Is the UN Fair to Israel? | 5 Minute Video
Israel is a vibrant democracy with full rights for women and gays, a free press and independent judiciary. You would think that the United Nations would celebrate such a country. Instead, the UN condemns Israel at every turn to the point of obsession. How did this happen? Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights, explains in five eye-opening minutes.
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There are 193 countries in the United Nations today. Of these, one has been singled out as an especially egregious offender of the organization’s mandate to preserve and enhance human freedom and tolerance. Can you guess which it is?
It has about seven million citizens of whom a fifth are Arab. The government is vibrantly democratic; its press wide open, and religious freedom fully respected. Women have equal rights, and gays live openly.
The answer is Israel.
Here are some facts:
38% of all the resolutions of the United Nations Human Rights Council – the UN’s top human rights body – that are critical of specific countries have been directed at Israel alone. The Council has a permanent agenda that governs every regular session. This agenda is composed of ten items, one of which is always reserved for criticizing Israel.
Between 2006 — when the council was created — and 2012, it published 48 reports condemning Israel. During that same period, there were nine reports on Syria’s mass killings and torture of its own citizens, three on Iran’s genocide-threatening regime, and not one on, for example, China – which denies more than a billion people elementary freedoms.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
So we are faced with a choice. Either there’s something very wrong with Israel that I’m not telling you about or there’s something very wrong with the United Nations that you should know about.
Let’s look into the history of both.
First Israel.
Ever since its establishment (voted for by the United Nations, by the way) in 1948, Israel has had to fight its neighbors solely in order to survive.
It has endured innumerable acts of terrorism, the most intense from 2000-2005, the so-called Second Intifada in which children and other innocents were blown up in places like pizza parlors, and buses and at weddings. It still suffers from rocket attacks against civilians from the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by a terror group, Hamas, whose stated reason for existence is to destroy Israel.
Israel has developed a strong military and a web of security fences and walls to protect itself. Do these security measures cause hardships to people who must deal with this network? Yes, they do. Israel would like nothing better than to tear all these fences and walls down. But bitter experience informs them it to what would happen if it did.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/un-fair-israel

I mean SERIOUSLY …. No mention of illegal occupation or colonial expanauon or the apparthied ….. Of course UN will condem israel ….
Imagine stealing someone else's land and then complain when they retaliate. This video is the definition of propaganda.
Usa VETO same way Russia is having it s war
Israel may be unfairly treated, and I do believe in their right to exist, but we shouldn't treat them as completely blameless.
So, because you are a free community you can steal other people lands!
Binging on these prager videos about Isreal. What I get from it is that the UN gave its blessings to Israel being a nation fully knowing that the Arab nations would destroy it. When numerous conflicts and wars proved that Israel was here to stay, they acted like they had their back all along and tried to appease both nations. Now that the Arabs are angrier than ever about anybody doing better then them, the UN are again being haters and trying to appease the other haters than trying to bring everybody up to the same level.
The problem is that we let so many none democratic countries to decide for us what is right and wrong.
This is very outraging
Luckily, the UN doesn't do anything beside talking
I had this professor for an undergraduate class on human rights. We were subjected to zionist propaganda the whole time.
There is both something very wrong woth the country of israel and the U.N. and pragerU you are a propaganda organisation. You do good in the US but promoting crimes abroad.
They are not fair, because they are not punishing Israel as they did to Iraq
Is the UN fair to the world? No. Is the UN necessary?No.
Durbz 🏖
un not helping anyone
The UN is run by dictatorships.
I new it. The UN is the last gov of the end days. They are evil. China, the pcch, is part of the UN and they also control other businesses globally, such the OMS for health, and they aim to control the world with a different law from the bible, going against it to reduce population, exacly as it is been prophesied. Why only the communists nation can join the UN? They are agaist the basic human rights, religion and freedom speech. God bless u, everyone who read this.
I love how ridiculous and not sustented (maybe even unwarranted) is this Org´s propaganda
Israel is the master in making professional victims out off themselves.
The comments are so brainwashed.
Amazing video. Standing with Israel from New Zealand. The UN is a useless corrupt organization that leeches money off naive countries in exchange for nothing but lies, propaganda and empty promises.
Israel is an amazing productive democratic country. None of the Arab states can even hold a candle to the freedom and prosperity of Israel. Refugees flee their Arab homes, how many Arab citizens flee Israel? None! The world is finally beginning to understand what's a useful player and what's an evil moocher, the days of the UN status quo are at an end.
We fight for freedom side with isreal
Y r we the us protecting Israel
Heck the Jews don't even believe in jesus yet Muslims do, Jews will support the anti christ according to the Bible, Muslims and Christians both believe that jesus will return but wht abt the jews
I stand with Israel
America First! Screw Israel!
Answer 1: There's something very wrong with Israel that you're not telling us about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0uLbeQlwjw
Israel even had more than 7m people in 2014
The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection and the extermination of jews..
The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection Moslems recruited the Nazi SS by Yasser Arafat's 'Uncle
The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini was later the notorious Nazi who mixed Nazi propaganda and Islam. He was wanted for war crimes in Bosnia by Yugoslavia.
His mix of militant propagandizing Islam was an inspiration for both Yasser Arafat and Saddam Husein: He was also a close relative of Yasser Arafat and grandfather of the current Temple Mount Mufti. "Arafat's actual name was Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini."
