$6.3 Trillion
The Heritage Foundation’s new report estimates that an amnesty like the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill offers would cost U.S. taxpayers $6.3 trillion. http://herit.ag/18NTg9Z
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That's the main flaw of ballot-box democracy. You cannot get people to vote the way you would like them to. In the end it's often simply tyranny of the majority!
How about an explanation of hoe they arrived ats that number.
Heritage Foundation/ Tea Party has NOT credibility anymore!
I would like to see all these people talking about this report as they did before the scandal of the co-author of this report!
Well, now can you explain what happened today with the co-author of this report? Bunch of RACISTS!
Personally, I think part of the solution might be to keep them from coming here in the first place. Maybe if we'd cancel our ridiculous war on drugs, Mexico wouldn't be such a war-torn hell-hole run by psychotic cartels. Take away the drug money flowing into Mexico so they can take their own nation back, redevelop an economy and make Mexico a liveable place again. But it's on us to do the right thing. I know that's not a complete solution, but it would be a big step in the right direction.
You do know the meaning of the word "terrorist," right?
I'm willing to accept that conclusion if they show me compelling enough research…just because a foundation is composed entirely of racist douchebags doesn't mean it can't be right from time to time. So, show me the solid research that backs the findings, let's hear rebuttals and go from there. But I will say that the voiceovers, jump-cuts and INTENSE string music make this seem more like the usual TP fearmongering than anything else. BTW: Does anybody know the name of that song? It's awesome.
This administrations incompetence will destroy America !
look at the heritage website
Heritage says we can fix immigration without the cost – but then they don't say how. Easy to throw rocks at someone else's ideas when you don't have to provide solutions of your own.
Since when does it become good for a nation when total Anarachy Exists at the FedlGov't Operates Above The Law & in Violation of Constitution That is why these scoundrels ignor the illegality of the Invading Hordes of Un Educated and Ignorant, nonEnglish Speaking Invaders, who along in their mix bring Violent Gangs, Murderers, Rapists, Drug Dealers, & Terrorists. Our Fed Government is Lawless while enforcing everey trivial law and reglation & tax ever dreamed up for Law Abiding Citizens.
The only cost these scoundrels the Gang Of 8 and Gang of 535, & 1 POTUS arepolitical costs &re-election These scoundrels not concerned with the monetary cost to taxpayers, even if it bankrupts the USA as long as they individually & as a group (gang) stay in power so as to Enrich Themselves Personally by doing bidding of their Crony Capitalist Donors who give them millions in re-election funds in exchange for Legislation that rewards them with Billions and Trillions in Government Contracts!
The real cost is 8 million new socialist voters. That is the party of (D)eath's real goal with amnesty. See Obama's favorite union SEIU spell it out for you in "Real goal of immigration reform – 8 million Democrat voters. " Obama told SEIU he would make their agenda his agenda. See "Obama – SEIU ties and the real goal of amnesty" I guess he hasn't lied about everything.
I can't help but wonder Obama's, other than obvious growth of the liberal party, intentions…meaning this would make his uncle, who is still here illegally and, if rumors are true, himself as well…
There is nothing good that would come of this amnesty. One fact, the illegals not able to have obamacare, would encourage employers to hire them over citizens because it would be a significant reduced overhead to not have to pay this tax from a business point of view.
No to Amnesity