What They Haven’t Told You about Climate Change | 5 Minute Video
Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why “climate change,” far from being a recent human-caused disaster, is, for a myriad of complex reasons, a fact of life on Planet Earth.
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The only constant… is change.
That’s true about life. And it’s true about the climate. The climate has been constantly changing since the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago.
For example, in just the past 2000 years, we have seen the Roman Warm Period, when it was warmer than today…Then came the cooler Dark Ages… Followed by the Medieval Warm period, when it was at least as warm as today… Then we had the Little Ice Age — that drove the Vikings out of Greenland. And, most recently, a gradual 300-year warming to the present day. That’s a lot of changes. And, of course, not one of them was caused by humans.
During the past 400,000 years there have been four major periods of glaciation — meaning that vast sheets of ice covered a good part of the globe — interrupted by brief interglacial periods. We are in one of those periods right now. This is all part of the Pleistocene Ice Age which began in earnest two and a half million years ago. It’s still going on, which means that we are still living in an ice age. That’s the reason there’s so much ice at the poles. Thirty million years ago the earth had no ice on it at all.
So, then, what about carbon dioxide, the great villain of the Global Warming alarmists? Where does that fit in to this picture? Not as neatly as you might think.
Temperatures and carbon dioxide levels do not show a strong correlation. In fact, over very long time spans — periods of hundreds of millions of years — they are often completely out of sync with each other.
Over and over again, within virtually any time frame, we find the climate changing — for reasons we do not fully understand. But we do know there are many more factors in play than simply the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere — factors such as the shape and size of the earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun, activity from the sun, and the amount of wobble or tilt in the earth’s axis, among many others. Even the relatively short 300-year period from the peak of the Little Ice Age to the present has not been steady. The latest trend has been a warming one, but it began nearly a century before there were significant carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. And, there has been no significant warming trend in the 21st century. Contrary to media headlines, the trend over the past couple of decades has been essentially flat.
Meanwhile human-caused CO2 emissions are higher than ever. About 25 percent of all the CO2 emissions from human sources have occurred during this period of no net warming.
So, what are we in for next? Will the temperature resume an upward trend? Will it remain flat for a lengthy period? Or, will it begin to drop? No one knows. Not even the biggest, fastest computers.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-they-havent-told-you-about-climate-change
1:40 This isn't even close to a real graph 😂 Your completely lying
This man is the best!
CO2/climate-change is the biggest fraud since communism.
(See Henrik Svensmark for the cosmic-ray/solar-activity/cloud-formation/climate relationship.)
CO2 is a ruse.
Climate change the "Greens" are talking about is caused by changes in the cosmic-rays/solar-activity relationship and cloud formation (See the work of Henrik Svensmark.)
Cloud formation by actual cosmic rays can be scene with the naked eye in Cloud Chamber demonstrations. YouTube has dozens of videos about them..
The climate problems no one talks about! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZKhaSISQb4
It is about radiation with lower frequencies than the cosmic.
Radiation we produce ourselves. That we can no longer live without
Patrick Moore is right, climate change is not the problem. As he explains climate change is absolutely normal. The problem he is not talking about is the global increasing of temperatures. It is not much but the results are devastating.
You "Bone Head's"….NEED to Understand…..that EARTH IS ONLY…..6,000 years old….The Bibles Account….of man's lineage….From Adam untill NOW…..!!!!
Thank god for real scientists like Dr. Patrick Moore who keep this debate alive and for challenging the narrative.
The climate change hysteria is not a crisis based on scientificly based phenomenon, its an economic one. Where climate hustlers shake down gulible people with falty evidence based on pop science, for big money playing on their insecurities and false generational guilt.
We're in the Holocene epoch, not the Pleistocene epoch anymore! If you're going to explain the ice ages, get your epochs right!
No one in Rhode Island wants to know the truth
We need more CO2, not less. Make the Earth Green Again (MEGA!)
The climate always changes and green energy is a scam for the elites to enrich themselves financially.
If co2 is so bad , then where is the multibillion dollar pet (dog) culture ?? Dogs pour out c02 like crazy!
Why don't we all just take a second to google where PragerU gets its funds and then consider again what their motives are for producing this dumpster fire of a video
What can we do to solve the climate crisis?
Allen Savory says that by allowing livestock to graze grass in a controlled manner (planned grazing) CO2 from the air through photosynthesis of the plants will be stored in the soil.
A microbiologist Walter Jehne who says that by always having the soil covered with green growth, the evaporation of water will lower the temperature considerably. He claims that about 95% of the temperature is controlled by water evaporation and about 4% is controlled by CO2. So it becomes very important to keep the soil covered with green growths all the time.
What we also need to be aware of is the large temperature difference between uncovered bare soil, which receives a strong heating and heat radiation, and soil that is covered with green growth. What we should do is always have the earth covered with green plants and trees so that we can capture the maximum amount of CO2 and at the same time facilitate water evaporation from the plants so that the temperature is lowered.
