WEF, WHO & UN All Target Your Health, Speech-and YOU! Alex o…
The World Economic Forum has revealed that “false information” is the NUMBER 1 danger to the world, but what they truly indicate is that truth is the leading hazard to their evil program, describes journalist Alex Newman on this episode of In Focus with OAN’s Alison Steinberg.
Together with its “tactical partners” at the United Nations and the World Health Organization, these globalist companies are targeting totally free speech along with control over your healthcare, Alex describes. Government dominance of healthcare is crucial to control of every other area of life.
Eventually, these companies and the shadowy forces behind them wish to silence reality and dissent, as they are terrified that Americans and humanity are getting up to their lies and evil. They might even let loose a pandemic “20 times more fatal” than Covid. Nevertheless, they are in a race versus time, as billions are waking up already.
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