What happens when humans choose to redefine good and evil by their own terms? 💔
The Bible tells the story of humans choosing to redefine good and evil by their own terms and act as if they are God. The result? Broken relationships and violence.
#shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible
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Just thought I pop in w/the kids cause it's been a long hmm, your ministry was always a bit unorthodox & probably why most of us like it I think, but, not trying to cherry pic, but are we rewriting the Book of Genesis Garden of eden account now? maybe it's time for a ministry break into a new venture brothers if we not keeping it text anymore. wow
I'd people redefine good and evil… it's disaster…
God bless you for making these videos.
Thank You JESUS. Amen. Hallelujah! 👏👏👏
Stop lying
It's not to pick what we call good and evil
God blinded us that's why they covered themsleves up out of shame of being naked 😂😂
In heaven they arent naked so God lied about how it is on heaven is the same as earth
Humans are experts at turning good into bad
God is an expert at turning bad into good
I love everything about this channel ❤
Nachash =serpentim or seraphim
The bible is very clear that it was only Eve who was deceived then she "gave" to Adam who knew better and still chose to sin. The serpent did not appear to them both. Because the fall happens with Adam not Eve.
Ok but why was pizza on the evil side of things there's nothing wrong with pizza
The way Jesus walked away from the opposer.😂
I LOVE THESE! It's it me or do those things look like lollipops?
Geat story 😊. Love how simple it is.
The analogy in the first half is powerful! Adam and Eve holding those bubbles representing their own definitions of what good and evil were, is such a good representation of conflict waiting to happen. And the more people there are, the more individual definitions exist of what is good, what is bad, what is right, what is wrong and even more opportunities for conflict. No wonder our world is in such chaos. Without people living out the one definition of truth/God's Word, there will always be conflict within and between one another.
idk if Jesus rlly walks like that but yes, factual 😂
Eisegesis much?!
I just love god
The furby on evil staying evil
Defining good and evil on your own terms. Profound
Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Except for God, of course.
did you just say that pizza is evil?!
Sounds like America in 2024
Amém 🙏❤️✝️
Self righteousness really needs to be called out as the real problem it is.