Did Bush Lie About Iraq?|5 Minute Video
Did George W. Bush lie to America about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction? Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, covered the lead up to the Iraq War for The New York Times, and settles once and for all the huge lie about the war in Iraq..
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I took America to war in Iraq. It was all me.
OK, it was mainly me.
I had some aid from an unaware President George W. Bush and his neo-conservative puppet master, Vice President Dick Cheney. Senior White House fanatics spoon fed press reporters like me cherry-picked intelligence about Iraq’s alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction so that America might attack Iraq and take its oil.
None of this is true, however many Americans continue to think it.
Individuals passed away. It was a war. President Bush didn’t lie us into it.
The false narrative that he did is, itself, a lie and is worthy of to be, at last, retired.
There was no scarcity of errors about Iraq, and a few of the media’s prewar WMD stories were incorrect, including some of mine. However so is the enduring, pernicious accusation that the Bush administration produced WMD intelligence to take the country to war. Before the 2003 invasion, President Bush and other senior officials pointed out the intelligence neighborhood’s inaccurate conclusions about Saddam’s WMD capabilities and, on occasion, went beyond them. However depending on the errors of others– completely reasonable errors provided Saddam’s horrendous record– and making errors of judgment are not the like lying.
American, Arms-control and european experts, counterterrorism agents, and analysts who studied Iraq and informed White House authorities and journalists were the exact same people who provided me and my fellow reporters at the New York Times precise information for years about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda’s growing hazard to America. Eight months before 9/11, the Times released a series of articles on that hazard– a series for which the Times personnel, including me, won a Pulitzer Prize.
The members of the intelligence community with whom I dealt were overwhelmingly reliable, sincere and industrious. They were also human, and, in the after-effects of 9/11, they were really cautious of ever again underestimating a terrorist danger.
For the complete script, see https://www.prageru.com/videos/did-bush-lie-about-iraq.
Did Bush Lie About Iraq? Did George W. Bush lie to America about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass damage? President Bush didn’t lie us into it.
There was no scarcity of errors about Iraq, and some of the media’s prewar WMD stories were wrong, including some of mine. Before the 2003 invasion, President Bush and other senior officials mentioned the intelligence community’s inaccurate conclusions about Saddam’s WMD capabilities and, on event, went beyond them.