Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War?|5 Minute Video
Why did America battle the Vietnam War? The military suffered over 58,000 casualties, and America withdrew in defeat. What for? Historian Victor Davis Hanson explains.
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The Vietnam War lasted ten years, cost America 58,000 lives and over a trillion dollars, adjusted for inflation. It reduced a president, stirred social unrest, and ended in defeat.
Nobody in hindsight thinks fighting a losing war is ever worth the cost. The Vietnam War is normally crossed out as a massive tactical mistake and a humanitarian disaster.
Historic appraisals might have been much various had the Vietnam War followed the pattern of the Korean War, which the United States battled for almost similar reasons: the defense of flexibility in Asia.
The U.S. had military consultants in Vietnam throughout the 1950s, however didn’t end up being associated with a major way up till 1963. President John F. Kennedy firmly believed in the “cause and effect,” the diplomacy theory that prone nations without assistance would fall, one after another, like dominos, to external communist hostility.
Kennedy thus wished to stop Soviet- and Chinese-backed communist invasions in the way President Harry Truman had in Korea by choosing in Vietnam.
Much like Korea, it was a war the United States did not look for. Similar to Korea, Vietnam presented no “royal” benefits: no natural deposits, or resources of any kind, that the United States needed to secure or wished to acquire. As with Korea, the aggressor was a communist federal government in the North intent on taking control of the South, and its military crossed an around the world recognized border to do so.
Following Kennedy’s assassination in November of 1963, President Lyndon Johnson greatly heightened America’s function in 1964. Even as he did so, Johnson prosecuted the war with deep unpredictability, licensing substantially more soldiers and cash for the war, but never ever pushing for general triumph.
By 1971, the war was at a stalemate, neither side able to develop a clear benefit. The president, Richard Nixon, pursued a two-prong technique– to turn over fight operations to the South Vietnamese, and to bomb North Vietnam.
The Watergate scandal, the subsequent resignation of President Nixon, and the Democrats’ sweeping congressional success in the 1974 mid-term election all helped to convince the North Vietnamese that America would not enforce the peace plan.
They were.
Without U.S. air assistance and product aid, the South Vietnamese had no opportunity versus the North. Well provided by the Soviet Union and the Chinese, the communists acquired total control over the country in April 1975.
The war showed far more pricey than Korea considering that the place and landscapes of Vietnam were even more favorable to revolt operations. There were likewise much more restraints put on American leaders than throughout the Korean War. And the United States in the 1960s was a far less cohesive and conservative nation than America of the 1950s.
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Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? Even as he did so, Johnson prosecuted the war with deep uncertainty, licensing considerably more soldiers and cash for the war, but never pushing for total accomplishment.
Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? Why did America combat the Vietnam War? Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War? Why did America fight the Vietnam War? Even as he did so, Johnson prosecuted the war with deep ambivalence, authorizing significantly more troops and money for the war, however never ever pressing for total triumph.