He Wants You | 5 Minute Video
Men look at pretty women. That goes for men who are married, men who are dating, and men who are single. That’s their nature. But is this built-in attraction with the female body a threat to their spouse, girlfriend, or partner?
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The London newspaper The Daily Mail listed the top ten problems experienced by couples on vacation together. And topping the list was: The man looking at other women in bikinis on the beach.
Now, in another Prager University course, I explain the sexual power of the visual on men. And as I show, and as anyone readily understands unless they’ve been misled by a politically correct college course the power of the visual to excite men has no analogue in women. Women don’t get excited by virtually every male body at the beach. Male legs don’t turn them on like female legs turn men on. Etc. etc.
It takes massive willpower in fact for a heterosexual man not to look at bikini-clad women. And few men — even the nicest, finest, and most monogamously faithful and loving — have such willpower.
So, the Daily Mail notes, this frequently causes problems when a couple’s itinerary includes a visit to the beach.
And what exactly is the problem? The problem is that the wife or girlfriend feels threatened by his looking. And why does she feel threatened? Because she thinks he is comparing her to those women. And why does this disturb her?
Here are three reasons.
First, virtually every woman, no matter how attractive, thinks that when her man is looking at other women — other women in general, and in bikinis especially — he is finding them more attractive than her.
Second, she thinks that he is therefore dissatisfied with her, which in turn arouses the unspoken but primal fear that he might leave her.
And third, she is sure that her man will continue to think about these women long after they have disappeared from sight.
So now, let’s analyze these reasons.
First, does the husband or boyfriend find these women on the beach — or for that matter anywhere else — more attractive than he finds his wife or girlfriend?
Well, since I believe that only honesty works in the long run, the answer is sometimes, yes. He may very well find some of those women more physically attractive than his woman. But, here’s the point that most women, again understandably, don’t know: with very few exceptions, it doesn’t matter!
You heard me right. Of course, when looking at these other women, he may find some of them more physically attractive than the woman he is with. But — and here’s the good news — SO WHAT??
Presuming he is attracted to you — and if he isn’t, it doesn’t matter if you’re vacationing in a monastery and all he sees are monks — he wants YOU. I repeat, he wants YOU.
And if he does, all these other women don’t amount to a hill of beans.
There’s another thing women need to know. Within seconds of her disappearing from view, he has no memory of any of these women. When in sight, they can take over his male mind. But out of sight, they are out of mind. It’s as if they never existed.
Yes, the visual gets men’s total attention in a matter of seconds, but as soon as the woman he was focused on vanishes, most men forget what they saw in an equal number of seconds.
Why does this come as news — and hard to believe news, at that — to most women? Because you, the woman, remember the women your man looked at. And you therefore think that he, too, remembers them. But let me assure you he doesn’t. Most men under torture couldn’t identify the women they looked at that the hour before, let alone the day before if they were shown photos of them along with photos of women they had never seen.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/he-wants-you
How do they want us when he’s looking at every woman he sees? Make it make sense! 😂
Very comforting episode given that we are planning a vacation to Bahamas soon 😂
This video quite possibly could have saved my last relationship of 10 years. I was dating way above my level of physical attractiveness and not only could count on 1 hand how many women were more attractive than her but I also was so happy with her in those rare cases nothing could've made me stray. Sadly she didn't see this video and our relationship became to unhealthy because she didn't know these FACTS.
Nope, we conservative women don‘t care about these excuses. The bible preaches to ONLY look at your wife/husband with desire and lust. Looking at other, especially half naked breasts or asses can arouse some bad fantasies. In the bible, even sexual fantasies with other women are a sin, but in this era with porn addicted people you can’t tell this anyone… Ladies, sure you can tell yourself that it doesn’t matter but you can as well stand up for yourself and your feelings. If it matters to you it matters, search for a man who loves GOD and doesn’t disrespect you by lusting over other women. These men exist, I have found one.
Especially true those days, when any physical move toward any woman on the beach besides his own will put him in jail, at best.
This is NOT about justifying, but explaining.
It's all about learning and experiences of that men that shapes their view about the world weather they find something attractive and desirable.
Women assume (mistakenly) that men mate and date the way they do. Women usually don't voluntarily leave a relationship until they have another one lined up. (I call it the "Tom Brady Effect.") They monkey branch. So if you're looking, they're assuming you're about to monkey branch as well. Sometimes looking is just plain looking. And a cigar is just a cigar.
