Marking the Times Episode 23: America in Bible Prophecy
Join Dr. Hitchcock as he discusses whether or not America is mentioned in the Bible.
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Join Dr. Hitchcock as he discusses whether or not America is mentioned in the Bible.
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Peace be with you, reader.
The United States has been summoned and charged for the crimes against Judah. Sure, all of the other sins after the matter pertaining to Judah is on the indictment, but truthfully, the murder, rape, theft and enslavement of Judah is ULTIMATELY why the United States' judgement will be what it will be.
A person can yet still have a repentant spirit, but the people of the United States as a whole have have repented for nothing! They cling to their corrupt governments and hypocritical religious institutions as if God and the Lord approves. Is it not written that we cannot have two masters?
Governments and religions have been as the left and right foot, marching humanity with earnest to the great and terrible day of God's wrath.
None of our earthly garbage and nonsense are pleasing to God! All of our works are covered in spiritual vomit, for some corrupt influence is attached, making us complicit in unknown sins!
An end was decreed; therefore, an end will occur. There are no countries in the Kingdom of God. There are no religions in the Kingdom of God. The world or the kingdom of God? Choose.
America is mentioned. We are the great nation from the North whose mighty men are expert warriors and whose arrows do not return in vain. We will fornicate with this Assyrian for 42 months and then turn against him at the 7th Trumpet. Last days Babylon the Great City is Baghdad. The Bible tells us it is Sheshach in the land of the Chaldeans also called the land of Shinar. We are also told that the final antichrist is an Assyrian. Micah 5:5 and Isaiah 14:25. America is found in Jer 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, Isa 13, Joel 3, Zeph 3, Matt 22 and Rev 17:16-17. Father begins using us during the bowls of wrath as He begins orchestrating the uprooting of the beast kingdom.
Pastor, What are your thoughts regarding Pope Francis, and the Jesuits takeover of the Catholic Church. In the 1990s on the Art Bell Show, Malachi Martin (a former Jesuit priest) said that the Jesuits tried to pressure Pope John Paul II to step aside to put a Jesuit in as Pope. He predicted that the Jesuits would eventually get an un-elected Cardinal in as Pope. He tied this future Pope in with the 3rd secret of Fatima and the 12th century St Malachy prophecies.
Author Tom Horn & Chris Putnam predicted that Pope Benedict would resign. it happened.
Now there is a Jesuit Pope. A Marxist, radical left wing, globalist Pope who speaks nonstop blasphemies. Is there a chance that this Pope is the false prophet?