-17 lays out the tragic destruction of the family in the last days.
It is absolute BS to say that fatherless children likely to commit to crime. Because there is no truth to it.
I grew up as a scapegoat child and an appliance, in a narcissistic family system. I now have a bulletproof no-contact regime. They'll get no honor from me, thanks.
Myย Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your favors whichย You haveย bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will pleaseย You, and admit me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants
But there is a death penalty for breaking the 5th commandment (Exodus 20:12), as it is written in Exodus 21:17 = Matthew 15:3-4. Galatians 4:21.
Deuteronomy 4:1 โNow, Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform, so that you will live and go in and take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, >>>> nor take away from it, <<<< so that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I am commanding you.โ (NASB)
Galatians 3:10 For all who are of works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written: โCursed is everyone who does not abide by all the things written in the book of the Law, to do them [Deuteronomy 27:26].โ (NASB)
You foolishย Galatians, who has bewitched you?
Love is best.
Love is best.
My parents live with me Muslim family what i cant understand is old age homes
Sometimes I think that our parents are our link to the divine, warts and all. And therefore by honouring them, we honour God
Too many parents aren't showing enough responsibility to treat their children due to their age group. And too many Babyboomers, especially from poor countries, haven't been educated about how complex the human brain actually is- but it's still not perfect, as it still gets disabilities (and the disabled try even harder: one of the best examples is cerebral palsy)!!!
I'm an Christian Aspie, with psychotic epilepsy, living in the Western World (even though I don't have kids), and because technology is evolving so rapidly, the youth are becoming so vulnerable to new lies from the whole global- not only national- society. However, their older, and wiser parents, have obviously experienced more of history, and thus have a better idea of how these lies could result. This creates such extreme tensions, that the youth are always willing to rebel against their families at younger ages!!! I can only weep for the youth!!
What do you do when your father continuously abuses you and wonโt stop despite your attempts to keep things civil?
Thank you, Dennis, for your insights.
They have to be a Mother and Father first though, before you honor them. Otherwise it's all off ๐ฏ
Honoring someone is not the same as loving someone. It's not even respecting them. It means to take the fact of their influence, and to carry it in a honorful way.
Example. You never met your parents or they were evil people. You still need draw from the fact and the reason that your were created in the first place. And turn it into a net good.
To honor your parents you only need to acknowledge that you have been created. Be grateful to be alive. Heck if your parents are dishonorable people. You don't need to love them, communicate with them, respect them. Or even acknowledge their existence. You simply need to make the fact that they brought into this world… Honorable.
This video needs a slight correction. Jesus' basic argument in chapter 15 of the Gospel of Matthew is that the Pharisees allow their tradition about dedicating one's goods to the Temple (korban) to annul in practice God's commandment concerning support of one's parents. The original sense of "honor" is "support," especially financial support. The commandment was primarily concerned not with small children but with adult sons and the problem of aging parents.
See: The Vision of Matthew. Christ, Church, and Morality in the First Gospel, p. 101, by John P. Meier.
Could you please elaborate on the rare cases that you briefly mentioned. Thank you
this holds even truer today.
When your parents are abusive and not interested in changing, severing contact is the only option. If the person upstairs really wanted people to honor their parents, he would have made sure everyone had the best damn parents possible. But I guess one can also disregard Dennis Pragerโs rationale if weโre not having children.
My parents died, and I miss them, they would turn 99 and 100 this year. I can keep a job, a roof over my head, and I'm going on 62 years clean and sober, and the police don't know me. I'm 61. They would be proud of me. I could do far worse.
I was taught to hate and alienate, my father and Love, and enmesh with my mother. And I was a brat to both.
Now Iโm trying to undo this toxic road Iโve been on and recreate not only myself but my family line.
It feels hard to honor my parents with such toxic programming in my brain. As I learn the truth the more angry I am at them. They still want me at war with eachother and side with them, and I find it easier to just go away. Which I did for over 2 years.
How do I do this?
How to I teach this to my kids?
Iโm learning.
Iโm ex atheist now Christian.
And with what I see going on in the world today, I realize how important Christian values are and study the Bible more and more.
Iโm trying to bring these values into my heart and mind and home while trying to undo my own programming.
Teaching my kids and husband in different ways so that we can fight against this war on families.
Trying to honor my parents regardless of how invisible I was/am to them. I get they only see their own pain.
The more, I learn -the more I see,
the more I see – the more I realize the less I know,
The more I realize the less I know – the more I want to learn,
and now I feel like Iโm traveling full speed ahead, trying to learn as quickly as possible.
Iโll feel so behind and yet grateful I can see. Hoping I can save my family and myself.
Honor means "high respect, great esteem". On the surface your argument makes sense. My only question is, what if your father was hi tler?
My name.his HONOR๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
God created family to love,and authority from parents with love! Why Filipinos 70 years old parents still strive to work for their children children's children and they expired very poorly…
The 5th one is so true my mom died when I was 16 the shit still haunts me til this day..
Yea the favorite commandment of abusive parents
So what do you do in those rare cases 4:50?
Amen Great Videoโค๐๐พ
My pastor dad and his wife are disgusting, narcissistic wastes of Godโs creation. Shush your mouth you old fart lol
Love God, Love your Self, Love your Neighbors, and Love your Enemies,
Thou shalt not not Murder, Steal, Kidnap, Enslave, commit Adultery, commit Arson or Vandalize,
Wrong. It tells to honor one another.