If You'' re Reading the Book of Genesis, Watch This….
Watch our summary video on Genesis 1-11, which breaks down the literary style of the book and its circulation of idea. In Genesis, God makes a good world and commissions human beings to rule it, and then they give in to wicked and mess up everything.
00:00 Overview of the book’s style and structure.
00:33 The development story, God’s magnificent function and human option.
1:59 The snake and the fall of male.
3:10 God’s guarantee to rescue human beings.
4:14 The outcomes of the human rebellion.
5:25 Noah’s flood and the aftermath.
6:13 The city of Babylon.
6:44 Genesis 1-11 summary.
#BibleProject #biblebookoverviews #genesis #oldtestament #torah #creation #biblevideo #biblevideos.
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