The Real Climate Crisis
We’re supposed to be in a climate crisis. And we are. But not in the way you think. Alex Epstein, author of Fossil Future, explains the real crisis and what we can do to get out of it.
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The world faces a serious crisis, one that will ruin whole economies and lead to needless suffering and death.
The crisis is related to climate change, but not in the way you’re probably thinking.
It’s the global energy crisis—a man-made crisis created by climate change policies.
These policies have led to a shortage of fossil fuels—oil, coal, and natural gas, the fuels that provide over 80% of the world’s energy.
A shortage of anything leads to higher prices. That’s just basic economics.
Fossil fuel shortages have led to higher energy prices. And because the energy industry powers every other industry, this has led to higher prices of almost everything, everywhere.
We are already seeing the consequences.
Inflation spares no one, but those who live paycheck-to-paycheck suffer the most. Every purchase becomes a major decision. Inflation in the US in 2022 was around eight percent, in the UK, ten percent, and in many developing countries, much higher. The leading driver of this inflation has been the cost of energy.
Deadly Winters
Contrary to popular belief, far more people die from cold than heat. Saving lives from the danger of cold requires low-cost, reliable energy. Without it, people on the margins can’t adequately heat their homes during the harsh winter months. Even in wealthy Europe, literally thousands will die for lack of energy.
Widespread job losses
When energy prices increase dramatically, industries scale back or shut down altogether.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, “Europe’s energy crisis has left few businesses untouched… Some industries, such as the energy-intensive metals sector, are shutting factories that analysts and executives say might never reopen, imperiling thousands of jobs.”
Mass starvation
Modern agriculture depends on fossil fuels: natural gas is a prime component of fertilizer and farming equipment is largely powered by diesel fuel. When natural gas and oil prices go up, food becomes more expensive around the world.
According to the President of the World Farmers’ Organization: “Prices are…78 percent higher than… in 2021…In many regions [in the developing world] farmers simply can’t afford… fertilizers… or even if they could, the fertilizers are not available to them.”
Not enough fertilizer means not enough food.
While the whole world suffers from an energy crisis, the worst affected are poor nations that are getting outbid for scarce energy supplies. Bangladesh has recently experienced widespread power outages. They simply can’t get the energy they need. A desperate Europe is grabbing all it can, leaving this east Asian nation literally in the dark.
This will lead to…
Civil unrest.
We saw this in Sri Lanka in 2022. Violent riots wracked the country following massive crop failures. A leading reason for the crop failures: a lack of fertilizer due to anti-natural gas, anti-fertilizer policies.
The root cause of all these problems and the very real suffering that results is the same.
Not enough fossil fuel.
But there is no need for shortages of fossil fuel.
We have all the fossil fuels we need and then some. We are literally standing on it.
We just can’t get to it.
We can’t get to it because governments have decided we shouldn’t use fossil fuels.
They say we’re in a climate crisis.
But while climate change—humans impacting climate—is a real thing, “climate crisis” is not.
The world is slowly becoming warmer—at a cold point in geological history when many more people die of cold than of heat. This doesn’t at all justify rapidly restricting global fossil fuel use.
Fossil fuels actually make us far safer from the climate by providing low-cost energy for the amazing machines that protect us against storms, protect us against extreme temperatures, and alleviate drought. Climate disaster deaths have decreased 98% over the last century.
For the full script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/the-real-climate-crisis

The science is absolutely clear that climate change is a looming total disaster, and the sooner we ignore this sort of biased nonsense provided by this video, and get on with doing everything we can to reduce and then end our dependency on fossil fuels, the better for our kids and grand-kids.
The climate crisis isn’t about the climate. Wake up, it’s about control and dominance. Liberals will grovel on their knees. I’d rather go out on my feet fighting.
So the poor get poorer the rich and elite never feel the pian they created
the real climate crisis , what were some of the declarations expressed by the speaker ?
there is no fuel shortage, there is no such thing as rare earth elements, only processing plant shortages on foreign soils everything is still abundant, but the end to easy peasy low cost of removal is over. At the beginning, oil was just oozing out of the surface of the ground, now we need to go deeper. The current "crisis" is man made by a select group of people conspiring together to implement their Global agenda
This is a breath of fresh air amidst this ridiculous eco-terorrist propaganda and alarmism.
It’s impressive to see someone speaks so confidently about something he apparently knows little about.
At 0:25 – 0:40 he says there is a worldwide shortage of oil, coal, and natural gas. Basic economics tells us that a shortage of anything will lead to higher prices for that thing. We currently have higher prices for oil, coal, and natural gas at this time, therefore that must be because of a shortage of those commodities.
But there’s a problem with his logic: we do not have a shortage of oil, coal, and natural gas.
Worldwide oil production (thousands of barrels per day)
2020: 88,630
2021: 90,076
2022: 93,848
Worldwide production of natural gas (billions of cubic meters)
2020: 3,860.6
2021: 4,053.4
2022: 4,043.8
Worldwide production of coal (millions of tons)
2020: 7,740.8
2021: 8,159.5
2022: 8,803.4
Energy Institute 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy
When one of the “facts“ that he builds his case on is actually false, the rest of his presentation immediately becomes suspect.
