7. Do Not Commit Adultery | 5 Minute Video
The Best Way to Protect the Family
Why do the Ten Commandments single out adultery as particularly harmful? Because adultery can destroy the foundational unit of a society — the family. If exposed, adultery leads to sense of betrayal. If hidden, it forces the offending spouse to lie. Children are often the unintended victims. This may be one of the most difficult Biblical laws to follow, but it’s also one of the most important.
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There is an old joke about The Seventh Commandment, “Do Not Commit Adultery.” Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, and announces: “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I got Him down to ten. The bad news is that adultery stays.”
The joke is telling. The prohibition on a married person having sexual relations with anyone except his or her spouse may be, for many people, the most consistently difficult of the Ten Commandments to observe. The reasons shouldn’t be hard to guess.
One is the enormous power of the sex drive. It can be very hard to keep in check for the entirety of one’s marriage — especially when an attractive outsider makes him or herself sexually or romantically available. Another reason is the human desire to love and be loved. For normal people, there is no more powerful emotion than love. If one falls in love with someone while married, it takes great effort not to commit adultery with that person. And if we add in the unfortunate circumstance of a loveless marriage, adultery becomes even more difficult to resist. That’s why the joke with which I began is funny — because it reflects truth.
Why is adultery prohibited in the Ten Commandments? Because, like the other nine, it is indispensable to forming and maintaining higher civilization. Adultery threatens the very building block of the civilization that the Ten Commandments seeks to create. That building block is the family — a married father and mother and their children. Anything that threatens the family unit is prohibited in the Bible. Adultery is one example. Not honoring one’s father and mother is another. And the prohibition on injecting any sexuality into the family unit — incest — is a third example.
Why is the family so important? Because without it, social stability is impossible. Because without it, the passing on of society’s values from generation to generation is impossible. Because commitment to a wife and children makes men more responsible and mature. Because, more than anything else, family meets most women’s deepest emotional and material needs. And nothing comes close to the family in giving children a secure and stable childhood.
And why does adultery threaten the family? The most obvious reason is that sex with someone other than one’s spouse can all too easily lead to either or both spouses leaving the marriage. Adultery should not automatically lead to divorce; but it often does. There is another reason adultery can destroy a family. It can lead to pregnancy and then to the birth of a child. That child will in almost all cases start out life with no family — meaning no father and mother married to each other — to call his or her own.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/do-not-commit-adultery

That is such a BS, I don't know even where to start. Probably, thos is because 99% of married couples have affair on the side, each one of spouses considered. The end.
Who thinks adultery should be against the law? I mean if bigamy is then so should adultery
It is kind of a low blow to say we do not judge why he had to stray. If you are that unhappy communicate and then divorce.
I heard a pastor say, "Its easier to clean up the debris from a tornado than to clean up the mess from adultery". Its not worth it, turn to God. Proverbs 5.
Ten commandments are clear as day. No context needed here. But I have questions about forming a martial bond of the flesh. When a man cleaves unto his wife and they become one flesh, when they commit adultery, are they ultimately just sinning against themselves?
Thank God I'm MGTOW.
Mr. Prager, thanks for the awesome educational videos you post! About this one, I have a big doubt; if adultery is the God’s 7th Commandment, how to explain the adultery of Abraham?? He is the Father of the Nations, who had only one son from his wife Sarah at late age, but before, had the first one with his CONCUBINE, the Arab slave Hagar? Sarah couldn’t conceive so Abraham impregnated the concubine, therefore committed adultery before the God’s eyes! I get very confused with the Bible. Pls help me clarify this to teach my granddaughter.
Dennis Prager & perhaps all Judaism completely miss the big picture concerning adultery. Dennis recently stated that there is only one organ you can commit adultery with where Jesus (aka, Yeshua – the Jewish Messiah and savior of the world) says, if you look at a woman to lust after her, you have already committed adultery with her in your heart.
Does not the Jewish Tanakh state in Jeremiah 4 v 4 Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, And take away the foreskins of your hearts, You men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Lest My fury come forth like fire, And burn so that no one can quench it, Because of the evil of your doings.”? and in Deuteronomy 10 v 16 “Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer". But if we follow the same logic and theology of Dennis Prager, the male genitalia is the only organ in Judaism you can circumcise.
Dennis and Judaism fail, or choose not to see things spiritually or recognize that the spiritual heart of man is desperately wicked, can and does commit sin and needs circumcision and redemption. As Jesus said.
Maybe it's old it's still funny joke
I can’t learn to accept someone love I’m sorry because I would refuse💔
تحريم الزنا لم يأتي لمشاعر الزوجة،لو أتى لمشاعر الزوجة لما أحل الله التعدد(للرجال)،حلله في سربعة محمد ﷺ وفي شريعة موسى ﷺ وفي شريعة عيسى ﷺ،وهذا الكلام معروف،لم يحرم التعدد إلا رهبان النصارى.
Announcement: Google Translate(because i don't want to translate it myself)
The prohibition of adultery did not come to the feelings of the wife. If it came to the feelings of the wife, God would not have permitted polygamy (for men). He permitted it in the law of Muhammad, peace be upon him, and in the law of Moses, peace be upon him, and in the law of Jesus, peace be upon him. These words are well known. Only Christian monks prohibited polygamy.
Prager, it is adultery when one looks at another with lust. That is Old Testament, not just the New. The Holy Spirit lives in your heart as we are supposed to be the body of Christ. He doesn't want to live around sinful thoughts coming from one's heart. Jesus didn't go around looking at women with lust; therefore, neither should we. Stop saying that the only way to commit adultery is with 1 organ.
What if I open a nsfw thing but i didnt know it’s nsfw is that still bad-
May i add. Adultery starts in the heart and mind. Before it becomes physical, starts with a series of decision. Thats why Christ is right that if a man looks at a woman lustfully already commits adultery
THATS RIGHT 🎉🎉NO MORE S*X 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️⛪️⛪️⛪️⛪️⛪️
Do not commit adultery
Is the Bible against multiple wives?
So why do so many men sleep with other men's wives so often and women sleeping with other women husband and is pregnant right now and the husband got a lot of explaing to do and the wife got pregnant last night after she wouldn't let her husband touch her but The other guy did now she is pregnant with another man's child right now
So this befriending a married woman is a no no is what you're saying
Oh is adultery looking at a married woman and your married to lusting after her is that adultery because there was a woman caught in the act of adultery because she was married and we know the story about King David who slept with Uriah wife and got her pregnant and then tried to disown he got her pregnant by trying to make Uriah drunk enough to get it on because there's nothing like a drunk in love making out but it didn't work he got drunk but slept outside so the other plan was kill him kill him I want to cover the mess I made it turned into a mury povic TV show you are not the dad
We are Asians and we observe Bible literally. We don't have girlfriend-boyfriend culture, premarital sex, extramarital affairs and any evil of European culture. We look after our parents with us and not sending them to old age homes. I heard in Europe many churches are closed due your Anti-Christian life style. We're opening new churches every day.
I am surprised he doesn't know that the Torah defines adultery as:
1. a man who sleeps with the wife of another man.
2. a married woman who sleeps with a man other than her husband.
This definition is different from the modern definition where it applies to either sex.
Adultery should be punished harshly in civil courts imo.
Running people around you psychologically (including kids) bc you’re selfish should not be tolerated.
seventh commandment is you shall not steal
There are also spiritual consequences of adultery as described in the Holy Bible, in the book of Proverbs, chapter 5.
It is equally adultery to marry a divorced woman. THAT part drives many here in Cali into insanity lol