Top Liberty Movement Leaders Give Advice to Team Trump !!
In this unique 2-hour program broadcast on Tuesday 11/22/16 through Southern Broadcasting System’s 101 FM Nashville and its affiliates and around the world online, leading leaders of the liberty motion sign up with host Dan Happel to use advice and info to Donald Trump’s transition group. Whatever from education and land policy to police and the United Nations was covered. Amongst the two-dozen specialist Friends of Freedom on this broadcast were:
Utah Rep. Ken Ivory (GOP), Idaho Rep. Judy Boyle (GOP), sustainability specialist and rancher Debbie Bacigalupi, ecological expert Paul Driessen, education author Holly Swanson, constitutional law expert Edwin Vieira, John Birch Society President Emiritus John McManus, movie maker James Jaeger, sustainability professional Michael Shaw, native American leader and policy expert Elaine Willman, Montana Rep. Debra Lamm (GOP), Technocracy author Patrick Wood, Nevada rancher Hank Vogler, liberty activist and retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist and Special Agent Jim Beers, global reporter and education author Alex Newman, liberty movement Godfather G. Edward Griffin, retired US Army Major General and senior military expert for Fox News M.G. Paul Vallely, pro-freedom attorney Larry Kogan, author Col. Bill Coate (USMC Ret.), and more.
You will not wish to miss this information-packed two hour marathon!!!