Government Overregulation Threatens Economic Growth
As the economy continues to struggle, a new report highlights ways the government may be making things worse by imposing bigger burdens on business. Our new video breaks down the facts and highlights the impact of this creeping government red tape. While these costs are often invisible, they are nevertheless very real for taxpayers.
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I cannot think of one instance where more regulation has resulted in disaster.
Mommy why does my food taste like mercury. Well they got rid of the EPA and all the regulations that went with it. I'm going to paint your room now with this new paint that has 50% more lead.
@robertmike57 In other words No you don't know who he is.
@frogsoda yep, know how many billionaires Kochs have with them fucking america?
@Scipio2021 Community Revitalization Act. Look it up.
@robertmike57 You throw around the Koch Bros like it means something. Or like you think it makes you sound smart. Do you even know who George Soros is?
Ahh, I see where your Koch Brothers Industries get to throw more ozone in the air, that was the "overregulation" you opposed. You Koch Brother funded groups always have a self serving reason to trot out the claptrap mantras like overregualtion at the expense of killing others.
@robertmike57 I sincerely hope that you realize that this guy is a troll. "As for ALEC, corporations collect ALL costs from customers," is the latest in a number of laughable (if not idiotic) statements. His claim of being a small business owner is probably the most laughable of all. The more he tries to defend his "positions" the more he keeps his credibility rating at zero. I have to wonder if he's paid to be a troll or if just squandering his computer and internet access.
@luvcheney1 You really didn't think through privatizing firefighters. Case cited was of firefighters present to prevent adjacent properties that paid fees wouldn't burn. 2+ fire fighting companies would need to respond to every fire that had potential of spreading with your free enterprise model. You proved my point about ALEC, you have no idea of what they do.
@luvcheney1 Regarding the firefighters, that's a distinction without a difference, govt was running a biz of what taxes should pay for. Its sad you haven't a clue of what ALEC is.
@luvcheney1 Private sector fire fighters recently let a house burn down. Private prisons are for getting longer prison sentences to provide more business. Just 2 specific examples of how private enterprise is fucking America, but you'll never hear that from Heritage Foundation as it can be connected with ALEC destroying this country. I was a conservative 25 years ago, but what's called conservative now is total shit.
this video is depressing me to the point of death!
@lockdown260 Actually, big government is responsible for those items, like providing a means to trade, building infrastructure and law enforcement services that makes it possible for business to flourish. Since I have never said "screw businesses kill them all!", you have a strawman there.
@lockdown260 I know it's hard for conservatives to admit they are knee jerk reaction big business bleeding hearts. It's Heritage Foundation making the claims of job destruction, I'm willing to entertain the idea they have a valid argument, if they get around to making one.
Jimmy could at least grow peanuts. OweBama can organize to stop the planting of peanuts.
This is a good commercial nobody’s gonna see. Obama had a plan it was; kick the debt issue can past his next election and raise taxes. I hope you got the message… good.
Thank your members of the failing media for keeping you dumb down…
@3martijns look at the company they keep and it's abundantly clear.
We're never gonna see a reduction in government regulations until we boot out the bums who are currently running the show. Simple as that.
Government workers aka lazy bureaucrats, are a guaranteed base for Obama. I would never work for local or federal gov because they are becoming very unpopular with common, hardworking Americans–and should be because they are paying their salary.
@TruthLoveLiberty Ge a magor recipient of Stimulus funds and lapdog tax breaks just for them and the CEO sits as his Jobs czar moved Xray production to China just days ago. Crooked doesn't begin to describe the Obama regime. The main stream media is of course ignoring the story. This should be headlines.
@TruthLoveLiberty Obama see's it. Don't forget that he and the dems think you should never let a good crisis go mto waste. Whe the obama care causes high rates and many to go on the government plan they will say look we gave the free market a try and its failed so we now need to have government single payer. Obama is in his heart a marist/socialist. Anyone that disagrees need only read his book "Dreams From My Father" and "The Roots of Obama's Rage". Case closed and it explains every move.
Sorry guys, hoping for this president or congressional democrats to tackle giant government is a fairytale.
Instead of "threatens economic growth" the headline should be about destroying jobs. This point is mentioned at the end, but it should lead. Otherwise, great video!