Dear Celebrities: No One Cares What You Think|5 Minute Video
( iframe width=” 580 “height=” 385″ src=”″ frameborder =” 0″ allowfullscreen) We adulate celebs a lot, it’s no wonder they’re under the impression that we appreciate their political perspectives. The fact is, we do not. In this video, Candace Owens, Director of Urban Development for Turning Point USA, lets uninformed celebs in on the fact: nobody cares what they believe.
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Dear Celebrities,
I’m sorry to be the one to need to break this to you, however we do not care– not in the smallest particle of a fictional thing– what you think.
I understand if this surprises you. Since, let’s be sensible: We play a vital role in your deception. We camp out for days to purchase tickets to your sold-out programs, then shout for you to reach below the stage to touch our hands.
Faster than science would think humanly possible, we find the lyrics to your every tune and master the choreography to your every dance relocation. We devour your motion pictures, tv shows, and Netflix specials.
From that angle, I suppose it’s simple to believe that after all the adulation, all the fan mail and all the publication covers, you might have really come to think that we care what you believe.
But you’re inaccurate. No one cares what you think.
Well, maybe your mommy and your therapist do. We do not– not even a little. Enable me to spell this one out for you.
I go to a Lady Gaga show to hear her belt out tunes that recommend me of my undesirable college days. However enjoying her desperate protest versus the results of a absolutely complimentary and fair election? Barely an event I ‘d ever care to see once again in my life time.
I follow BeyoncĂ© since– let’s face it– no one does a split anthem much better. However can somebody please notify me why I should care if she’s for Hillary … or for Garfield the Cat?
And here’s to you, Marc Jacobs– you develop a killer set of shoes. As a political theorist you leave a lot to be preferred. It’s difficult to comprehend why you thought it essential to openly decline to dress our extremely first lady.
If we do not vote your method– wow, and to ball video games of celebrities who threaten to leave the nation! Just the length of time on a personal jet must one travel to reach that level of narcissism?
This may rock your glittery world, nevertheless we do not care whether you stay in America or move to another nation. Why would we care where you live?
On the one hand, we must discover all of this amusing; however on the other, it’s actually deeply upseting: It’s offensive that you puzzle our gratitude for blind faith. I do not know whether to laugh or cry when Eminem raps I have to either option him or the president of the United States.
For the total script, check out
(iframe width=” 580 “height=” 385″ src=”″ frameborder =” 0″ allowfullscreen) We adulate stars so much, it’s no wonder they’re under the impression that we care about their political viewpoints. In this video, Candace Owens, Director of Urban Development for Turning Point USA, lets uninformed celebs in on the reality: no one cares what they think.
Enable me to spell this one out for you.
Hardly an occasion I ‘d ever care to see again in my lifetime.
It’s challenging to comprehend why you believed it required to openly decline to dress our first girl.
( iframe width=” 580 “height=” 385″ src=”″ frameborder =” 0″ allowfullscreen) We adulate stars a lot, it’s no wonder they’re under the impression that we value their political viewpoints. In this video, Candace Owens, Director of Urban Development for Turning Point USA, lets uninformed celebs in on the fact: nobody cares what they think.
Click and a portion of every Amazon purchase will be contributed to PragerU. Enable me to spell this one out for you.
Barely an event I ‘d ever care to see when again in my lifetime.