Allan Savory – How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change
Walter Jehne – Climate Solutions for a Blue Planet
David Dilley: Signals that global cooling is beginning | Tom Nelson Pod #97
The Magic of Soil
How dare you! We have former tropical beaches along the Ohio River. Global cooling?
0:25 in inaccurate, there is no evidence that global temperatures were higher than today than any time of the Holocene epoch. And no, Roman and Medieval times were no where near as warm as today.
0:58 that’s inaccurate, there have been 5 major ice ages in earth history. The first two were snowballs. The current one known as the Quaternary began 2.5 million years ago. While there were glacial-interglacial cycles caused by the milankvitch cycles enhanced by changes in co2, during glacial cycles never did ice cover “a good part” of the planet and the picture of Earth with the ice is wrong
1:20 there is a reason why Earth was ice free 30 million years ago and is now in an ice age today (hint: it’s a greenhouse gas)
1:37 the graph here was of temperature data compiled by Scotese et al and co2 data by Berner et al 2001. But both scientists in their studies claimed co2 does climate change over the geologic history of earth. Also the graph doesn’t include solar irradiation which has been steadily climbing due to the young faint sun paradox. It shows no better correlation with temperature than co2 so I guess the sun doesn’t cause global warming either.
2:10 milankovitch cycles operate on too long of a time scale so can’t explain modern global warming. Not to mention we have been in an interglacial for 10,000 years so why would it cause global warming now when our climate should be in its stable Holocene climate for another 50,000 years?
2:40 it didn’t, global temperatures started rising when started adding co2 into our atmosphere. The little “ice age” is barely a temperature change comparable than our modern global warming. A recent study by Osman 2021 et al compiled global temperatures for the past 24,000 years and the global warming today is very noticeable.
2:50 that is completely false. According to NOAA global temperatures have warmed 0.44°C since 2000 (triple the rate than the previous 22 years) and the past 9 years were the 9 warmest on record. With 2016 being the hottest year on record quickly followed by 2020. 2023 so far has been the warmest year on record for the world’s oceans.
3:08 there has been a net warming, and a rapid one
4:01 yet there is video of Moore calling scientists and those who accept the scientific conclusion that co2 causes global warming a “denier” for saying we “don’t believe in past climate change” when that isn’t even true
This video was completely wrong.
"Scientists can be Bought just as easily as Politicians!"
Read "Unsettled " by Dr Steven Koonin
There is no climate emergency
The 97% Climate Consensus
How was it Calculated ?
School teaches two things, do not question authority and do not think for yourself. This is why people buy into these global warming lies, they've been programed in grade school.
This video had so many inaccuracies
This doesn’t tell the whole story of the changes in CO2 during the ages. During the glacial periods CO2 levels rose dramatically many times what they are now. The left contests that CO2 rose before the glacial period, but that’s a crock. CO2 levels rose during glacial periods due to most of the temperate zones being covered up with ice. Again, science.
There are a lot of bold claims to make without sourcing anything to back it up in this video. I even checked the script on their website, which was taken down?
All of his facts from 00:14–1:17 are true to an extent but they don't mean that climate change isn't real. If anything this proves that we are indeed supposed to be in an ice age and instead are trending upwards which is terrifying.
Then he says most of the heating has happened in the last 10,000 years which is true, but somehow claims that NONE of it is from man-made carbon emissions? What!? How! That's exactly when humans started to multiply and flourish, and exactly when we started putting more Co2 in the atmosphere thus directly leading to global warming. 200 years ago is when we see the biggest spike and it just happens to be during the industrial revolution, yet somehow this is just natural?
Heating and cooling of the earth is indeed natural but over hundreds of millions of years, not 11,000 years or even god forbid 200 years which is what we're seeing now.
It's very simple: CO2 is a natural part of our atmosphere, it's what traps the heat in and lets us live comfortably and allows plant and animal life to flourish. We release more of it by burning fossil fuels, which has C02 that wasn't part of the atmosphere because it was trapped under ground, and it that holds more heat in the air, which raises the temperature, which melts the glaciers which also holds CO2 and releases more emissions that get trapped to raise the temperature even more, rinse repeat.
Please, I beg of you, there's a lot to debate about climate science but this position ain't it, it actively harms us and will be the death of our civilization in the next 100 years.
You lost me at 4 billion years ago the earth was formed. Try 6,000 years ago, according to the Bible.
Has anyone ever noted that that there are more people on the planet today than in any other period of human history? Maybe that is the source of the increase in CO2.
6 to 10 thousand years since God created the earth and the cosmos.
And that means the definition of Climate Change put up in the blue box is erroneous and misinformation.
Prager isn't a university. It's a propaganda engine. Patrick Moore? No climate science training and vehemently refuted by actual PhD-level climatologists because he misrepresents data and graphs and has completely removed himself from a mountain of peer-reveiwed evidence that negates what he believes. Vet your "experts" before you believe them.
