5 Minute Vide …
Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black woman, just recently found that she’s a racist, sexist, misogynist. How around the world did this happen? None aside from Antonia Okafor discusses.
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I simply recently discovered something surprising about myself. As an individual of color, a single girl with a graduate degree who grew up bad in a home without a daddy, I had a clear political path to follow.
And I followed it.
I voted for Barack Obama … two times. We share the exact same skin color. His dad was from Africa. Mine was, too! What other factors did I require?
I was influenced to see a black guy boost to the best workplace in the land. I thought his climb would state a clean slate, a new era of racial healing and consistency. We would finally have that frank discussion about race that everybody always discusses.
I was likewise inspired by his partner. I was enjoyed see such a strong, opinionated black female take the nationwide stage. Something took place … in reality, many somethings.
One day I asked myself: Isn’t it males who benefit most from consequence-free sex? Does not that use them much more power over women? And, naturally, abortion definitely does not empower the females it avoids from ever being born.
They merely got mad when I started to ask my other feminist buddies how they fixed up these issues. I was called anti-woman. Even by progressive guys! “But I’m not anti-woman,” I believed. “I am a woman!” I simply don’t wish to be a weak one. I wish to be strong– like Michelle.
At about the extremely same time, while I was a trainee at the University of Texas at Dallas, the UT Austin Department of African Diaspora Studies introduced a declaration in which they stated, and I estimate, “African Americans are disproportionately impacted by the saturation of our society by weapons … We demand that firearms be restricted in all areas occupied by black individuals on our school.”
For the complete script, see https://www.prageru.com/videos/black-millenial-female-and…-conservative
Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black female, just recently found that she’s a racist, sexist, misogynist. Desire to see more videos by young conservatives like Antonia Okafor? Register now to get all our videos as quickly as they’re released. I was influenced to see a black man boost to the greatest office in the land. I was happy to see such a strong, opinionated black woman take the national stage.
Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black woman, recently discovered that she’s a racist, sexist, misogynist. I was influenced to see a black guy increase to the greatest workplace in the land. I was taken pleasure in see such a strong, opinionated black female take the nationwide stage. Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black female, recently found that she’s a racist, sexist, misogynist. I was pleased to see such a strong, opinionated black woman take the nationwide stage.