Tea Party Activist Rally at U.S. Capitol
Thousands of tea party activists from across the country gathered on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on June 19. We spoke to a handful about why they made the trip to Washington, D.C.
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truck yeah!
What a bunch of whiners. Take, take, take; gimme, gimme, gimme; and mine, mine, mine. We used to be a country that was proud because such a wide range of people were successful. The government held back monopolies, made sure the large corporations were not financially abusing their employees; and a large percentage of people prospered. Now it is all about "f* you" and the Tea Party is the root of this embarrassment to our country.
I listen to conservative talk radio all the time.
And it's Occupy Wall Street that is made up of fringe lunatics!
Poor liberals are scared to death of a smaller government because they'll have to take responsibility for themselves.
…and you never will, because the mainstream media is hoping for as little turnout and support at these rallies as possible, so they can promote the idea that the Tea Party is comprised of fringe lunatics who do not represent the majority of the American people. Tune in to conservative talk radio regularly, if you want to stay up-to-date on the goings-on with the Tea Party Patriots across the country. Glenn Beck frequently mentioned plans for this rally and others that have been held in D.C.
Thank you Tea Party for giving my president Barack Hussein Obama 4 more yrs.
I heard NOTHING about these rallies in the news this week from the lamestream news media!
Our freedom to speak and assemble in action. Praise God for this great country and for people who believe in standing up for what they believe in.
was a great gathering of polite patriotic citizens that are concerned with the over-reaching federal government. GREAT rally!! I was there!!
Agreed…every citizen of this country deserves the rights that are granted to us by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence ♥♥♥
Another awesome Rally for We The People! Abolish the IRS, Jail Holder, Impeach POTUS now! STOP spending OUR MONEY! Great gathering, just the beginning. We will never stop!
It's always good to see people taking action to support their beliefs. I am grateful to be living in a country where, yes, we STILL have the freedom to do that. God bless all of us in the US!
wah wah wah Soros Soros Soros, . Only hateful idiots are teabagger scum brought to washington as a tax write off for their rich handing out free bus tickets.
Hateful liberal idiots being funded by Soros socialist foundation to spread hate online, yep, sounds right.
Dumb teabagger trash as props for the billioniare funded Heritage Foundation, yep, sounds right
Obama is violating Americas civil rights.