Does Socialism contradict the Bible?
Jay Richards looks to the 10 Commandments to explain why the Bible presupposes an economic system that contradicts Socialism. Richards explains why respect for private property has been important throughout history, and why private property is at the root of Christian thinking.
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Why yes. You just need to read the 10 commandments to see that.
Thou shalt not murder and thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's things are there very favorite ones to break.
Socialism by definition is not the abolition of private property. That's communism.
The Bible is a fantasy book and very stupid stories
Socialism, man, not communism, this is strawmanning at it's purest. You think Americans would like a poor middle Eastern dark-skinned hippie saying that rich are bad people and that you should sell your possessions and give them to the poor. There is a reason he hanged around with prostitutes, sick, poor, beaten, and free market capitalism is not the reason why. He does support taxes, also prevalent in socialism. Socialists believe in private property, but not owning the resources and paying for the work properly. Giving a day of rest, i think there is an old book that stands for same things.
the europe is Christian and socialist country. American pastor are mouth full of shit.
Christianity is inherently socialist.
Wrong. The manner in which socialists use "private property" is not the way you are using it. You are erroneously conflating it with personal property. You can own a car, your own home, a ps5, a nice coat, whatever you want. You cannot own another person's labor.
This Fuhk Witt Doesn't even Know what Socialism is.
. Jesus taught the Great Reversal. A key component of that is the rich shall be poor and the poor shall be Rich. Jesus was advocating a reversal of the Social Order. https://claritychurch.org/bibletoolsblog/2017/6/22/the-gospel-of-luke-the-great-reversal.
We need to look into the law of the Jewish nation….how every 50 years, they were to observe year of Jubilee. How each got bavk their lost properties. Was it a capitalism?
This video is stating truth! Another reason that Christianity and Socialism are incompatible is the fact that one of the foundations of Socialism is ATHEISM. Socialism rejects all faiths and rejects the idea that God is the Provider of all we need.
A Socialist nation expects it’s citizens to see the Socialist government as their only provider of everything instead of God! The huge problem of seeing the government as one’s provider is the fact that a government can abuse their power over their citizens as the “great” provider of food, income; etc. and could withhold basic things one needs to survive if individuals do not do what the government expects of them! This setup completely takes away individual freedom and instead creates extreme abuses towards citizens that lead to violence, imprisonment and even murder. An example of this is when Russia was a Communist/Socialist nation; millions died of unjust government abuse, and murder. Millions suffered…..!! Since Socialism was first put into practice 104 years ago, it has killed approximately 100 million people worldwide!!
We don't want to steal anything and we don't covet anything. The socially produced, but privately owned, property embedded in a steel mill or bank isn't the same as the personal property in your garage workshop, or even a small business. The land and labor are the source of value.
For one, we don't bail out the little guys, yet failing to bail out the big guys would mean rolling layoffs and economic catastrophy for most. The owners engage in this behavior because they don't actually like risk. Any claim otherwise is empty rhetoric.
Any Christian should be able to understand the absurdity of charging several hundred percent over the production cost for medicine the research of which was mostly publicly funded, and was usually already paid for decades ago.
Any Christian should be able to see the absurdity of an economy that destroys food while people go hungry, to keep prices up. Or let's houses and hotels sit vacant while people are homeless.
It takes a great deal of violence and coercion to maintain capitalism, for very little benefit to the average person. For all the political activism of Christians wanting to ban gay marriage or abortion using the coercive violence of these states, few seem to want to live up to Biblical mandates on health care, housing, clothing, etc
I think you had better deal with your fantasy of a god existing, before you try to point out flaws in other systems.
This is typical capitalist projection. You seem to but under the mistaken guise that socialism steals from those who labour to give to those who don't, when in fact that's just Capitalism doing its thing. Not only is socialism compatible with the Bible, capitalism is inherently not compatible with biblical teaching
It takes a lot of maturity to understand the brilliance of Biblical wisdom; i.e. the 7 deadly sins such as envy. History prior to 1950s was filled with hardships that matured people rapidly, whereas today, we're extremely spoiled, entertaining utopian ideals, but it's not coincidental that the more secular a society turns, the more illogical it becomes.
Another day, another strawman.
Capitalism is anti-Christian. Anyone that is Christian cannot be capitalist. If they claim both, then they are lying about one, and usually it is their religious view. The Bible, however, allows for socialism of all spectrums. Not only it says a Christian is to live in a collective but also abandon the corporatism and greed capitalism brings. Even the Bible shows how Jesus was betrayed by money and the closest capitalist figure in the Bible, which was Judah Iscariot.
You’re taking the word of God to promote your own greed.
Did you read the whole Bible my friend..
I think u define socialism defined as communism. For 2020, I do not think the world is running pure socialism, pure communism, or even pure capitalism. I do not think anywhere in the Bible encouraging us to live in any ideology, others than live like Christ and love others like Jesus loves his church.
Wow, apparently Richards has never had an opportunity to read the Gospels, let alone a comprehensive history book! The misinformation (to put it mildly)in this video is simply mind-boggling.
You sir are equating Socialism with Communism. They are not the same. I live in a Democratic Socialist country and own property. There are more than two political parties
There’s a difference between private property and personal property; even Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto says that. Communism seeks to abolish private property not personal property. The difference between the two is private property would be things like land; personal property is commodities such as a toothbrush or a lamp. Even then the Bible still states that we are not to be selfish, but what do you know, that has been put forth towards the culture capitalism has created. In fact everything which capitalism causes is not virtuous. Acts 4 even talks about distribution according to need. It’s pretty clear now that your argument is fallacious; you are only a product of the influence of post-capitalist society. Arguments such as “what about human nature” or “socialism is when the government does stuff” have been drilled into your heads for your whole lives; now you cannot escape this hive mind of far right propaganda because of the ignorance capitalism gave you. All the bad in the world is from capitalism, For example, 3rd world countries are in starvation because of corporations taking recourse from them, and taking them to 1st world countries like America. First off, this is theft, and second off, this is a product of capitalism as this has only happened because of greed and this is the product of an action called “globalization”, which was agreed upon by countries in the U.N to increase economic growth, but what has this led to, poverty. One question, would the Bible support this?
Commandment 10: though shall not covet
The guy in the video: praises a system (capitalism) that is powered by coveting 😂
Read books before you make a video!
Please know the diffrence of personal property and private property. Before you open your mouth. Enough Bible crap comes out of there maybe learning something with facts and logic or even simple definitions will help your case