Addressing the China Challenge in Latin America
China’s growing role in Latin America and the Caribbean has been magnified and accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, but even before the pandemic, China was moving beyond economic ties to advancing a comprehensive agenda for engagement. Now, urgent questions are being asked about China’s role in regional recovery, and the shape of post-pandemic hemispheric relations. Is China the savior some are hoping for, even promoting? What are the regional implications for economic recovery, democracy, and the rule of law of an increasing Chinese profile? And what can the United States do to support long term prosperity and security in the Americas? Join us as we explore these and other pressing matters addressing the China challenge in the Americas.
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I'm very Sorry but you lost us, it's easier to my fellow latinamericans align with the
CCP wich i deeply hate, but they give us cheap goods to trade and chinese people are so friendly, while you give us your hate, discrimination, empower drug cartels, cia operations like fast and furious, expensive goods at the triple your price etc…i'll stick with the USA and Trump all the way, but the reality of latinamericans is another one, it's too late, China already won here.
No matter what, USA will never win here with logical arguments, not even with the true, oportunities or fancy merch or companies, in american culture is embarasing to buy cheap, here is the opposite, corruption is the norm, local goverment, american goverment, chinese goverment..it's exactly the same for the avetage people. Fear for data hacks? LMAO the mayority owns almost nothing. So who is gonna steal our natural resources evil country A or evil country B?
It is interesting to see a foreign perspective about Latin America, but maybe you should have asked a Latin American about how things are being seen from inside. For example, for most people in LatAm both US and China are usually seen as outsiders and in the jungle of Peru and Brazil people understand the difficulties and fear that chinese mining and wood companies destroy local resources but corruption leads those decisions not the feeling of people.
So everyone that is not agreeing with the US is a criminal nation? China, Russia, N Korea, Iran, Venezuela? Really? What a a fucking imbecile the first speaker. Goodbye USA you are losing.
This James turds talk nonsense.
I agree with most of the views exposed in this video, however one of the biggest obstacles for the development of the region is the high levels of corruption held by the governments, I.E Bogotas subway contract that you mentioned, was tailored to make sure it went to the chinese (Bogota has mostly socialist politicians and will be for sale); this fact is an incentive for them to keep the citizens on the dark, uneducated and poor. Argentina is moving farther and farther from the ideals of liberalism, venezuela is a hellish country, brazil is getting better as well as peru; in conclusion the biggest hurdle would be corruption by government and loss of values by societies (this is by design).
US toppled the Bolivia government in the name of democracy. In fact it's just hypocrisy.
You should have invited Dr Evan Ellis, PHD from US Army WAR college, he's the expert on this subject.
Definitions and terms are important, as such, there is no Venezuelan Government, maybe a terrorist narco state, a tyranny of criminal cartels?… certainty NOT a government.
Why does this channel have so few views?
It's so professional