Arafat's brother and sister, described the Mufti as a cousin (family member) with tremendous influence on young Yassir after the Mufti returned from Berlin to Cairo. Yasser Arafat himself keeps his exact lineage and birthplace secret. Saddam Hussein was raised in the house of his uncle Khayrallah Tulfah, who was a leader in the Mufti's pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in May 1941.
al-Husseini was not only the founding father of the Arab national movement in Palestine. He was also a fervent anti-Semite, the most important Nazi collaborator in the Arab world, and a political activist who worked tirelessly for the ethnic cleansing and physical destruction of the Jews in Palestine and in the Middle East as a whole.
As Israelis face yet another wave of violence at the hands of Palestinians, and we ask yet again about its causes, a serious look at the Mufti’s role in crafting, justifying, and encouraging such violence becomes crucial for our understanding. For the Mufti not only founded Palestinian nationalism as we know it today, but defined it as an ideology of absolute rejectionism and even genocide. In effect, the Mufti denied that the Jews had any national rights whatsoever, and especially not in the historic Land of Israel.
In this, the Mufti originated the single most important obstacle to peace in the Middle East: The Palestinian refusal to accept Jewish sovereignty and even physical presence in any part of the Land of Israel. In many ways, to understand the Mufti is to understand why the Palestinians, despite numerous opportunities to do so, still refuse to make peace.,,
An Arabians home is in an area that is today part of Saudi Arabia, that's where an Arabs come from and that is why they are today are called Arabs.
Arabs today occupy large areas throughout the Middle East and North Africa, an occupied land area that is 630 times greater than the Israel of Israel.
Jews have in history been thrown out of their original homeland many times in history .
The total historic lands belonging to Jews are today parts of Israel, the West Bank, Palestine and parts of today's Jordan, Lebanon.
One thing we need to note is that Jews / Israelites never have not once not one single time in history, renouncing their claime to the land , territories or cities, they have always maintained thier claim and required recognition as the legitimate proprietors of the land, they have claim their historic cities and lands throughout their history. .
(Also the above mentioned country areas have never been 100% Jew / Israelite free in history)
Jews / Israelites have always lived in the above-mentioned territories more or less since 1213 BC. (under foreign power and under occupation and under the freedom when it was from time to time was a Jew / Israeli state / control)
The Arabs did not come to an area before the pedophile Muhammad came riding half-naked on a camel (out of what is today's Saudi Arabia) with an army of fanatic jihadists at around 638 BC.
( Muhammad pedophile evedance ..According to Sunni scriptural Hadith sources, Aisha was six years old when married to Muhammad while marriage was not fulfilled by love before she was 9 years old)
In the Qur'an there is ref. to the fact that the land beloges to the jewish pepole… In the Qur'an is says… That before the army of Muhammad came to Jerusalem, there was a Jewish / Israeli country and state under Jewish control with the Jewish the King's from the house / family of King David; In other words, Israel and Judah were under Jewish heredity and that the land areas were Jewish .. not Muslim !!
look below
(1. "At the time of the Muslim conquest of the city, the victors encountered many traditions connecting the Temple Mount with David (the Miḥrāb Dāwūd in the Qur'an 38: 20-21) and Jewish beliefs that from there, on Mount Moriah ")
(2) "An older handwritten edition of the Qur'an." David is mentioned 16 times in the Quran. In Islam, David is called Dawood (or Daud, Daoud, Dawud, Arabic داوود,) as a designated prophet and messenger ("Rasul") of Allah, and as the righteous king of Israel. The Muslims assume that David lived until he became old, between 70 and 106. The Quran tells of how he defeated the giant Jalut (Goliath) and that Allah (God) later gave him wisdom and a founded a Jewish / Israeli kingdom ")
My question must be ..
If I live in my house and the neighbor come with friends, takes over my basement turns off the power and throws me and my family out of that house and the neighbor's friends move in and live there for a some years, Dose my house (occupied by the neighbor) becomes moral and legal the property of my neighbor? When that my family and my ansestors hve ownd that property for over 3500 years ++ How can it morally and legally suddenly be my neighbor's after just a few x number of years?
Or is the neighbor just an occupier in my house who has managed to stay there for some time?
And if I one day go to the police (UN) and they look at the case and I get my house and the property back and the neighbor's friends are thrown out and I and my family move back into the house, HOW ARE I an occupier in my own house and property ??
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes – Muslims are scared of this !!!
www. youtube. com / watch? v = Ukd05G9ggb0
Too many boomers and Jews in the comment section.
A little too fair.
f**k the un
s/o to Israel one time…
China now is leading all his bros in UN to against west values because he can get more tickets from these non-freedom countries
UN support terrorists UN support these countries who have no human rights UN support these countries to against west values and UN principles
Isreal was attacked by a colaition of its neighbors 4 times in its first 20 years of existence. In spite of this, Isreal accepted multiple arrangements that would create a country for Palestinians to live as they see fit, all of which Palestinians rejected. Isreal is the closest approximation we have of Enlightenment values admist a vast region dominated by some of the worst oppressions of our time: gays are murdered by authoritarian regimes for their ways of life and women covered in their own blood for daring to have an opinion.
The behavior of the UN towards Isreal is shameful. 🇮🇱
The UN is a completely corrupt organization paid of with oil money.