The other thousand pound gorilla in the room that he ignores is the war in Ukraine and how it’s affected the world supply and price of oil and natural gas.
Or maybe he’s hoping we won’t notice.
Just the way the globalists want it. In their view there are too many people on the planet
Is there something wrong with with this person's face? It's like they're not happy with their natural face.
This guy needs to lie off the botox.
PragerU (NOT a university!!) —-Farris and Dan Wilks, who made their billions in oil and gas fracking, donate large sums of money to this organization. They also heavily promote climate crisis denialism. Florida's DeSantis is now promoting Prager for schools and, irony of ironies, he loves to bash 'indoctrination' while this video and others this organization produces are textbook examples of the same.
criminal misinformation, brought to you by big oil
Brought to you by Fracking Inc.
The largest criminal/terrorist organization such as the UN is in no position to give context, advice or leadership because they've been caught in so many lies and every "leader" that filles the seats at the UN, every recently out of the closet, authoritarian, aspiring dictator are the evil murdering scumbags that are attacking our food, supply chain, and us…. They are the evil we must once again defend ourselves against like in both world wars
Alex is nothing more than a fossil fuel stooge, the only thing he knows about gas is gaslighting. Keep up in the carbon monoxide though Alex, enjoy those big paychecks from big oil while they last.
You left out record corporate profits in energy, food and other industries. Wonder why? Oh because you are the energy industry.
How come in the 70s oil was $20 a barrel and today it is $80 a barrel. To keep up with inflation it should be $140 a barrel today. Oil is a bargain compared to 50 years ago.
He is great
fossil fuels are running out as they are a FINITE resource. IE we are using them up way quicker than they can be replenished, as they are basically made by compressing dead animal and plant remains.
the climate crisis does not just 'kill people because of heat'. the climate crisis:
– melts glaciers, which causes the sea level to rise and will affect coastal villages, towns and cities
– kills off insects, which will lead to a lack of pollinators to keep our crops growing
– lead to more extreme weather (for example, an increased range in where hurricanes form)
it's important to remember that videos like these aren't here to 'spread truth' or 'break out of the matrix'. the climate change isn't some conspiracy the 'wokey snowflakes' made up, it's a very real and terrifying future for us. we are already seeing the effects – food prices increasing, extreme wildfires, and rising sea levels that are already affecting smaller islands.
please think critically. please do your research. please stop spreading false information about a thing that has already taken too many lives.
I feel that I being lied to because I am thinking running out 🦖 fuel . And yes cold weather in Canada you will die with no heat . Also think ethanol production is good idea as well solar water power and wind . Very clear message if you are right . Yes people well die of cold ❄️ weather because less power.
The progressive socialist left doesn’t actually view climate change as a crisis. They manufacture the crisis from a natural phenomenon in order to propel redistribution policies toward their socialist beliefs. As the noted democratic strategist, James Carville, once declared, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Unfortunately a relatively small proportion of socialists have teamed up with party minded politicians whose sustenance is derived from delivering government largess. Thus a symbolic relationship between the socialist and democratic political hustlers. Case in point, what on earth does summarily forgiving all student debt have to do with helping humans adapt to a warming climate.
What a load of tosh. Two minutes background reading would allow anyone to see the tricks being used by the deniers. But no matter how much the temperatures rise the anti-science Luddites will keep bleating ‘it’s a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy’.
Sounds not unlike the COVID and global warming scams! Follow the money oops science….
This looks fancy but many facts they claim are simply not accurate. Propaganda at its best.
Without fail, Democrat policies always hurt the little guy. ALWAYS! Those they say they are most compassionate about always bear the brunt of their failures. Who always benefits? The extremely wealthy and those with political power. ALWAYS!
Supportive comment
why do they only point at europe as the bad guys while prageru is based in the u.s.a?
Now that we are in El Niño, we will see how “the climate crisis is not a real thing” holds up. 🤷♂️
"We have all the fossil fuel we need". I need to wash my eyes and ears with dettol after this logic!
The first point he makes is that energy shortages leads to higher prices. Sure so does more demand. If we reduce the demand for fossil fuels then prices will adjust- it’s simple economics, as he says. It doesn’t make sense to increase production of materials that damage the planet and inhabitants to target rising prices when we can achieve both by cutting demand.
What an idiot are you kidding me?😂😂😂😂
Dear lord this is absolute garbage propaganda. I cant believe people are so ignorant to believe such nonsense. Climate change isnt happening slowly. The past 8 years have been the hottest in the past 130,000 years based on geological records. The climate is getting hotter at a rate not seen in that time span. The earth was only 4 to 6 degrees cooler during the last ice age when there was mile high ice in Manhattan. A 3 degree change in 100 years that is being projected is NOT NORMAL!!!!! Rather than denying climate science ask yourself, what if its going to be much much much worse than you think they are telling you its going to be.
Solar cost is down 99% in the past 50 years. Its now cheaper than Fossil. Fossil is just solar power that takes millions of years to develop, is hazardous to health and is causing climate changes that will cost trillions in damages annually. Solar is tech based and as such Fossil cannot compete in a capitalist society. Remember your computer from 50 years ago? The only change in Fossil in the past 50 years is its price has increased 1300%. Cry all you want, solar will continue to get cheaper, nobody will be willing to pay 20x more for Fossil in future.