Over 88000 climate studies published in the last ten years agree that global warming is being driven by human activity. That's according to an audit of the scientific literature by Cornell University.
Prager isn't a university. It's a propaganda engine. Patrick Moore? No climate science training and vehemently refuted by actual PhD-level climatologists because he misrepresents data and graphs and has completely removed himself from a mountain of peer-reveiwed evidence that negates what he believes. Vet your "experts" before you believe them.
Is this the same university that said America's founding fathers didn't like slavery? To all the people who believe this guy, have a look into Prager "University".
They wont listen to you ! You are stating FACTS ! They hate facts ! There's no throwing MONEY in it for them ! That's right ! They think if they can throw enough money at it it will go away ! Stinking FOOLS !
I ask why wouldn’t a climate alarmist wouldn’t want to be wrong?
Indeed, the climate is ever changing and as there is some warming, there is ice melting and sea level rise. As suggested below, Pollution is a major issue. If trees consume carbon dioxide (Mangroves & salt marsh grasses included included), and they provide oxygen, why are we deforesting the earth and destroying mangroves? The more trees the better. Residential construction could be a renewable green thin gauge metal (which is in the 90+ percentile reusable versus wood which has an 18% to 20% waste factor and wood is NOT reusable. Thank you PragerU for an offering of some balancing the scales information.
Thank you for bringing these back.
People who believe man is causing climate change will not consider basic facts. The biggest one is that CO2 will cause a climate disaster. In this video, and the original United Nations study that Al Gore is basing his theory on say global temperatures were rising before CO2 concentrations began to rise. You can't claim that A causes B if B occurs first. Global temperatures began rising a century (100 years) before CO2 increased from 184 ppm to slightly over 400ppm. There is no way CO2 has caused global temperstures to rise. There are too many factors that cause the climite to be what it is, and man in all his arrogance doesn't understand all the factors and how they interact.
I already knew most of what you just said. There have been studies which measure actual results against what the super computers have predicted. Some of te predictions overstate climate temperature by as much as 300%. When historical data is plugged into these computer models the results are overstated as to what temperatures actually occured.
I have been called a climate denier and even stupid, but I come right back after that person because I know I am right. Thomas Sowell did a video on You Tube where he gives his thoughts on this subject. It is worth watching.
"Climate Change" deniers are the only ones who remain at least somewhat connected to reality!
REALITY: Increasing the amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the air will have INCREDIBLY BENEFICIAL results FOR helping Earth's entire ecosystem and life on Earth!!!
Plants grow faster, produce more, and use less water in doing so!
Deserts become greener with more vegetation. Forests grow back faster and produce more oxygen for humans and animals.
CO2 is NOT a pollutant! It is universally called the "Gas of Life!" But since killing off 80% of Earth's human population is the goal of numerous groups with great influence – maybe that explains why there's a "War on CO2"!!!
Leftists such as Obama complain about "Rising sea levels" Yet they buy mansions on the beach. It's clear that they lie about rising sea levels so they can earn money.
Has anyone even considered that the slow and gradual warming in the past 300 yrs is a good thing?
When elites talk about imprisoning deniers, it says a lot about their intentions.
CO2 is NOT POLLUTION. The naive assume it is because using fossil fuels produces more CO2 (and water and energy). Which it does. What they don't understand is that this is a very small part of a very big picture. What CO2 fearmongers don't understand how beneficial more CO2 is for all life on earth. Good for humanity. Because fossil fuels are 85% of the energy that makes us the best fed, longest-living, most prosperous human beings that have ever existed. And good for the environment. Because the environment (all life) is made of little carbon sacks of water called cells. All life dies without CO2. Life can't live without it. And life essential CO2 has been dangerously and inexorably declining since life's birth in luxuriant levels more than twenty times those of today. Declining during glacial phases of our ongoing three million-year-old Pleistocene Ice Age, to only 180ppm. That's within only 30ppm of the beginning of the death of all things. Arguably the most important chemical reaction in life on earth is photosynthesis. That's sunlight plus CO2 plus H2O gives all of life's carbon, all of life's energy, and all of life's breathable oxygen. And using fossil fuels recycles CO2 back into the atmosphere where it can make life greener, stronger, more drought-tolerant, and more abundant. Hardly pollution. Barry Bateman, farmer and B.Sc.(biology) also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDWEjSDYfxc
I am against pollution, overfishing/overharvesting/overkilling, chopping down trees, etc. Regulations on killing animals should be put into place, pollution I'd argue affects humans more than any other species , and planting trees is a way to get more CO² out of the air.
For all the climate change alarmists, many of us remember magazines in the 1970s discussing the topic of the coming ice age, then we shifted gears to global warming, and now we have climate change. The last ice age was 11,000 years ago where Michigan was under 1 mi thick of ice and the ice retreated North without trains, planes, or automobiles. Moreover, we've had an ice age at least every 200,000 years for the past two million years all of which transitioned without human influence.
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