Besieged by a Worldview Foreign to Jesus’ View of Reality — Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg talks about the policies concerning transgender students in his local school district, how the worldview being promoted conflicts with Jesus’ view of reality, and our need to uphold the truth, then he answers a question about how Orthodox Jews atone for sin.
*Correction: Johns Hopkins has now reversed their policy on transgender surgeries and is performing them again.
1:13 Besieged by a worldview foreign to Jesus’ view of reality
41:26 A caller talks to Greg about his commentary on sex and pronouns in the school system
49:45 How does an Orthodox Jew atone for sin?
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“CVUSD Allows Boys in Girls’ Bathrooms, Punishes Students for Using ‘Wrong Pronouns’” by Joel Kilpatrick: https://www.conejoguardian.org/2022/09/28/cvusd-allows-boys-in-girls-bathrooms-punishes-students-for-using-wrong-pronouns/
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When a nation turns from God, the Ground of All Reality, there is nowhere to go but into unreality, into delusion and fantasy. This seems to me to be what is playing out in ugly – and increasingly dangerous fashion – in contemporary North American culture. It's just Romans 1:18-32, essentially. The further the nation migrates from God, from the Truth and Light that He is, the deeper into falsehood and darkness it must inevitably go, the effect of which is, as we're seeing, a rising tide of insanity and absurdity.
Concerning Israel being scattered for acting corruptly, Exodus 4;25-27 is fairly clear. “When you father children and have grandchildren, and you grow old in the land, and you act corruptly, and make an idol in the form of anything, and do what is evil in the sight of the Lord your God to provoke Him to anger, I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that you will certainly perish quickly from the land where you are going over the Jordan to take possession of it. You will not live long on it, but will be utterly destroyed. The Lord will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the Lord drives you."
The question I then have is, why would you trust that generation's judgment concerning Yeshua's death and resurrection? Look, Jesus is the Arm of the Lord not only from Isaiah 53 but also Isaiah 59. This is where God basically says, ( and check it yourself ), when God could find no one good, no one worthy to intercede, his own Arm brought salvation for Him. Remember at the end of 53 Yeshua intercedes for the transgressors. It is the same person, no doubt in my mind. It's a giant sign post of the virgin birth ultimately. t
This is so unbelievable that we are arguing over the difference between a man and a woman and addressing each other properly. This is downright childish. Only the devil could conjure up this kind of crazy thing.
You aren't being crude. You just used the correct terms for parts of the body.
I'm tired of hearing about these child butchers. I want ARRESTS. When will that happen? Every day, every hour that passes, they are sexually mutilating more children. I'm tired of talking and hearing about it. I want these butchers ARRESTED.
Not right, but I see this leading to violence. How can a parent accept this without reacting. They can talk and talk but once their child comes home from a surgery or they notice something strange in their child and find out they're on puberty blockers, what then?
We see it in the Hemet school district, in an unincorporated area of riverside county. 😢