My ex-wife did not like me looking at other women. She thought, like Dennis said, I wanted to replace her, truth was I didn't want to replace her I just liked to look. That was not why I left her, there were 16-years of reasons why I left. My current wife, of over 24-years, doesn't mind since she understood that I was married and not dead as she puts it. She gets checked out a lot when we go out and I love to see her being able to turn a guy's head. She is the same way with me getting checked out as she puts it. I truly have a one in a million wife.
Dennis isn’t being honest about the ‘spank bank’.
Many of Solomon's marriages sealed political appliances.
Job 31:1-4 gives a good reason for men to be mindful of their eyes. "“I made a covenant with my eyes,
how then should I look lustfully at a young woman?
2 For what is the portion from God above,
and the heritage from the Almighty on high?
3 Is it not calamity to the unrighteous,
and disaster to the workers of iniquity?
4 Doesn’t he see my ways,
and count all my steps?"
How's that working for you Dennis?
Its called being respectful. If you have a hard time as a guy doing that, then get help. There is no "guys just get attracted easier." That makes it sound like its unchangable but honestly it takes two ounces of not being an a**hole.
Leave him and let him have them.
Women deserve better. I'm so over society letting men treat their women like crap and trying to normalize it.
Dennis pay your taxes
Mr. Prager is on his third wife. I don't think he wanted #1 or #2.
Hence the distracted boyfriend meme
Someone hasn’t watched any good lifeguard romance movies.
Dennis has been divorced 4×+
i'm a girl, and i AM attracted to physical attributes on men. but when i'm with my boyfriend i will not stare at another man, no matter how attractive he may be. same way i won't publicly follow and like another man's posts on social media. it makes me mad how it's being normalised to blatantly disrespect your partner, girls, guys, DO NOT settle for it! me and my boyfriend have been to the beach together, and none of us ogle at others in their swimsuits; we're too focused on eachother. you WILL find the person for you, they wont need stimulation from other people! wtf even is monogamy these days smh!!!
Yup, all true. Also funny as hell! :))
Excellently explained.
Looks like someone came home from a beach vacation with his wife angry
Mrs Prager, you don’t have to put up with him. Divorce his ass
Comments are suprisingly based. Calling out the zionist propaganda. DENNIS THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Stop pushing your jewish philosophy on us. Lust is a sin. Period.
Every knee will bend and every tongue confess.
Looking is cheating. Period. Seriously, if men are supposedly more turned on by looking than women, that just makes it WORSE when a man looks at another woman. Let's make a video about how women are more attracted to physical touch than men. Women can't help it when another man comes up to them and starts stroking their arm or playing with their hair. It is in their nature to welcome this sort of affection, they can't stop it. Men should just accept that, don't be jealous, and move on. Good grief. Stop making excuses for bad behavior. 🤦♀
Dennis got caught and immediately went to the studio to explain
to be fair, I’m a lesbian and I’m a fairly visual person but if I can keep my gaze down so can a random perve
Honey, it’s not MY fault I’m looking at the other hotties at the beach! It’s just simple biology, don’t be silly
This is a typical boogey man of the left. Accusing people of committing acts for willfully negative reasons which are actually auto-biological, i.e. cannot be altered. It is similar to ordering men to desire women who are very promiscuous or porn stars. The most primitive part of our brain, completely out of our control, will never send the signals that form attachment. We cannot choose to feel something, we feel it or we do not. We simply will not form feelings for them, and there is no way to make it happen consciously or willfully. If she has a low cut top on I am going to look at her cleavage. I can try really hard not to, but will probably fail. Women might be able to do this kind of thing, but men cannot. It is that way. We make no apology for biology
Do a video on the female perspective & mindset
Theres alot of gullible and naive people listening to this garbage!!!!!!.
INDOCTRINATION and propaganda!!!
So this is where all those messed up women and men are coming from!!!!
You are creating chauvinistic males and incels!!!!!!!!!
Thanks alot for this garbage. 🙄🤬
True, but it still amazes me that so many people, men and women alike, don't put forth the effort to be their best in the way of diet and a regular exercise program.
I never get angry or upset over my man looking at other women. I just dont care!